DC New 52 Second Wave

Batman Incorporated art by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

Get ready for the “Second Wave” from DC. The publisher revealed 6 new ongoing series in the DC Comics The New 52 initiative.

 BATMAN INCORPORATED – Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham  team  up on a fresh take on BATMAN INC, in which the Batman brand is franchised worldwide to prepare for a threat to the Earth.

EARTH 2 – James Robinson. And Nicola Scott chronicle the greatest heroes of a parallel Earth, the Justice Society, on a collision course with other worlds.

 WORLDS’ FINEST – Paul Levitz with George Perez and Kevin Maguire on a tale starring Huntress and Power Girl in our world struggling to find their way back to Earth 2. Perez and Maguire will be the artists on alternating arcs.

Dial H art by Brian Bolland courtesy DC Comics

 DIAL H – Novelist China Miéville and Mateus Santoluoco’s new take on the cult classic concept about the psychological effects on an everyman who accidentally gains powers to become a hero. This is the writer’s first ongoing comic book series.

 G.I. COMBAT – J.T. Krul.and Ariel Olivetti team up for the return of a classic DC Comics series, THE WAR THAT TIME FORGOT, along with rotating back-up stories and creative teams – including THE UNKNOWN SOLDIER, with writers Justin Gray and Jimmy Palmiotti and artist Dan Panosian; and THE HAUNTED TANK, with writer John Arcudi and artist Scott Kolins.

  THE RAVAGERS – Howard Mackie and Ian Churchill’s take on superpowered teens on the run from the organization that wants to turn them into villains.This spins out of TEEN TITANS and SUPERBOY.

 Blackhawks, Hawk and Dove, OMAC, Men of War, Mister Terrific and Static Shock will be replaced by these new titles in April. Bob Harras said some of these characters will appear in other New 52 titles.

X-Men Legacy Changes

X-Men Legacy #260.1 cover by Mark Brooks courtesy Marvel.com

  X-Men Legacy #260.1 arrived this week with a new creative team and direction for Rogue, Gambit and Frenzy as they joined the Jean Grey School. This is the first issue since Mike Carey left the book after 5 and a half years of excellence.

  I’m excited to see where I think new writer Christos Gage will take us. Rogue has evolved into a confident mentor of young mutants and she quickly makes one junior X-Man reach a new level of power and potential during a football game.

  There’s a new threat to rebuilt school from an ancient enemy that’s right out of Buffy, The Vampire Slayer’s Sunnydale. I actually forgot that the Xavier estate has some nightmarish neighbors down below. Gage writes a dynamic fight with the invaders that shows off Rogue’s mastery of her power and the potential in the new kids.

  What’s really exciting is the slow burn then passionate ignition of a new love triangle among these X-Men and the return of Exodus. Given the villain’s history with the reforming Frenzy that should create a different kind of spark.

  I absolutely loved David Baldeon’s art which reminded me of Gary Frank on The Incredible Hulk. The first issue is a winner and I’m excited to see how the legacy evolves.

Daredevil, Punisher and Spider-Man Feel the Omega Effect


The Omega Effect promo art courtesy Marvel.com

  Avenging Spider-Man, Daredevil and The Punisher collide in The Omega Effect. This 3 part crossover blasts into stores this April! Greg Rucka and Mark Waid were featured in today’s Next Big Thing Marvel Event and included some just drop dead gorgeous art from Marco Checcetto, Marcos Martin and Steve McNiven!

  Mark Waid recapped that Daredevil discovered a device with secrets about the five biggest criminal organizations in the Marvel Universe.

  “Matt is trying to figure out the best application for this thing when Frank Castle knocks on the door.” -Waid

  “When Frank finds out about the drive and what’s on it, he figures he should have that. ‘I can keep it safe and I can use it properly.’ Matt hears that as ‘I can keep it safe and I can use it to kill lots of people.’ So you see the conflict immediately.” -Rucka


Avenging Spider-Man #6 courtesy Marvel.com

  The two writers are working together on Avenging Spider-Man #6 kicking off the story. Reed Richards recruits Spider-Man to recover this device he invented.

