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New Avengers TV Spot Reveals Loki’s Army

Marvel's The Avengers courtesy

  Tony Stark breaks it down for Loki is a new tv spot for Marvel’s The Avengers. Tony’s ‘head count’ is a clever summary of his team mixed with action packed scenes and closer looks at Loki’s army.

Spinoff Online makes a great theory that these minions could be the Disir, exile Valkyries from Asgard.

ECCC Moment “The Avengers Fight The X-Men!”

A Favorite Moment at Marvel Pint of C.B. at Emerald City Comicon:

  A fan asked if AVX will reference the old X-Men vs. Avengers series. The short answer from the panel

Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, C.B. Cebulski at Emerald City Comicon,

  Matt Fraction recalled reading the original series when it first came out and said how it didn’t “fulfill” him as a Marvel fan.

  “It was not what I wanted it to be. There’s a part of me that — the entire time I’m doing AvX — has been like ‘Do right by yourself as a nine year-old. Make this the book you [would] have wanted to see.’

  “So you know what happens in this issue? The Avengers fight the X-Men.

 “You know what happens in the next issue? The Avengers fight the X-Men.

“After that, guess what? The Avengers fight the X-Men!”

  And the audience erupted with laughter and applause.

Emerald City Comicon:This Geek’s Odyssey Day Three

  The final day of Emerald City Comicon started with my moment with a sci-fi icon. When the doors opened I started feeling nostalgic and rushed down to the media guest level to meet George Takei. I chose a photo of Hikaru Sulu from Star Trek The Undiscovered Country in which the U.S.S. Enterprise helmsman was now Captain of the U.S.S. Excelsior.

  I thanked him for being a trailblazer in his career and in his personal life. It’s amazing to think how he could be a cultural breakthrough decades ago as the first Asian American on a network television series and now being a champion for equality as an openly gay and married man. Sulu is just cool – then, now and forever.


I'm Mutant and Proud with Emma Frost at ECCC,

Back up to the show floor in search for rare comic book finds I was sporting my “Mutant and Proud” t-shirt starring the X-Man Beast and it really attracted the X fans in costume including Emma Frost and Gambit.

Gambit at ECCC,

I went in search of autographs from some of my favorite writers and artists including Chris Yost, Dustin Weaver, Georges Jeanty and I got a sketchbook from DC Comics star Phillip Tan.

I had the opportunity to meet up and coming writer Sam Humphries. I bought a copy of his Fanboys Vs. Zombies (about a zombie outbreak at the San Diego Comic-Con) and talked about his new work for Marvel. Humphries will be co-writing with Jonathan Hickman then taking over the Ultimates.

Writers of the Marvel Next Big Thing Panel at ECCC,

  I was surprised to see him again on the Marvel: Next Big Thing panel with other favorite writers (of Punisher, Hulk, Spider-Man, X-Force, Secret Avengers) in a no holds barred question and answer session. I think these panels are the real pulse of a con. It’s the real interaction between fan and creator that leads to praise, pans and always passion about comics.

As the final hour approached I was almost ready to head home when a friend invited me to see Star Trek: Phoenix.  This is a fan film written, produced and starring Seattle fans that takes place 42 years after the Star Trek: Nemesis. I went in to the screening on a whim but was really impressed. I left wanting more of the crew of the U.S.S. Phoenix and hope the voyage of these local fans continues. I didn’t plan it but my final day began and ended with Trek.

The ECCC Crusader and Crusaderette,

Emerald City Comicon was beyond my expectations. When it comes to cons, always have a game plan but be ready for the unexpected: a moment with a new friend as you bond over the fate of the X-Men, discover a new comic book you want to try or experience the joy of seeing fanboys and girls express their love in costumes and cheers.



Emerald City Comicon Day 2 Costume Parade


That's a big hammer Thor at ECCC,

The craziest, busiest day of Emerald City Comicon brought out devoted fans demonstrating their geek love with cosplay. Here are some highlights of the costumed super fans at Seattle’s big event:

Promoting that small indie movie you may have heard about? Iron Man & Captain America at ECCC,


Amazon Princess in Seattle at ECCC,


Darth Maul at ECCC,


Venom at ECCC,


Classic & New Dr. Who


Black Cat, Batgirl,Lil Cyclops, Hope and Dad Cyclops at ECCC,


I grabbed an arrow with Green Arrow (AJ Roberts) at ECCC,


Iron Fist is ready to fight at ECCC,


Batgirl, Nightwing, Deathsroke, Red Hood, Robin and Alfred at ECCC,


Rogue, Punisher and Kid Deadpool at ECCC,


X-Women Hope & Storm at ECCC,


Classic & New Avengers at ECCC,


My favorite X-couple: Colossus & Kitty Pryde at ECCC,


Iron Fist and Captain Britain in a Marvel panel at ECCC,


Edgy Batman family at ECCC,


Claremont/Byrne era Phoenix & Nightcrawler at ECCC,


Let's hear it for Xorn at ECCC,


Disco Dazzler at ECCC,


Hulk Win Contest! at ECCC,


Stargate Atlantis Wraiths Attach at ECCC, ComicsBlend, photo by Cliff Olmstead


Bat family at ECCC,, photo by Cliff Olmstead



Emerald City Comicon: This Geek’s Odyssey Day 2

Stormtroopers keep the crowd in line at ECCC,

  My second day at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle was packed with geek fun, great moments and exclusives. Any tiredness from day one was suddenly gone as we got the signal to enter the hall after an hour plus wait packed among hundreds of fans.


