Batman Inc Back in Business

Batman Incorporated #1 by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

  Batman Inc ended with a grisly cliffhanger inspiring an “oh —-!” explicative from myself.

  This week Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham relaunch the series as part of DC Comics The New 52 Second Wave. Batman and Robin face a new assassin code named Goatboy and Leviathan’s sinister mission. This title doesn’t exactly fit with continuity but with Grant Morrison at the helm you just go with it.

  If you’re new to Batman Incorporated the concept is that Bruce Wayne created Batmen around the world – a franchising of Batman if you will. Leviathan is a global organization fighting the Batmen. One of the most popular franchises was the “Batman of Africa” now in his own title Batwing.

  Chris Burnham was at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this year. I came by the DC Comics booth at the right time because Burnham was creating sketches for lucky fans. I asked for Batgirl. Chris was cool enough to ask which one. I’m a Barbara fan but I should have remembered how Stephanie Brown was a key figure in the first volume Batman Inc.

Batman Incorporated art by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

  Morrison and Burnham’s reunion is definitely a must buy for me! The pre New 52 volume is collected in a hardcover. Here’s a link if you want to get caught up.

 Chris Burnham is just one of Morrison’s frequent collaborators who will appear at Morrisoncon this year – Morrison’s reinventon of the comic book convention.

By Editor

Avengers Black Widow Bites X-Man Magik

  Let me say first that I loved Marvel’s The Avengers. I commend Joss Whedon for making the Black Widow work. Natasha is known for her Widow’s Bite. We kind of saw in the movie but it was never blatantly referenced. Black Widow is armed with bracelets that fire energy blasts – her bite. She kind of blasted one of the Chitauri in the big battle.

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  I was reminded of that my by friend and fan Mitch and when I saw this awesome interior preview art (courtesy of Comic Book Resources in this week’s Axel-In-Charge column) of AvX Vs #3 by Terry Dodson. In this issue of the ‘all fights’ series the Russian superspy takes on the Russian mutant sorceress.  

AvX Vs #4 interior art courtesy Marvel, a Comic Book Resources exclusive

  Natasha vs Illyana doesn’t seem like a fair fight. Magik is the queen of a demon dimension. These preview pages don’t look good for Natasha but never underestimate the fighting and survival skills of the Widow.

  Ultimately I want the X-Men to win but I’m picking Natasha to win this one.

By Editor

What’s Next Rex Velvet?

  Avengers vs X-Men pounded into round four this week at comic book shops. A Seattle rivalry heated up in an entertaining way this week. Thursday was the first ‘meeting’ between rivals Phoenix Jones and Rex Velvet on a Seattle morning radio show.

  Jones is the leader of the Rain City Super Hero Movement and patrols the streets as a costumed crime fighter. Rex Velvet proclaimed himself “The People’s Villain” in two You Tube videos, a Facebook page and Twitter handle. Velvet has been challenging Jones and mocking him and his supporters.

You can listen to the exchange from Jackie & Bender on KISS FM here. The best quote has to go to Jones calling Velvet the “Kim Kardashian of Villains.”

courtesy Rex Velvet?

Earlier I spotted the Social Villains Alliance on Velvet’s Facebook page. Tonight on Velvet’s Twitter he teased a possible next move next week posting that Jones “has no idea what’s coming.”

A new video? A face to face meeting?

What do you think of Seattle’s super hero and villain rivalry?

By Editor

Bucky Barnes, Black Widow and Doctor Doom: The Final Showdown?

The Winter Soldier #2 courtesy Marvel

 Talk about an odd but bad ass IMF team – Bucky Barnes, Black Widow and Doctor Doom clash with Doombots, Russian super soldiers and machine gun-toting gorillas! Let’s see Cruise beat that in a Mission Impossible movie!

 Jokes aside – the first arc of The Winter Soldier has been thrilling fun from page one. Nick Fury tasks Bucky and Natasha with finding the other sleeper agents he trained. The mission led to Red Ghost, his super apes, the return of a crucial villain from Brian Michael Bendis’ Secret War and of course Doom.

  Ed Brubaker and Butch Guice delivered an action packed spy caper in the dark underbelly of the Marvel Universe. This week’s Issue 5 shows us Bucky, Black Widow and Doom fighting together to prevent all-out war. I definitely recommend picking up this arc in the trade but this story is far from over. This issue comes with a cliffhanger sending Bucky on a new mission and facing his violent past.

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Jason Aaron on Avengers vs X-Men

Wolverine and the X-Men #3 courtesy

  Jason Aaron is one of the minds behind Avengers vs X-Men epic and I love his Wolverine and the X-Men ongoing. I always wondered what it’s like to be comic book writer. I wanted to share this episode of MTV Geek’s Avengers vs X-Men War Journal. Aaron reveals is first comic book, how he got his big break, and the creative process behind AvX.

  I look forward to the episode with Ed Brubaker. At Emerald City Comicon, Matt Fraction jokingly warned Brubaker about the MTV Geek crew coming over to film at his home here in Seattle.

By Editor

“Blade Runner” Sequel Will Feature a Female Lead

Blade Runner The Final Cut movie poster image courtesy

  Ridley Scott is returning to the world of Blade Runner  but don’t expect another Rick Deckard (played by Harrison Ford) as the lead. After Scott was asked about his long line of films starring strong female leads (Alien, G.I. Jane, Thelma and Louise) by The Daily Beast turned to the Blade Runner sequel.

  “Funny enough, I started my first meetings on the Blade Runner sequel last week. We have a very good take on it. And we’ll definitely be featuring a female protagonist.”

  For the entire interview here’s the link.

  As I posted yesterday Blade Runner writer Hampton Fancher is in talks to work on the sequel.

  As for strong women – who could forget Daryl Hannah as Pris and Joanna Cassidy as Zhora. While not as kick ass as Sigourney Weaver’s Ripley in Alien, these actresses were true femme fatales.These beautiful replicants even their feminity and seduction skills as weapons.

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Arrow Preview Clip


"Arrow" courtesy The CW

  The Arrow pilot was picked up by the CW Network and will air Wednesdays this Fall. The series is inspired by DC Comics Green Arrow. You can see a preview clip of Stephen Amell in training on the CW site. Here’s the Facebook link.

By Editor

“Blade Runner” Writer Back for Ridley Scott’s Sequel

Blade Runner The Final Cut movie poster image courtesy

  “If you could see what I’ve seen with your eyes,” is just one of the many quotes from Rutger Hauer as the doomed Roy Batty in Blade Runner. I love that movie. I’ve seen every version. I own the collector’s edition case. I’ve studied it over and over.

  Ridley Scott is returning to the world of the other science fiction classic he created. Hampton Fancher is in talks to create an idea for a sequel to the classic film for Scott and Alcon Entertainment according to The Hollywood Reporter.

 The story goes on to say that the sequel is set “some years after the first film concluded” according to Alcon. I wonder which ending of the first film Scott will use to springboard into the future. I’m sure The Final Cut version.

For the entire story here’s the THW Heat Vision link.

  Boom Studios produces a gorgeous graphic novel series based on the original Phillip K. Dick story on which Blade Runner is based: Do Androids Dream of Electronic Sheep?

 Here’s a link to the 5 disc blu ray version and here’s a link to the graphic novel if you’re interested. And if you want to know the fascinating behind the scenes story of how this film was made I recommend Future Noir: The Making of Blade Runner.

  Can you tell I’m a little excited about this? I think I’m more thrilled Scott’s return to the Alien mythos in Prometheus but I can’t wait to see how he expands the world of Blade Runner.

By Editor


For the entire story here’s the THW Heat Vision link.