When Rick Remender takes over Secret Avengers #22 he’ll put the covert heroes up against The Descendants, evolved from the Marvel’s most famous androids and robots by the mysterious Father. Remender has been digging into Marvel history to create this new threat.
The writer is sharing extensive research notes and commentary about these new races challenging the Earth’s Mightiest Heroes on Marvel .com. Next up is the Machine People.
“Imagined, designed, built and activated for the United States Army, X-51 exceeded its programming and came to act as a kind-of surrogate child to its creator, Dr. Abel Stack. The robot escaped what it deemed captivity after Stack’s death and inaugurated its first self-motivated step towards the facsimile of humanity: it took on a human face and name.”

“Neurotic,” says Remender of Machine Man’s Descendants, the Machine People, whom he further calls “the Woody Allen of robot species.”
“There are so many of them,” he notes. “The set piece for the SECRET AVENGERS story is a city called The Core. The Core is a moon that is in the center of the Earth’s iron core. It’s where all of the robots have been living for many, many years. It’s where the Descendants have been thriving and procreating away from humanity. The Machine People are a large portion of the general population of the core. They are all highly intelligent and a bit nuts.”
For more of Remender’s notes and quotes click here. Earlier this week he unveiled the Ultravisions.