Dark Knight Rises Star Admits to Almost Losing the Script!


The Dark Knight Rises teaser poster courtesy Warner Brothers

  The plot of The Dark Knight Rises is one of Hollywood’s best kept secrets. Gary Oldman reveals he almost lost his script for the final Batman film.

“I was in a panic for 20 minutes,” Oldman told the BBC. “I thought, ‘where the hell have I put it?'”

“It had my name on it,” he added. “They would have killed me”. The script surfaced in his hotel room.

“I’d gone out for dinner,” he explained, “and I had put it in the room between the mattress and the bed, because I couldn’t scrunch it into the safe.

“I was half-thinking about something else and shoved it there.”

The actor who plays Commissioner Jim Gordon went on to describe how director Christopher Nolan and Warner Brothers protected the script.

“When he [Nolan] gives the script out, it doesn’t have the ending. Characters sometimes change, or their names change. And you have to go to the studio to read it.”

 All the secrets are revealed when The Dark Knight Rises opens this summer. Thanks to Baird Warnick for the story suggestion!

It’s the Doctor Who Season Trailer, Partner! Yee-Haw!


Matt Smith as The Doctor courtesy BBC America

 Matt Smith must really enjoy wearing hats. The Time Lord is wearing a cowboy hat again in the trailer for season 7 of Doctor Who. (I prefer the cowboy hat to the fez!) The Doctor, Amy and Rory will face cyborg outlaws in the American Wild West, robots (that look like those big scarab metal bug aliens from The Fifth Element) and what I suspect might be Nefertiti in ancient Egypt.

  This is the final season for companions Amy and Rory but don’t forget the Doctor’s team-up with Captain Picard! IDW is publishing a Doctor Who/Star Trek: The Generation series later this year.

Here’s the trailer:

Prometheus TV Spot


image courtesy Weyland Industries

  You may have noticed I’m obsessed with Prometheus! Ridley Scott’s return to the world of Alien is everywhere. Here’s the latest TV spot in case you missed it. I saw the trailer on the big screen in front of The Hunger Games. IFC aired Alien last night and I watched extra close as the Nostromo crew looked at the Space Jockey. Thanks to The MovieBox.Net for the tv spot below. Enjoy!

Tom Hiddleston on The Avengers

Tom Hiddleston as Loki & Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor courtesy Marvel

  I’m ready to see Tom Hiddleston ooze evil as Loki when he reprises his Thor role in The Avengers. The star won Best Newcomer at the Empire Awards and spoke about Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in one big movie.

“‘Avengers‘ is the first of its kind because it’s a film about not one superhero, but seven or eight, all of whom are beloved already because of their first outings,” Hiddleston told Red Carpet News. “I’ve seen it once and it was a very rough cut, but it’s absolutely thrilling. It grips you on the edge of your seat from the get-go. It takes itself extremely seriously one moment and doesn’t take itself seriously at all in the next moment. It has a huge sense of humor but also real heart and action. It’s more fun than should be allowed.”

Thanks to Comic Reel.

Hunger Games Jennifer Lawrence “Not Female James Bond”

 The Hunger Games conquered the box office. The story of teens forced to fight in televised battles to the death was number one. Jennifer Lawrence plays Katniss Everdeen, the tribute from a poor district who volunteers to fight in place of her little sister. The actress became a skilled markswoman learning to master her character’s weapon of choice – the bow and arrow.

  “My character is not about looking cool with a bow-and-arrow — she’s heartbroken by all that she has to do. It was important for me not to look weak despite being hungry. If the film had been shot 20 years ago, Katniss may just have been a male character because of the dominance of men in cinema in the action genre,” Lawrence told the Hindustan Times

  This is Lawrence’s second action film. She played the young Mystique in X-Men: First Class. The Times asked her about the change in the trend in action films.

 “It’s great, because I feel like we’ve got to a place where we have strong female leads. We’ve got Lara Croft as the female James Bond. In Hunger Games, I am not the female James Bond, and I don’t have to be that to get to do action. I’m just a young girl who has been thrown in to this do-or-die situation. That, I think, is a great shift and symbolises acceptance of women in strong action oriented roles.”

 Given the box-office, I’m sure Lionsgate will greenlight sequels based on the other books in the series, Catching Fire and Mockingjay. Lawrence will get to learn more survival and political skills as Katniss becomes a symbol of the uprising in the world of Panem.

Emerald City Comicon Countdown!


  Less than a week until Emerald City Comicon in Seattle! I wanted to share one of my favorite experiences from last year. Jim Cheung is one of my all time favorite artists. As I waited in line for my autographs and a sketch all these different characters kept popping in my head and when I got up there – I said “Mystique.”

  I had several books autographs, bought a Heroic Age print he signed and this Mystique sketch is framed and in my home’s entry way. This is one of the many great things I love about ECCC: meeting your favorite creators, talking about the books you love and maybe walking away with a unique work of art and definitely a great geek memory!


  Good luck to all of you coming to ECCC – hope you get to meet one of your favorites and have a great time in Seattle or at the con near you.

  Jim Cheung is providing covers for the upcoming Avengers Vs. X-Men mega series – hope I can have some of those autographed too.

Fourth Realm Trilogy on the Big Screen

  I’m fanatical about the Fourth Realm Trilogy by John Twelve Hawkes. I’m excited to share the news that Warner Brothers has optioned film rights for the series according to Deadline.

 Here’s the story: The Tabula seek to control and manage society for its own protection with a vast network of surveillance tools and cameras. The Travelers are seen as a threat because they can project their spirit into other realms. The Harlequins are weapons experts trained to protect the Travelers at any cost.

 In the near future the Tabula has hunted the Travelers to extinction and are close to creating their perfectly controlled society. Two brothers are identified as possible Travelers and the hunt begins. A young Harlequin named Maya vows to protect them. The Tabula unleash their assassins to wipe them out.

 The first book is The Traveler followed by The Dark River then The Golden City.

 “I’m so pleased that the trilogy is at Warner Bros, a studio whose history of otherworldly storytelling is so indelible and whose vision for the Fourth Realm Trilogy is so inspiring,” the author said in a statement.

The author of this series is a mystery man by “living off the grid” meaning he’s invisible to any network of surveillance or authority. John Twelves Hawks is not his real name and he has no home, bank account or internet connection.

If you like 1984 or The Matrix then you would enjoy these thrilling and thought provoking books. I think this trilogy would make a graphic novel series for a publisher like Vertigo. I can’t wait to update on casting!

Here are the Amazon links to The Traveler, The Dark River and The Golden City if you want to check them out.