Storm Leads the Torchwood of X-Men


X-Men #31 courtesy Marvel

Colossus crushed. Psylocke driven to tears or is that panic sweat?. Storm keeping secrets. Brian Wood and David Lopez’s X-Men #31 is tight, tense and clean storytelling about a nasty secrets coming to light.

 After investigating a monster attack Storm’s covert security force encounters a bigger behemoth. Using her own secret network of human scientists – Storm discovers a genetic secret so scary she hides it from Cyclops. Ororo’s team even fears the truth could cause an even more violent rift that the events in the Schism event.

 This book is a refreshing change from the other titles but it’s focused on a small team where everyone gets screen time and every character is part of the story.  

  I have to again state how this book reminds me of the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith in terms of tone, storytelling and art. David Lopez is an excellent fit for Wood’s crisp clean pacing and the expressions. Instead of a big screen action stuffed with characters on top of characters, we have a small cast uncovering a scientific mystery, burdened by the knowledge and tactically moving at the small covert unit their set up to be. You might call this a Torchwood (minus the sex but it’s only their second issue) X-Men team?

  If you love the old school Storm when she was a confident, commanding, tactical and thoughtful leader then you’ll enjoy this book for that reason alone. Lopez conveys her powerful presence and steely looks perfectly. 

Giant monster, strong women, freaky scientific mysteries makes this one badass X-book.

By Editor

New “Total Recall” Trailer

Total Recall poster courtesy Sony

  Colin Farrell is the lead in the new version of Total Recall based on Phillip K. Dick’s “We Can Remember It For You Wholesale.” Edit out Arnold, Mars and the over the top, color filled world and edit in Colin in an Earth that could a be pre-Blade Runner society with Minority Report finishes. Colin Farrell and Kate Beckinsale executive action moves that would impress Jason Bourne’s Treadstone handlers. Jessica Biel and Bryan Cranston also star in Len Wiseman’s film.

  Here’s the new trailer from Sony:

  Are you ready to make a new memory with Colin or do still hold on to your memories of the Arnold original?

  P.S. I’m glad that kept one icon from the first movie- can you guess which “triple” threat I’m referring to?

Total Recall is in theaters August 3rd.

By Editor

Ryan Reynolds As New Highlander

  There can be only one…and he is Ryan Reynolds? The man who played Deadpool (X-Men Origins: Wolverine) and Hal Jordan in Green Lantern has been cast as the lead in a new Highlander according to The Tracking Board. The site reports Reynolds will play Connor MacLeod and the remake is being directed by Juan Carlos Fresnadillo.

  If you’re not familar…Christopher Lambert played the immortal warrior in century spanning feuds with others of his kind. Once you killed a fellow immortal you absorbed their energy and strength. The film showed Connor’s life in the 1500’s in the Scottish Highlands and in the present day. Sean Connery played his fellow immortal and mentor Ramirez. The film spawned sequels and television series and is known for music by Queen. Here’s a link to the trailer for the 1986 film. Here’s the trailer for Highlander Endgame which brought together Connor from the original film and Duncan MacLeod (Adrian Paul) from the television series.

  What I always found ironic with the original film is that a Frenchman was cast as a Scotsman and the most famous Scotsman was cast as a Spaniard but I still loved it.

By Editor

Spider-Man Gets a New Sidekick


Amazing Spider-Man #693 courtesy

  Fans will see a new cinematic Spidey (Andrew Garfield) on the big screen and a big change in the comic book. A web of intrigue started spinning when Marvel Comics asked “Who Is Alpha?” in an  mysterious tease online. Today revealed the answer: Spidey is getting a sidekick as part of his 50th Anniversary. This August in Amazing Spider-Man #692 Writer Dan Slott and Artist Humberto Ramos give Peter Parker a new partner. Teenager Andy McGuire will become Alpha when he’s in the wrong place at the wrong time…in a lab with Peter Parker.

Amazing Spider-Man #692 courtesy

Spidey is an Avenger, works with the Future Foundation and has co-starred in his own team-up book but he’s never had a teen sidekick. Marvel Entertainment Editor-In-Chief Axel Alonso reveals to Fox why this is the time for a partner?

 “Part of it is that Spider-Man is grown up,” said Axel Alonso, editor-in-chief of Marvel Entertainment. “He’s older, more seasoned, but young at heart. He’s still a young man, but he’s been around. It’s interesting because it flips the paradigm. Teen hero Spider-Man is now responsible for this teen hero sidekick. He’s responsible because one of his inventions caused this kid to get his powers. He’s directly responsible for the responsibility this kid now has with his new powers. He feels he has a responsibility to make sure this kid walks the right path, which won’t prove easy.”

Amazing Spider-Man #692 courtesy

  Amazing Spider-Man Dan Slott says don’t expect this team-up to be like another famous comic book dynamic duo.

