Green Arrow TV Pilot

Green Arrow #4 courtesy DC Comics

  Will the Green Arrow shoot and score his own television series? The CW is going back to the DC Universe.

  The CW Network and Warner Brothers Television have ordered a pilot from Greg Berlanti and Marc Guggenheim (the team who wrote the Green Lantern film ) are writing and executive producing the project with Andrew Kreisberg (he wrote issues of Green Lantern and Black Canary comics) according to the Live Feed from the Hollywood Reporter.

  Justin Hartley played Oliver Queen/Green Arrow on Smallville but is not attached to the Arrow pilot.

 Berlanti is also involved developing a Booster Gold pilot for SyFy Channel.

X-Kid’s Fiery Future and Kitty’s Labor Pains

Wolverine and The X-Men #4 cover by Nick Bradshaw courtesy

  Fun 101 is in session in Wolverine and The X-Men #4 out this week. Jason Aaron continues taking us on great ride with drama, action and humor.

  Aaron may become the “John Hughes” of mutant writers with this issue – and I mean that as a huge compliment since I was a teen in that era. The way Aaron captures the inner struggles, hopes and fears of this motley student body reminds me of the Hughes era teen films.

  Would that make Quentin Quire a psychotic Ferris Buller?  

  Two refugees from the Dark Angel Saga in Uncanny X-Force join the Jean Grey School. Deathlok is a guest lecturer delivering dire predictions for the students and we see a vision of the future that includes one student sporting a very familiar firebird image.

  Marvel freaked me out with an eerie preview image of Kitty Pryde pregnant and surrounded by Brood. In this issue Kitty’s labor pains begin and the headmistress receives a second biological shock.

  Nick Bradshaw takes over from Chris Bachalo as artist. Bradshaw’s work reminds me of Art Adams and is perfect for the chaotic cast. This is a book that keeps delivering fun energy and surprises.

AVX: Emma Frost Versus Hulk?


AVX Hulk Vs. Emma Frost image by Carlo Pagulayan courtesy

  Some Marvel AVX teaser images have inspired sighs, cheers and dread but this one just makes me say “what!” and fear Emma Frost’s days and nights with Cyclops may over.

  Emma may be an omega level telepath that can transform her body into diamond but this is the Hulk. Her diamond form is no match for the Green Goliath and I wondered if the Hulk’s mind may be simple and childlike Emma’s mental power would be mute?

  From the first announcement of AVX I feared an X-Woman will be sacrificed and if this matchup really happens I think Scott’s losing streak with women may continue.

Love for Lady Shiva

Lady Shiva courtesy DC Comics

With the announcement of six new titles from the DC Comics The New 52 Second Wave and a new look the trailer for Haywire – it came to me like a geekasm!

Gail Simone on a new Lady Shiva series and Haywire star Gina Carano playing the master assassin in the next Batman film…oh yeah….back to the comic book series idea…

Lady Shiva is one of the deadliest assassins in the DC Universe. Shiva has fought with and against or trained a who’s who including Batman, Cassandra Cain, Black Canary, Tim Drake, Ra’s Al Ghul, the League of Assassins, and the Brotherhood of the Fist.

Gail Simone’s reel (because her writing is downright cinematic) features Birds of Prey, Secret Six and the dynamic new Batgirl. I don’t think the martial arts grandmaster has appeared in the New 52 yet and I think Simone is the perfect choice to unleash Lady Shiva on DC’s New 52 underworld.

By Editor


Zanadu Round Table Round 2

Zanadu Comics Seattle First Round Table Group 1/11/12

  This first Zanadu Round Table was a great experience. Round 2 is on for Wednesday, February 8th. For the second edition the group will read a new issue and discuss. This month’s issue will be Prophet #21 by Brandon Graham and Simon out January 18th. Come join the discussion, bring a friend and your ideas and recommendations.


AVX: Beast Versus Luke Cage? Say It Ain’t So

AvX image by Alan Davis courtesy

  No way I can choose between these favorites of mine: Beast versus Luke Cage. 

  Marvel’s latest AVX teaser image shows the X-Man/Avenger versus the New Avenger trashing Avenger archives in the mansion.

  Legendary Alan Davis created this image that certainly seems to answer a burning question: which side will Beast choose?

Ms. Marvel’s Revenge in Avengers Versus X-Men?

AvX teaser art by Humberto Ramos courtesy

  Marvel revealed new teasers for the upcoming Avengers Versus X-Men. Humberto Ramos created this match-up over Paris. Looks like AVX may re-ignite an old rivalry!

  Rogue bested Ms. Marvel back in the day under Mystique’s orders. Rogue permanently absorbed Carol’s powers and personality. Wolverine wanted to gut Rogue the first time she wanted to join the X-Men. Professor X eventually helped Carol through her comatose to Binary and back to Ms. Marvel days.

  I admit I’m rooting for Rogue and she may have the power advantage but Ms. Marvel may have learned her lesson and is ready and may have secretly been yearning for a rematch.

Ultimate X-Men Kitty, Ultimate Twists

Ultimate Comics X-Men #6 cover by Kaare Andrews courtesy

  I confess I might buy a copy of the phone book if Kitty Pryde was in it. Kitty is the main reason I started Ultimate Comics X-Men but Nick Spencer had made me love entire cast and delivered one big huge “WHOAH!” moment at the end of issue #6 out this week.

 The Ultimate Kitty Pryde is the hardened, resourceful leader of a small band of mutant survivors. Kitty is known as The Shroud and wears a metal mask and red cloak. Pryde is leading the Ultimate Iceman, Johnny Storm and Jimmy Hudson against Reverend Stryker and a wave of Nimrods.

  I thought Stryker, Nimrod Sentinels and Val Cooper had been done to death in the regular universe but Spencer puts new twists and layers to their counterparts. Rogue is the tragic pawn in the struggle to save the remaining mutants and just when you think you understand her actions in this arc…there’s a last panel shocker plus a preview image that will have me back next month.

  Paco Medina’s art is dynamic and I love this Kaare Andrews cover that makes me think of Christina Ricci.