Spider-Man Vs. Lizard

Amazing Spider-Man #688 courtesy Marvel.com

  The Lizard (Rhys Ifans) will torment Andrew Garfield in the big screen reboot Amazing Spider-Man this summer. Dan Slott will unleash the Lizard in Amazing Spider-Man #688 with art by Giuseppe Camucolo. Marvel revealed the upcoming arc at Wondercon this past weekend. No Going Back will feature a battle between Spidey and his reptilian foe.

“We’ve had funny stories, crime stories, team-up stories, summer blockbuster stories, personal stories—this time, we’re going for horror,” Slott tells Marvel.com. “This summer we’re giving you a chiller; we’re going from wall-crawling to skin crawling.”

For the entire interview here’s the Marvel .com link.

The Ends of the Earth arc starts this week. 

More on Marvel.com: http://marvel.com/news/story/18305/wondercon_2012_amazing_spider-man#ixzz1paEoMWgz

Prometheus Sequel?


Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

  The Prometheus promotion mission continues at full blast. Director Ridley Scott hinted at a sequel at big presentation as Wondercon this weekend.

 “If we’re lucky, maybe we’ll have a second part because at the end of Prometheus, the film does leave some nice, big, open questions.” He also sounds very glad to be back in this genre again – “I’ll certainly do another science film as soon as possible. One of the trickiest things is: How original are you going to be?”

 Michael Fassbender and Charlize Theron answered fan questions via Yahoo. He plays the android David. She plays Weyland officer Meredith Vickers. You can watch them below.

Thanks to Dark Horizons.

The Walking Dead Michonne Cast!

Danai Gurira courtesy IMDB

  Creator/Executive Producer Robert Kirkman announced that Danai Gurira has been cast as fan favorite character Michonne in Season Three of The Walking Dead. Kirkman made the announcement on last night’s Talking Dead.

  Kirkman told The Hollywood Reporter that the series was “transitioning into a new world” where the survivors are “faced with more adversaries, danger and different kinds of threats” and that Michonne is a “big part of that.”

  Michonne was introduced in issue 19 of the comic book and became a trusted ally of Rick.

Michael Fassbender On His “Prometheus” Android

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox

  Michael Fassbender plays an android named David in Prometheus. Ian Holm played Ash in Alien. In the first film it was a surprise to the crew and audience that the Nostromo’s science officer was artificial. Fassbender talked with Collider about how he’s playing a character with no emotion.

  “You want to play with as many of those human traits as possible. You’re essentially trying to build a computer that has a physicality to it, that can respond and understand human behavior. It’s programmed to be able to incorporate itself within a human environment. You’re going into space, so you’ve got to get certain personalities that will get on in space. He has to be very flexible. So, what happens when you program that and the program then starts making its own connections and joins up to its own electrical linking to other areas and forming its own ego, insecurities, jealousy and envy? I don’t really think too much about things. I just try to explore what’s happening within the scene, moment to moment. What I thought was very interesting was that you have this guy who was on his own for two and a half years while everyone else was in cryostasis, so what did he do to amuse himself? The idea that there is something of a little boy there, and that he has to rely on his imagination to keep himself occupied, imagination is a very human trait. The fact that he’s curious, how far will that curiosity go? The way that Damon [Lindelof] wrote it, people treat him as a robot and there’s a bit of contempt towards him because he has all the answers. He’s hyper-intelligent. His physicality is more advanced than human beings. So, people don’t really embrace him. He’s sort of used and abused. How does that make him feel, if robots can feel? I didn’t want to make a direct, definite choice. I played with the ambiguity. Is this robot starting to develop human personality?”

 The “David” android has it’s own commercial from Weyland Industries you can see here. And if you haven’t seen it here’s the international Prometheus trailer.

Prometheus New Viral Video: Own Your Michael Fassbender Android

Michael Fassbender in Prometheus courtesy 20th Century Fox


  A new viral video has emerged online for a new “product” from Weyland Industries from the Alien movies. This new video is an advertisement for “David” an android played by Michael Fassbender in Prometheus.

 The “David 8” Demo is voiced by Fassbender and ends with the same eerie tagline from the new full length Prometheus trailer.

  This is the second viral video promoting Prometheus. The first was a TED video starring Peter Weyland.

