John Carter Comics Explosion

  Edgar Rice Burroughs’ legendary novels comes alive on the big screen in Disney’s John Carter.    

  Taylor Kitsch plays the military officer transported to a bizarre new world. Director Andrew Stanton creates the strange world and warring races of Mars. Lynn Collins plays Princess Dejah Thoris. Collins was on the first season of True Blood an played Silver Fox in X-Men Origins: Wolverine. Willem Dafoe plays the warrior Tars Tarkas, one of my favorite characters. 

  Disney’s John Carter arrives March 3rd in theaters.

John Carter The World of Mars courtesy


  You can get ready for the big screen adventure with several graphic novels:

 John Carter Worlds of Mars is an all ages series from Marvel collecting John Carter: A Princess of Mars #1-#5. This series features the Earthman’s first encounter with the Princess of Mars, the white apes of Barsoom, and the warrior races, the Tharks. 


The Warlord of Mars courtesy Dynamite Entertainment





  Dynamite Entertainment publishes several comics based on Edgar Rice Burroughs series. Schedule to arrive Wednesday:

 Warlord of Mars Annual #1 stars Tars Tarkas, the green warrior John Carter will encounter.

Warlord of Mars: Fall of Barsoom Volume #1 focuses on ancient wars on Mars 100,000 years before John Carter’s arrival.

 Warriors of Mars #1 features the Earthman who arrives on Mars before John Carter.

So there are some graphic novels get your Mars- ready for the big screen adventure!

The Avengers Loki’s New Role

This sounds strange and fascinating! Tom Hiddleston (Loki from Thor and The Avengers) will Tilda Swinton, John Hurt, Mia Wasikowska in a new film by Jim Jarmusch. Only Loves Left Alive is described as as vampire romance meets horror drama according to the Hollywood Reporter. That’s a cast with a ton of comic book and fantasy genre credits. Thanks to Dark Horizons for the story.

The Dark Knight Rises Joseph Gordon-Levitt

Joseph Gordon-Levitt on the set of The Dark Knight Rises courtesy Jose Perez Splash News

  Joseph Gordon-Levitt hints that The Dark Knight Rises will explore the themes similar to the Occupy Wall Street movement. The actor plays Officer John Blake and talked with Sundance Channel’s Sunfiltered.

  Christopher Nolan has said A Tale of Two Cities was an element of inspiration for the film. Anne Hathaway as Selina Kyle whispers to Bruce Wayne in the trailer “You and your friends better batten down the hatches because when it hits, you’re all going to wonder how you ever thought you could live so large and leave so little for the rest of us.”

 The trailer shows protests in the streets of Gotham City. The cast and crew were filming as the real protests were happening. Fans assume the spirit of that movement is a theme of the final Batman film. 

  “Yup! I know. You saw it, man. The trailer isn’t misleading and Nolan’s not the type of guy to create a trailer that will sell you something other than what the movie is,” Gordon-Levitt said.

For more of Joseph Gordon-Levitt’s interview click here.

Nightwing: The Lost Year courtesy DC Comics

  Back to Geek Dreaming – I’m still curious if Gordon-Levitt’s John Blake will more than just a police officer. Some fans speculated he could become Nightwing. If the film does follow the Knightfall storyline with Bane breaking Batman, I can picture Joseph Gordon-Levitt as the character taking up mantle of protecting Gotham City.

  I know Dick Grayson is Robin first but Nightwing’s vibe and costume are so much cooler.

  Joseph Gordon-Levitt starred in the excellent romantic indie comedy 500 Days of Summer directed by Marc Webb – who’s directing the Spidey reboot, The Amazing Spider-Man.

By Editor

Star Trek: The Next Generation 25th Anniversary Reunion


The cast of Star Trek: The Next Generation 1987 photo by Gene Trindl courtesy


  Star Trek: The Next Generation fans engage to the Calgary Comic and Entertainment Expo. Event organizers scored a major geek coup: the first ever reunion of the principal cast. This stellar event will mark the 25th Anniversary of the series.

 Sir Patrick Stewart, Jonathan Frakes, Levar Burton, Gates McFadden, Marina Sirtis, Michael Dorn, Brent Spiner, Will Wheaton, Denise Crosby will appear at Star Trek TNG EXPOsed, a special ticketed event on April 28 at the Stampede Corral.

 “A lot of guys in the entertainment industry are looking at (the Calgary Comic Expo) now and thinking ‘How the hell did they pull that off?’ It’s like the little engine that could, right?” said founder Kandrix Foong.

