New Creators Announced for Emerald City Comicon

  Emerald City Comicon is adding more star power to an already impressive group of guests for fans to meet. Today they announced more creators for this year’s event:

Jacen Burrows is best known for his work for Avatar Press including Night of the Living Dead, Warren Ellis’ Blackgas, Alan Moore’s Neonomicon, Chronicles of Wormwood and Garth Ennis’ Crossed.

Kelly Sue DeConnick is known for her work on Supergirl, Spider-Island: I Love New York City, Black Widow, Yo Gabba Gabba: Comic Book Time and  recently a comic book adaptation of the hit series Castle: Richard Castle’s Deadly Storm.

Mike Wolfer currently works on Lady Death, Stitched and War Goddess. His career spans 20 years and collaborations with Alan Moore, Warren Ellis and Garth Ennis.

Chrissie Zullo is known for her work on Hack/Slash, Madame Xanadu, and Fables.

Randy Milholland is known for his work on webcomics Something Positive, New Gold Dreams and Midnight Macabre.


Seattle’s Newest Heroes in X-Factor #234

X-Factor #234 courtesy

  I love Seattle. It’s been my home for 13+ years. We have great comic book stores, cafes and cons: Emerald City Comicon, Geek Girl Con and Jet City Comic Show. Ed Brubaker calls Seattle home so that makes us pretty cool too. Oh and we have a Troll eating a volkswagen under an overpass…seriously.

 We already have a real life masked crime fighter named Phoenix Jones, leader of the Rain City Superhero Movement. 

  Now Peter David is giving us two new super heroes in X-Factor #234. Marvel’s April Solicitation for the issue “introduces Seattle’s new heroes: The Insignia and Shutterbug. (One of whom may not make it though the issue.)”

  Will they be mutants? Does this mean X-Factor Investigations latest case will take the detectives to the Emerald City?

 The teaser promises a catfight too. Monet and Layla have a showdown and a dead X-Factor member returns. I’m in! You really should come check out ECCC-it’s March 30-April 1 and budge some time to go see the Troll.

X-Men Legacy #261 Exodus From the Jean Grey School?


X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy

  X-Men Legacy #261 isn’t just in fine hands but phenomenal hands. Christos Gage took over last month after Mike Carey long run.  His second issue is filled with drama, humor and action. A love triangle is building into a quadrangle. An old enemy arrives.

  I’ve never been a fan of the villain Exodus. He’s a pink skinned, immortal mutant who can do anything but I think it’s very clever how Gage uses him here. Exodus wants to reunite the X-Men. Through the conflict the X-Men show why Schism happened and why they made the right choice to follow Logan.

X-Men Legacy #261 preview art courtesy

  Gage has picked up the baton from Carey when it comes to portraying Rogue as the confident teacher/leader she’s become. From her girl talk with Rachel about long distance relationships to tapping into powers for a takedown of Exodus, this is the decisive, exciting Rogue I’ve come to love.

  I really love David Baldeon’s art. His work is energetic and expessive. The fight scenes are dynamic and a great fit with Nick Bradshaw’s work on Wolverine and the X-Men. I’m reminded of Gary Frank and Dale Keown’s work on The Incredible Hulk.  


I’m definitely excited to see where this new team take Rogue, Gambit, Frenzy and company. The Exodus plot is not over and looks like this team is heading back to Utopia.

Matt Fraction at Emerald City Comicon


The Mighty Thor #1 courtesy

  I’m excited to report that Matt Fraction is returning to Emerald City Comicon. I loved Fraction’s Uncanny X-Men era which included the X-Men/Dark Avengers: Utopia. Matt is known for his long run on Invincible Iron Man, The Mighty Thor and 2011’s big event Fear Itself.

   Matt recently relaunched The Defenders and is co-plotting The Fearless, both spinning out of event from Fear Itself. Matt is part of the team creating Avengers Versus X-Men debuting this April.

  Fraction’s creator owned book Casanova continues to push the boundaries of storytelling and your mind!

Casanova Luxuria #1 courtesy

    I’m very lucky to have several autographed issues and graphic novels by him. Time to start choosing what I hope to have signed this year! 

  Emerald City Comicon is March 30th-April 1st in Seattle.

