Iron Man Director Back On Screen for Iron Man 3

Iron Man from

  The director of the first two Iron Man movies will not direct Iron Man 3 but Jon Favreau will be back on-screen. Favreau will reprise his role as Happy Hogan, sidekick/bodyguard/chaffeur to Tony Stark, according to The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision.

  Shane Black is directing the Armored Avenger’s third solo film. Filming began this week in North Carolina. No word on how big his role will be but good to have him on board.

By Editor

Batman Incorporated – Back in Business and Business is Awesome

Batman Incorporated #1 by Chris Burnham courtesy DC Comics

  Batman Incorporated #1 Grant Morrison and Chris Burnham’s imagination scares the hell out of me. I think this issue could make me become a vegetarian. I had to get that out of my system first.

  Bruce Wayne is under arrest at a funeral. Then we go back one month on a twisted bloody journey to see how Bruce got to this point. Along the way we meet Goatboy, Bat Cow, Mutants and horrific agents of Leviathan.

Morrison makes this issue move fast, feel packed with story, punch with wit and shocking moments. Burnham’s art is dynamic and innovative feeling. What Burnham delivers in facial expressions from Damian’s frustration to an amateur killer’s fear makes you feel, laugh and fear for them.

This is a MUST read. I may have to go to Morrisoncon just to bow to Morrison and Burnham for creating this book. Although I don’t think I could eat steak or burgers at all during that weekend. I’m afraid it would be Bat Cow.

By Editor 




The New DC Comics Gay Hero Is…(Theory Only!)

Jack Kirby's Mister Miracle courtesy DC Comics

     Mister Miracle!


  I don’t know if Mister Miracle is going to be the icon DC Comics The New 52 will reintroduce as a gay hero but I think this would a good choice. When you look at the origin of Mister Miracle (the original Scott Free) it mirrors the life experiences some LGBT people go through on their journey to acceptance.  

  Jack Kirby created Mister Miracle as part of his Fourth World. Scott Free is the son of Highfather of the New Gods of New Genesis. In an effort to prevent war Highfather of New Genesis and Darkseid exchanged sons* as the ultimate fail safe so neither would attack the other’s world.

  Scott lived a life unaware of his heritage and rebelled against the totalitarian world of Apokolips. He also hated himself for not fitting in but Scott found hope in the teachings of a rebel (Himon was born on New Genesis and living undercover on Apokolips.) Scott fell in love with a fellow rebel named Big Barda who later became his wife.


Mister Miracle escapes on the cover of Jack Kirby's Fourth World Volume 2 courtesy DC Comics

 Scott escaped (nullifying the truce and triggering a war) to Earth and trained under a circus escape artist going by the name Mister Miracle. Scott and Barda returned to face Darkseid, win their freedom and would return to Earth and become members of the Justice League.

  Like Scott Free many gay men and women live an early life of self-loathing and wondering why they don’t fit it a world that tells them who they are is wrong. Scott had a difficult journey of discovery to find his true identity and self-acceptance. Scott Free escaped his past to create his own future. Mister Miracle shows us that the person and not their upbringing (even with a father like Darkseid) shapes their own destiny.

 *Orion was raised by Highfather on New Genesis and learned to control his rage. Orion learned to deal with his dark, angry heritage and would become the greatest warrior of both worlds and a member of the Justice League.

By Editor

From James Bond to THOR Villain?

Tom Hiddleston as Loki & Chris Hemsworth as Thor in Thor courtesy Marvel

  Mads Mikkelsen is in talks to play the villain in Thor 2 according to Variety. Mikkelson played Le Chiffre in Daniel Craig’s first James Bond film Casino Royale. The Danish actor appeared in the Clash of the Titans remake.

  I have to admit I’m scratching my head trying to think of which villain Mikkelsen might play: Malekith the Accursed, leader of the Dark Elves or Mephisto (this character could reappear in multiple movie franchises since he’s the Marvel version of the devil.) What if this actor is voicing Fafnir the dragon?

 Let the speculation begin!