   “It’s several players from different walks of life with similar goals who try to work together, but as the story progresses, different allegiances arise and backstabbing take place.” -Waid

  “When Mark told me some of his bigger plans for Daredevil, it became clear to me that some of the things I was doing in Punisher fit. We’re working together without bending or breaking either of our books.” -Rucka

  “Daredevil has been in the ‘Why hasn’t he committed suicide yet?’ phase for so long. The new lease on life Mark has given Matt makes him, honestly, more fun. Mark never forgets the wonder that makes super hero universes so vibrant. You never forget that Matt is blind, and that is a detriment, but there is something quite beautiful and elegant in the way Mark never lets you forget both the blessing and curse of that.” -Rucka


The Punisher #10 courtesy Marvel.com

“What Greg has done with Punisher not only in print, but as I’ve talked to him, he’s given me an understanding of a character I up to this have never given a nickel about. Not only has Greg explained his mission from his point of view, but he’s given him an accomplice, which gives me an emotional hook for the character. Daredevil has made peace with never being able to change Frank, but maybe there’s some hope for redemption elsewhere.” -Mark Waid

Spider-Man is caught between these two and Waid praised what Dan Slott is doing with Peter Parker.

  “The whole new rule of Spider-Man, the law of Dan Slott, is that nobody dies. I love that. It makes him unique and strong in the Marvel Universe. And to throw him up against The Punisher with that point of view…” -Mark Waid

Daredevil #11 courtesy Marvel.com

For the full interview with Rucka, Waid and Editor Steve Wacker click here.

X-Men Revenge Cross-Over Idea 2

Uncanny X-Men #123 featuring Arcade courtesy Marvel.com

  My obsessions are colliding again after the latest episode of Revenge. I always love seeing Roger Bart on screen. I was fortunate to see him on stage in a pre-Broadway version of Young Frankenstein the Musical in Seattle. Last night Bart guest starred on my favorite new television guilty pleasure as a bow tie wearing author.

 Every time I saw him I kept thinking this guy could play Arcade, the X-Men villain. The assassin-for-hire traps his targets in his Murderworlds – an amusement park style complex filled with high-tech deathtraps. Bart looks the part with the bow tie but has an extensive resume of characters that go frightfully unhinged right before our eyes.

  One theory of Arcade’s background is that he was a spoiled rich kid who killed his own father upon learning he was about to be disinherited. Arcade finally found something he was good at and used his fortune to build his Murderworlds. For the complete Arcade bio visit this Marvel link.

 And I still hold on to my earlier post that Emma Frost should visit the Hamptons to cross paths with the man who could be her twin – Nolan Ross.

Zanadu Comics Round Table Night One

Zanadu Comics Seattle First Round Table Group 1/11/12

  Watch out Court of Owls, the Comic Geek Round Table of Seattle is the newest secret society…well not so secret.

  Tonight Zanadu Comics Downtown Seattle hosted the first ever Comics Round Table. Perry, Howard, Casey and Morgan who I learned is the store’s self-described ‘shelf monkey’ welcomed 10 customers to share, discuss and recommend what we love about the medium.

  Tonight reminded me of what’s cool about comics and my fellow fans. The shared love of comics brings together fans of different backgrounds with diverse tastes and helps us understand each other and pushes us to try a different kind of book we may not usually pick up and have a new experience.

  Everyone shared a book, creator or publisher that we currently love or have rediscovered to recommend to the group. I hope I have captured everyone’s picks and the topics that kept coming up during tonight’s round table.

  Brothers of the Spear – Dark Horse Comics – Perry’s pick

  The favorite writers of women in comics – Terry Moore, Greg Rucka

  Greg Rucka’s new web comic Lady Sabre and the Pirates of the Ineffable Aether

  X-Statix Omnibus by Milligan and Allred – Milligan’s Justice League Dark

 2000 A.D. the birthplace of Judge Dredd and anticipation for the new film – Clint Eastwood should have been Dredd and the helmet stays on!

  Preacher is the all time favorite of Scott Adams (It finally nice to put a face to the email! Great to finally meet you.)

  The Goon by Eric Powell

  DMZ by Brian Wood

  Batwoman – a definite favorite among the majority of the round table!

  Howard wanted to “show some love” to Archie recommending the twin timelines of Life With Archie and how it’s evolving into an Archie multiverse.

  Secret History published by Archaia

  Hellshock by Jae Lee – (I always wondered what happened to that 90’s Image creation that just vanished…the finale finally came out.)

  Thunder Agents by Nick Spencer

  Uncanny X-Force by Rick Remember, Wolverine and the X-Men by Jason Aaron

  The Strange Talent of Luther Strode from Image Comics

  Butcher Baker, The Righteous Maker by Joe Casey described by Casey as “Captain America doing drugs and banging hookers.”

  Image is the source of new talent, new ideas


  Hellboy, B.P.R.D.