The Walking Dead: Two New Survivors

  Two new survivors join The Walking Dead television series. Will they be allies or enemies for Rick and company. Comic Book Movie reports that Aaron Munoz and Raymond James joined the cast are featured in the recent teaser for next episode coming February 12 on AMC.

  The Walking Dead #93 hit comic book stores today with a new arc leading A Larger World up to the 100th issue.

The End Begins for Wolverine’s Son

Daken: Dark Wolverine #20 courtesy

  Daken: Dark Wolverine #20 arrived today. This issue sets up Daken’s endgame leading up to the final issue. I’ve enjoyed Wolverine’s psychotic son’s mad path across the Marvel Universe. Daken took over his father’s title and even became “Wolverine” on Norman Osborn’s Dark Avengers.

  I wanted to share part of Rob Williams interview with Comic Book Resources about his plans for Wolverine’s evil son and how his game plan changed upon learning Marvel was cancelling the series.

  “I’ll be completely honest. It’s disappointing. It’s ending before we would have liked it to end. The good thing is Marvel let me know the news in October. Also, they gave me plenty of time to prepare a final arc to tie this up. So it’s not being twisted in too brutal or uncomfortable of a way.”

Daken: Dark Wolverine #20 interior art courtesy

  “So we have these final four issues, which gives us a good bit of room to tell an emotional and organic story. It’s not what I would have done originally, but when you are cancelled it does give you the freedom to really tell the story you want to tell and not concern yourself with the reaction of anybody.”

  “This final arc certainly has a strong meta theme to it, which is the cancellation. I don’t want to give too much away, but that will have a physical implication to Daken. He’s got a finite amount of time left just like the book. It’s the same with me writing it. I had long term plans for this book. Then suddenly you have to bring those long terms plans to a head right now. So that’s exactly what Daken does. He’s got to get to the heart of things in a hurry because he only has a few issues left. That’s very cryptic isn’t it?”

  Daken: Dark Wolverine ends with issue #23. For more of Rob’s interview here’s the Comic Book Resources link. X-23 is ending too. But Logan’s cloned daughter joined Avengers Academy.


Can Hawkeye Cut It? Remender Takes Over Secret Avengers

Secret Avengers #21.1 courtesy

  Secret Avengers #21.1 is Rick Remender’s first issue with the covert team. But this story is a team-up between Captain America and Hawkeye.  

  You could say Remender has created a “Kobayashi Maru” test* for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. *All respect to Star Trek lore and their fans.

 The Avengers’ ultimate boy scout and outlaw are on an undercover mission in a nation run by criminals for criminals.

  It’s an action filled story of breaking, bonding and a hero pushing to prove himself.  Marvel already revealed Hawkeye was going to be the new Secret Avengers leader but this issue shows us how Steve and Clint fought their way to get to this point.

  The Shadow Council subplot continues and a new Masters of Evil is revealed. 

  After seeing what Remender did with Uncanny X-Force, I’m excited to see where he’ll take these covert Avengers and how he’ll develop Hawkeye.

The Wrath of Khan’s Ride – Lego Style!


courtesy Brick Brothers

  I’ve met some devoted Star Trek fans but this guy is takes devotion warp speed to the farthest edge of the quadrant! Christer Nyberg has replicated the U.S.S. Reliant with Lego bricks! The Reliant was the Federation starship stolen by Khan in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan (or as Kirk said, “KKKKKHAAAAAAAANNNNNNNN!!!”)

“In late 2010 I decided to combine my two geek loves, LEGO and Star Trek. There is not a lot of good Star Trek MOCs on the net, there’s some really cool micro-scale stuff but not much in the large category. I realised quickly that it would be impossible to contruct a large scale USS Enterprise using pure LEGO, so I had to look for another ship. The USS Reliant from Wrath of Khan is much more compact and less spindly, so it seemed a suitable candidate. Many bricklink orders and bricks later (and over a year of prototyping and building) here she is! I have not counted the pieces (my sanity is grateful!) but I would estimate somewhere in the 10-15k range.” the creator told Eurobricks.

courtesy The Brothers Brick


Mister Nyberg, I salute you!

Thanks to Comics Alliance for the story via The Brothers Brick.