Cullen Bunn is taking over Wolverine’s solo book after Jason Aaron’s 3 year run. I’m a huge fan of his work starring Valkyrie in Fear Itself: The Fearless. The latest issue of that series featured a bloody brawl between Logan and Crossbones.
“Of all the Marvel characters I’ve worked with, Wolverine’s definitely the most ‘down and dirty,’” Bunn said today on Marvel.com. “His physical confrontations are up close, personal, and bloody. He’s more visceral. I think Wolverine’s a character most of us want to be like. His ‘code’ is pretty appealing. He stands up for what he believes in. He owns up to his mistakes and he tries to make amends. His friends can count on him when the chips are down.

“He doesn’t start trouble unless there’s no other choice. He doesn’t flinch—and he doesn’t take crap from anyone.”
In his first arc Bunn said he’s bringing a nasty villain from Jason Aaron’s run back to plague Logan.
Cullen Bunn and Paul Pelletier take over with Wolverine #305 For the complete interview here’s the Marvel.com link.