  Longshot (Much love) and X-Factor by Peter David now featuring Longshot

  Swamp Thing

  Animal Man

  King of the Flies by Fantagraphics

  Young Liars by Dave Lapham

  OMAC by Dan Didio

  Breaking the boys club at the big publishers could mean more female driven titles.  Gail Simone and Marjorie Liu (soon to be on Astonishing X-Men) are the only top female writers

  A recommendation to try European books where comics are treated like art by the mainstream and it doesn’t follow the American book a month structure/ schedule.

  Jason Thompson brought everyone a copy of Hyperborea, a comic featuring his art from Mock Man Press.

  Next step for the round table: A book from a non-top tier publisher for the group to read and discuss and a non-superhero genre book.

  If I may have left out one of your picks or themes – I have to admit I got home and couldn’t read all my shorthand – please send me a comment on this post or to comicsblendwill@gmail.com.

  If you’re in the Seattle area check out Zanadu’s facebook page or this site for the next round table and always feel free to give me your picks.


Calling All Seattle Geeks


Zanadu Comics is hosting their first ever comic round table event tonight from 6:30-8pm. Stop by the downtown store and discuss comics, the industry or other related topics with your fellow Seattle geeks! I’ll see you there!

Dark Knight Rises Covers EW


courtesy Entertainment Weekly

This image gave me a geeky chill! Christian Bale as Batman on the upcoming issue of Entertainment Weekly! The feature will include a new Christopher Nolan interview. The online tease features what some Batfans might consider at spoiler so just in case….




– Nolan tells EW that the last chapter of his cinematic saga explores the ramifications of The Dark Knight’s chilling climax, in which Batman and super-cop Jim Gordon (Gary Oldman) hatch a conspiracy to cover up the sins of Gotham City’s so-called “white knight,” the late Harvey Dent, a.k.a. Two-Face (Aaron Eckhart). Nolan also discusses the potential political subtext of Rises.

I posted earlier that I was curious about why Bane was holding a photo of Harvey Dent in the Empire Magazine story…maybe we’ll receive a new clue to that puzzle this week.

New Captain America and Hawkeye Series

  Marvel revealed a new Captain America and Hawkeye series (it will take over the current Captain America and Bucky in April.) in today’s Next Big Thing press event featuring writer Cullen Bunn.

Captain America and Hawkeye #629 courtesy Marvel.com

“The simple way to describe the first arc is that Captain America and Hawkeye go out and fight a bunch of dinosaurs. That’s how I pitched it.”

“Cap and Hawkeye have gone through so much together, but they have a very different approach to how they do things. I wanted to explore that relationship and how they see each other.”

“I’ve always connected with Hawkeye. He’s got that Robin Hood thing going on. For some reason archer characters are always interesting. He’s a rogue, he’s got a big personality, he’s a smart ass–all those things help him along. He’s a ‘regular guy’ but he’s also the greatest archer in the world. In the face of overwhelming odds, he never backs down, and I think people can relate to that. He’s as close to an everyman as you can get in a world where people can knock down buildings with a punch.”

Secret Avengers #22 cover Gabriel Hardman courtesy Marvel.com

  “In many ways Clint really admires Cap and they’re best of friends, but they get under each others’ skins like nobody else. I love my brothers, I’d do anything for them, but they drive me nuts sometimes. I channeled a lot of that into this book.”

 Bunn will be joined by Alessandro Vitti for the 4 issue arc.

“When you look at Alessandro Vitti’s style, it’s very distinct, and I like that. The first pages he turned is for this was a big action scene, and there’s something about they way he conveyed it in a fluid nature, really made it flow and come alive, that blew me away.”

“Captain America touches on all different corners of the Marvel Universe, so there are limitless possibilities for this book.” Bunn said of the title’s constant star. 

  Captain America & Hawkeye will run for a four-issue arc, then the title will change again. This series will be a Captain America team-up title featuring other characters.

  “Iron Man will follow Hawkeye and the Black Widow arc has been approved, but there are a number of other characters I’ve mapped out, and a lot are ones he has not interacted with in a major way. But there will also be characters who have history with Cap. And there will be new characters introduced who will have an impact not only on the arc they appear in, but on Captain America moving forward.”  Cullen Bunn

I recommend you checking out The Fearless written by Bunn along with Matt Fraction and Christopher Yost. Who do you want Cullen Bunn to pair Cap with after the Hawkeye, Iron Man and Black Widow arcs?