  “If you put Spider-Man and Batman in the same situation, you’re going to have way more fun with Spider-Man,” said Dan Slott. “With Batman, he never really screws up the way Spider-Man does; he always seems to make the right decision. But with Spider-Man, he always screws up. He’s us as a superhero. Batman is a paragon of what we’d like to be, but in reality, we’re more like Spider-Man. He makes all the mistakes we make.”

Amazing Spider-Man #692 courtesy

  For the entire interview here’s the Fox link. For more preview art here’s the link.

  What do you think of Spidey getting a partner? It’s easy to compare Alpha to Batman’s Robin. And the obvious question: will Alpha will a sidekick like Dick Grayson, Jason Todd or Tim Drake?

By Editor

Gotham City Burns in New “The Dark Knight Rises” Poster


courtesy Warner Brothers

  Tom Hardy as Bane watches as Gotham City is broken and in flames in a new poster for The Dark Knight Rises posted by Collider. The familiar tagline The Legend Ends accompanies the image. A good point made by the author that Michael Caine’s Alfred said of the Joker “some men just want to watch the world burn” in The Dark Knight. Maybe the legend ending is Gotham City – instead of Batman – and Bruce Wayne will rebuild.

  Bruce Wayne’s urban renewal of Gotham City is part of Scott Snyder’s Batman run and made him a target of the Court of Owls. This image certainly adds to the theory that Christopher Nolan’s final Batman film may be based on the classic No Man’s Land epic.

By Editor

In Defense of the The Defenders 3 – Case Closed

Defenders #1 courtesy

  Not that long ago…on a post not so far away I explored why Marvel’s non-team was getting another shot at a series…this time with the Uncanny X-Men dream team of Matt Fraction and Terry Dodson.

  The Defenders by Matt Fraction Trade Paperback is out this week collecting the first six issues of the series.  

  In the aftermath of Fear Itself  this odd mix of heroes is recruited to stop a monster’s rampage. I won’t spoil the hero that summons Dr. Strange, Silver Surfer, Iron Fist, Namor and Red She-Hulk into this latest incarnation of Marvel’s non-team.  

  The book has action, humor and strange twists. How does the idea of Dr. Strange hooking up, monsters and zero gravity kung-fu in the first chapter strike you? The misfits discover threats and mysteries on Wundagore Mountain and deep in the sea. Fraction has said the book is filled with characters he really wanted to write and you can feel the love for each of them. Dodson’s bold art captures the big screen fun, supernatural twists and enthusiasm Fraction pounds into the script.

Defenders by Matt Fraction cover courtesy

 With so many other Marvel teams why would you need the Defenders? Why would a concept that’s been tried so many times he another reboot. Check out Defenders By Matt Fraction and you’ll see why.  If only Fraction could find a way to bring Hellcat back on the team!

By Editor


Jeremy Renner and Matt Damon For Fifth Bourne Movie?

courtesy Empire magazine

  Jeremy Renner (Hawkeye of Marvel’s The Avengers) takes over the Jason Bourne action franchise (from Matt Damon) with The Bourne Legacy. Writer/Director Tony Gilroy hints how Damon and Renner’s characters could be together in a new film. Gilroy’s game plan for continuing the series revealed in the latest Empire magazine is pure Shakespearean.

  “If you think of the first three Bourne films as Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, then we’re showing you Elsinore. You thought you were seeing something you weren’t. What if there’s a much larger story? What if Treadstone wasn’t the only black-ops programme?

  “I had never spent one moment thinking about how to do a sequel to Bourne Ultimatum. I first came in for two weeks just to spitball. I had a very random idea…so we started with that and it got more and more exciting. All of a sudden I was staring at something that had a great deal of resonance and was soulful and uncynical and was also gonna kick ass. So that was good.”

  Producer Frank Marshall says, “You see there are several different programmes in the movie with different skill sets. All possibilities are open. My dream is that in the next one we see Matt and Jeremy team up.”

 For the entire interview here’s the link or watch for the new issue of Empire magazine.
Here’s the trailer:

By Editor


Doctor Who Meets The Enterprise Crew

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 courtesy IDW Publishing

The Borg attack a Federation planet but they are not alone. The Cybermen are with them. This frightening alliance can only mean one thing…crossover! IDW Publishing phase Doctor Who and Star Trek: The Next Generation together in a new series. I said “make it so” to the premiere issue

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #2 is out this week. The Doctor, Amy and Rory beam aboard the U.S.S. Enterprise. Will Captain Picard mistake the Time Lord for a member of the Q Continuum? You could see how that might happen! How did the Starfleet’s greatest threat form an alliance with the Doctor’s most ruthless enemies? Resistance is futile…I must get this next chapter.

By Editor