Prometheus Full Length Trailer!

Prometheus still of Noomi Rapace courtesy 20th Century Fox

“Prometheus, are you seeing this?”

The full length trailer to director Ridley Scott’s return to the Alien universe is here. This is beautiful with jaw dropping and awe inducing imager. The DNA of Alien is truly in this film yet it feels new and different. The final minute is extremely intense. Take a look.


  Noomi Rapace looks to make a great heroine. Michael Fassbender as the android is particularly chilling at the end. I’ve always wondered about the “Space Jockey.” When I was a kid and saw the original Alien the image of him scared me even though I knew he was dead.

  What was your favorite part of this trailer?

AVX Preview and Wolverine Teaser

AvX #0 courtesy Marvel.com

  Artist Frank Cho will join writers Brian Michael Bendis and Jason Aaron to kick off the event of the year with AvX #0 which sets the stage for the return of the Scarlet Witch. The mighty artist told Ben Morse who shows up on the issue.

“Pretty much everyone in the Avengers shows up, so I had a blast drawing Ms. Marvel again. But my favorite character to draw in this book was Cyclops—skinny and tall.”

 Cho was asked which character he wants to see in AVX and that turned into a tease.

 “I’m personally looking forward to Wolverine’s development since he’s in both teams. Also I may have some involvement with that character down the road. Stay tuned, kids.”

 For the entire story here’s the Marvel.com link.

 I got the opportunity to meet Frank Cho at last year’s Emerald City Comicon and get a copy of his sketchbook plus his autograph on a Ms. Marvel #1 and Mighty Avengers #1.


Updated: X-Treme X-Men Wondercon Reveal

 Updated with quotes from writer Greg Pak!

X-Treme X-Men #1 courtesy Marvel.com

   Marvel revealed a new X-treme X-Men title at the Talk to the Hat Wondercon pan. The new series by Greg Pak and Stephen Segovia debuts this July. This spins out of Pak’s Astonishing X-Men run in an alternate reality. The cover by Julian Totino Tedesco shows the Logan (with a serious stache) from that storyline. The release says Dazzler and a team of mutants from various worlds will team up for reality bending missions.


  “We’re going all new, all the time,” Pak tells Marvel.com, “The joy of a book like X-TREME X-MEN is that literally anything can happen—we’re running wild, pressing all the danger buttons, and pushing our characters to their limits. So as much as I love so many of the existing alternate Marvel realities, we’re going to cut loose as creators as well and dream up new worlds that feed our big storyline and create the right kind of crises for our characters’ emotional arcs.”

Astonishing X-Men #46 courtesy Marvel.com

  Pak’s starting lineup will be Howlett and Kid Nightcrawler from this recent Astonishing run and Emma Frost and Armor from Warren Ellis’s Ghost Boxes.

“There’s always something fun about the curmudgeon and the smart alec running around together,” he says. “And visually, the contrasts between the silhouettes just works—a bear and an elf, right.”

“With Howlett and Kid Kurt, we have the chance to explore that relationship and push those great visual and dramatic contrasts even more. Howlett’s the old, experienced adventurer who’s seen everything; Kid Kurt is the fresh-faced grade-schooler who’s seeing everything for the first time.”

  But the team member Pak is most excited about?

“Oh, man, Dazzler, I’m a believer, y’all,” Pak exclaims. “When I sat down with the X-Office editors to brainstorm ideas for the book, we all agreed that we wanted a big character from the mainstream Marvel Universe to play a key role. And our conversations kept circling back around to Dazzler. And the more I thought about it, the more sense it started to make. She’s wry and tough and vulnerable and very, very funny. And she’s a straight up hero who will save the world through rock and roll.”

  This Geek’s Opinion: Like Captain Marvel this is a another surprise. I didn’t think the Claremont/Larroca book would be reborn. I didn’t know what to expect. This has been done before with Exiles. And most of the X-books dive into alternate realities: Uncanny X-Men, Age of Apocalypse.

No disrespect to fans that enjoy the alternate takes but I think it’s been done and the focus should be on the X-Men of this universe. I do enjoy Greg Pak’s writing so maybe I’ll be wrong. I’ll give it a try. And I’m a Dazzler fan.