Robert Kirkman get a thank you gift from a fan at ECCC,

  I immediately raced to the Image/Skybound booth for a chance at getting a ticket to get an autograph from Robert Kirkman, the creator and Executive Producer of The Walking Dead.  His story is a geek dream come true. A few cons ago you waited a little while to get his autograph. Now he’s got a hit television series, successful imprint producing hit after hit series, has several con panels dedicated to his work, and you need a ticket for an autograph. Ask any of Kirkman’s fans and you’ll agree he’s earned all his success.


Multiple lines for several media stars at ECCC,


Edward James Olmos from his panel at ECCC,, photo by Cliff Olmstead

I descended into lower level where eager geeks lined up for autographs and photo opportunities with their favorite sci-fi celebrities from television and movies (for a fee.) Edward James Olmos was my number one. The veteran actor of Blade Runner and Admiral William Adama on Battlestar Galactica had a rugged but regal presence. I chose the cast photo and he signed along with writing the quote “Roll the Hard Six…So Say We All…” Admiral Adama. I’m rarely speechless but I finally expressed my love of his performance and the episodes he directed. A handshake, smile and exchange back and I think I was floating, glowing and certainly grinning as I walked away and down the exit line. Fellow Galactica followers still in line smiled back at me knowing their upcoming moment with the Admiral could be just as satisfying.


A young trooper at ECCC,

  The 501st is a Northwest group of Star Wars fans who dress up like the iconic characters and take fan photos for donations. After years of trying to meet up with him I finally saw Chewbacca! I’ve always wanted a photo with the coolest Wookie in the galaxy. Luckily this Chewbacca was visiting from the Oregon branch of the 501st.  A big win on my geek checklist!


Chewie Rules! at ECCC,

  Terry and Rachel Dodson (X-Men, Defenders) Clay Mann (X-Men Legacy) Chris Burnham (Batman Inc) Brian Wood (X-Men, Northlanders) Matt Whitlock and Shane Houghton (Peanuts) Joe Eisma (Morning Glories) were the creators on my quest for autographs and exclusive prints.

  A big thank you to DC Comics who gave away so many free issues, posters, buttons and swag. Once again, I had great timing with Dustin Nguyen (Batman, Batman Beyond) offering free sketches for a brief time. I had Chris Burnham sketch Batgirl the day before so I kept it in the Bat family. I was thrilled with Nguyen’s sketch of the Huntress.

Iron Fist raises his hands for a question at a panel at ECCC,

  Marvel definitely offered their fans access to top talent: Ed Brubaker, Matt Fraction, Rick Remender, Dan Slott were among the writers answering fan questions and giving teases about the future of Avengers, X-Men and Spider-Man in multiple panels.


Marvel favorites at ECCC,

  Saturday is always the busiest day with a variety of panels and the most cosplay since the big costume competition is that night. From popular choices like Avengers, Batman, Superman to rare surprises like Dazzler (from the disco era) and the worlds of Star Wars, Trek, and Firefly. Saturday was a star packed, panel filled and costumed crazy day at Emerald City Comicon. The fun doesn’t slow on Sunday with more photo ops, signings and more.

  Stay tuned for most posts including a gallery of costumed craziness!


ECCC Report: Colossus and Kitty Pryde in AvX #5

Colossus and Kitty Pryde together again at Emerald City Comicon,

  Colossus and Kitty Pryde are my favorite mutant couple so I was charmed and impressed by this couple at Emerald City Comicon.     During the Marvel: Pint O’ C.B. Panel, the costumed X-fans approached the microphone to ask the panel about Marvel’s most on again and off again mutant couple.  The young man asked with a Russian accent, “vat’s going to happen wiv Peterrrr and Kitty?

  Writer Matt Fraction responded, “You are going to love Avengers Vs. X-Men #5.”

  Moderator and Marvel Talent Scout/Editor C.B. Cebulski asked, “Hey Kitty, have you told Colossus about Iceman?” which triggered laughs from the panel and audience.

Colossus and Kitty question the Marvel panel at ECCC,

  Just in case you’re not caught up with the X-books, Kitty broke up with Peter after he assumed the power of the Juggernaut. Kitty moved back east with Wolverine to reopen the Jean Grey School in Wolverine and the X-Men. Iceman recently made a move and planted a big frosty kiss on Kitty.

Emerald City Comicon Day 1 Costume Parade

My fellow Matt Fraction fan in line with me at ECCC,

  Fans descend on Seattle for Emerald City Comicon. I chose my picture to be of my fellow Matt Fraction fan who waited along with me!

AVX? Kid Deadpool makes peace between Captain America and Dark Phoenix!
Mercedes Lam of Garrison Titan at ECCC,


Kevin and Mercedes Lam, Star Wars fans in love & in Garrison Titan at ECCC,

 Garrison Titan and the 501st are Star Wars who gave fans great photo ops with their favorite characters while raising money for charity.

Bested by the Empire at ECCC,


Freddy's back at ECCC,


Rogue at ECCC,


Deadpool strikes a pose at ECCC,


? at ECCC,


at ECCC, ComicsBlend.comBlack Widow & Catwoman & Me at ECCC,

Superman flexes at ECCC,


Robin, Poison Ivy and Catwoman at ECCC,


at ECCC,


Futurama Fun at ECCC,