 Thanks to the Calgary Herald for the story.

 Congratulations to the Calgary Comic Expo team for this huge gift for Star Trek fans! It is cool and weird that southern Alberta would be the location for this reunion. Although I admit I once visited beautiful Calgary in December when it was 20 below zero and it felt like I was breathing on an ice planet.

 William Shatner, Leonard Nimoy, Will Wheaton, Jonathan Frakes and Brent Spiner have been at my hometown’s excellent event and Emerald City Comicon welcomes George Takei this year.



Clark Kent’s Rival Cast in The Man of Steel?

Director Zach Snyder and Robert Gerdisch on the set of The Man of Steel courtesy IMDB

  The Superman: The Man of Steel Facebook team spotted a possible new cast member on Zach Snyder’s Superman reboot: The Man of Steel. IMDB now lists Robert Gerdisch as Whitney Fordham. Whitney Fordman was an athlete and Clark’s rival for Lana Lang on Smallville.

This photo supports the story. IMDB describes this as Director Zach Snyder and Robert Gerdisch on the Vancouver, British Columbia set of The Man of Steel.

Thanks to Comic Book Movie for the story.

Tweet with The Avengers Director and Stars

Avengers Character Banners courtesy

  How many fans would love the chance to talk with Joss Whedon? I would probably be speechless or so hard trying to be cool – I’d blow all my questions.

  Marvel is giving you the rare opportunity to chat (via Twitter) with the fan favorite creator and two stars of The Avengers.

  Tom Hiddleston (Loki) and Clark Gregg (SHIELD Agent Coulson) will join the writer/director Tuesday, January 31st 2pm EST for a global chat.

Fans can use the @Avengers handle and #Avengers hashtag in a live 30 minute session. The faithful will be rewarded with a :10 second preview of the :30 second commercial appearing in the Super Bowl.

For more details here’s the link to learn more.

X-Men: First Class Screenwriter Talks Sequel

Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy from X-Men: First Class courtesy

  Jane Goldman is screenwriter and queen of comic book geek friendly films. She’s featured in Entertainment Weekly because her new film The Woman in Black starring Daniel Radcliffe opens February 3rd. I was fascinated to learn the greek cred connections Goldman shares.

  With director Matthew Vaughn, she gave us Kick-Ass and X-Men: First Class. The Goldman-Vaughn partnership started with an adaptation of Neil Gaiman’s Stardust. He’s a family friend who recommended Goldman to Vaughn. Her husband is British television presenter Jonathan Ross, who is collaborating with Bryan Hitch on an upcoming comic book series, America’s Got Powers. Goldman wrote the short film James Bond Supports International Women’s Day.

 With Kick-Ass based on Mark Millar’s comic and X-Men: First Class -Goldman has become the female member of a male dominated clique of superhero-film makers. 

“The only moment I became aware of being the only woman in a meeting is when actresses are being discussed,” she told EW, “If someone’s critical of how a woman looks, they turn to me and apologize.”

Goldman told EW she and Matthew Vaughn enjoyed a “huge amount of freedom” on the reboot. And her response to a Vaughn directed sequel, “I’m there.”

I’ve posted my hope that a X-Men: First Class sequel will introduce Magneto’s children: Polaris, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver.

I loved Kick-Ass, Stardust and X-Men: First Class – all very different movies from the comic book genre that worked – a sure sign that the Goldman/Vaughn partnership is magic.


Taylor Kitsch on The John Carter Workout

Taylor Kitsch as John Carter AP Photo Frank Connor courtesy Disney Enterprises

  I loved reading John Carter of Mars books by Edgar Rice Burroughs when I was younger and was thrilled to learn Disney and director Andrew Stanton would bring the adventure to the big screen.

  Taylor Kitsch will play John Carter in the upcoming Disney epic directed by Andrew Stanton. The British Columbia native said he underwent a tough regime to get in shape for his sword fights and sporting a loincloth.

  “It’s the most boring diet you could think of, really, it was four months before and seven months during, so an 11-month regimen with that. Good times,” he told The Associated Press. “Training at 4:30 in the morning before you go to work, and then training for the four months before as well. And then during the day, you’re training as well before takes.”

  For more of the interview click here.

John Carter: The World of Mars #4 courtesy


  While John Carter fans wait for the movie, you can experience the World of Mars in a new series from Marvel Comics.