 Tom Hiddleston will reprise his role as Loki and still be a major antagonist for the Thunder God. Chris Hemsworth talked about the potential for Loki’s redemption for his actions in The Avengers. A bigger new bad guy could united Thor and Loki in the sequel…until Loki betrays him again!

  I would love to see Alexander Skarsgard as Balder the Brave and Charlize Theron as Amora the Enchantress.

By Editor


Thor 2 is scheuled for November 2013.

Astonishing X-Men Gay Wedding Variant Cover


Astonishing X-Men #51 variant by Marko Djurdjevic courtesy

  The first openly gay X-Man will make Marvel history next month by marrying his boyfriend Kevin Jinadu in Astonishing X-Men #51. Marvel revealed a Create Your Wedding Album variant by Phil Noto cover in which you can add your photo to Jean-Paul & Kevin, Luke Cage & Jessica Jones, Reed and Sue Richards and more famous Marvel superheroes.

 Today revealed this more intimate variant cover of the happy couple by Marko Djurdjevic.

 I appreciate all the positive response to my X Marks Diversity story. I’ve been a fan of this Canadian mutant since Alpha Flight and it’s cool to see Jean-Paul be part of a historic moment.

Catwoman Pulls a Fast One in New “The Dark Knight Rises” Spot

courtesy Warner Brothers


  This jumped started my day – two new commercials for The Dark Knight Rises proving Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film will not be all doom and gloom. There are some great quick funny lines by Morgan Freeman as Lucius Fox and Michael Caine as Alfred. But my favorite moment is Anne Hathaway as Catwoman stealing the show and something else from Bruce Wayne. Take a look at these new spots collected by Collider.

This is the third big treat for Batman fans this week: New posters, these spots and the relaunch of the Batman Inc comic book! The film opens July 20th.

By Editor

No One Promised a Happy Ending for X-Man Northstar & Kyle

Astonishing X-Men #50 courtesy

  Fans are celebrating Northstar’s upcoming wedding to his boyfriend Kyle. Marvel revealed the proposal in Astonishing X-Men #50 and the ceremony in next month’s #51. Maybe it was just a dream wedding?

  This week’s issue #50 made good on the proposal but not where I expected it. Marvel and writer Marjorie Liu are being praised for the landmark gay wedding announcement but let’s not forget this writer knows how to deliver action, twists as well as emotion.

  Northstar seeks advice from fellow X-Men on how to resolve his issues with Kyle as they investigate the mystery behind the recent attack by a new team of Marauders. Jean-Paul’s romantic actions don’t go off as planned. Wolverine gets an assist from Avenger Black Widow in their mission. Warbird continues to be a perfect scene stealer. Bobby gets the best lines. Liu sets up a moment and Iceman zings it home.

 Given the media attention you may have been expecting a heavier dose of romance this issue. Liu and artist Mike Perkins are far from finishing this mystery. Hints of a SHIELD cover-up, Kyle in the crosshairs of a stalker and Northstar’s nightmare from issue #48 coming true have to be wrapped up before the big day next month.

 By Editor

A Geek’s “Revenge” Meets “X-Men” Crossover – Updated


New X-Men #131 cover courtesy

  Tonight is the finale of REVENGE on ABC so I thought it was a perfect time to revisit this crazy idea I had:

 They’re rich, powerful, blonde, manipulative and can deliver razor-sharp one liners like a Hand assassin throws a dagger.

  Emma Frost is the reformed White Queen of the Hellfire Club and now co-leader of the X-Men. Emma could teach Emily a few maneuvers!

  Nolan Ross (played by Gabriel Mann) is the witty, scheming, brilliant high-tech billionaire with too much time, money and tech on the hit ABC show Revenge.

  If ever too characters from similar worlds but different mediums should cross over its these two.  As I watch Revenge I can’t help but think if Emma had a long-lost twin it might be Nolan. Here’s to the “good” guys with an edge who keep us entertained.

 This is what happens when a geek has too much time his hands – spinning two of my favorite vices into a twisted idea. Disney does own both companies behind these properties and I can see Frost on holiday in the Hamptons crossing paths with Ross – if he survives tonight’s season finale. Here’s hoping because Revenge wouldn’t be as sweet without him!

By Editor