The Walking Dead fans are buzzing with the announcement of The Governor appearing in Season Three on AMC. Creator Robert Kirkman praised British actor David Morrissey.
“More than any other actor, David Morrissey came in and wanted to embrace everything that there is to the Governor,” Kirkman told MTV News. “He knew this is a complicated character, and he knew this was a character that people are going to hate to love.”
“He recognized that this character is a villain,” he added. “A lot of people came in and were like, ‘But he’s a good guy inside, right?’ They want that nuance, and that’s definitely important. We definitely have that. The Governor isn’t a one-note character; there are a lot of layers to that onion. But this is a sadistic guy. David Morrissey, more than any other actor, really wanted to sink his teeth into that role. He wants to embrace everything there is about the Governor.”

The Governor commits unspeakable acts against the survivors fans know and love in the graphic novel series. Kirkman says the Governor’s television counterpart will be just as sadistic.
“It was really important to me that no one gets the sense that we’re neutering the Governor from the comics or holding anything back in any way,” said Kirkman. “We’re definitely going to do the character justice, and season three will be that much crazier and that much more intense because of it.”
For the entire interview here’s the MTV News link.
A big question for fans is if Michonne will make her debut on the series too since she’s part of the action in the Governor arc in the books.