I love spies. I love gorillas. Ed Brubaker had me with a machine gun firing giant gorilla in the premiere issue. You can’t do that in a James Bond flick. The cool factor blasts even higher in The Winter Soldier #2.
Can we just take a moment to wipe the drool away after gazing upon Lee Bermejo’s cover? Seeing this there’s no doubt the Winter Soldier and Black Widow are the sexiest, coolest characters in the Marvel universe.
Brubaker takes us on a wild ride as Bucky and Natasha track down Russian sleeper agents, the mystery villains behind the conspiracy and oh yeah, someone had the cahones to attempt assassinate Doctor Doom. He was not amused.
Butch Guice’s art is a perfect fit for Brubaker’s plot. You feel you’re in a the darkest underworld of the Marvel Universe.
Another winner. A killer teaser image from the next chapter. This is building up to something huge – accept this mission!
Side note: A non comic book reading friend was browsing through this issue and was impressed. He’d seen Captain America: The First Avenger so when I told him who the Winter Soldier really is…a big smile crept on his face saying that will be awesome (referring to a possible sequel based on The Winter Soldier.) If that sounds like a hint…it is.