Captain America Goes “Sci-Fi Indiana Jones”


Captain America #1 courtesy Marvel

  Marvel’s ultimate boy scout in the hands of the writer known for chronicling the bad boys and gals of Marvel. Rick Remender (Punisher, Venom, Uncanny X-Force, Secret Avengers) is launching a brand new Captain America #1 this November with legendary John Romita Jr. Remender is following Ed Brubaker’s acclaimed and extensive run. The writer tells his own history with the Sentinel of Liberty.

  “SECRET WARS is what brought me into comic books. That was my first contact with Cap. That led me into his ongoing series, around #294-295 when The Red Skull and his daughters were hatching their big plot against Steve. That was great stuff; a lot of interesting stuff to get pulled into. There was plenty of history there and how they were handling the Red Skull and Captain America relationship—I remember being very grabbed by that. A few issues later Captain Britain showed up and that’s when I started falling in love with that character, too.”

  What does Cap stand for?

  “Tenacity. The character, in my head, was always about [that at] his core. He never gives up, he never quits. He’s a role model. That’s a term that comes a little bit clichéd and trite I suppose, but that’s sort of the beauty of who he is. He’s a patriotic soldier directed by a personal ethical compass, belief in the American dream and faith in his fellow man. At the same time we’ve seen that he’s very clever and roguish, quick with the drill comment on occasion, but he’s also a leader at the core of it. That was something that I definitely wanted to dig into when I took on the new series and we will be quite a bit.”

 Expect a change in tone with Remender. While Ed Brubaker focused on SHIELD and spies, Remender will turn up the sci-fi factor.

  “It’s almost like “Kirby Sci-Fi Indiana Jones.” High adventure dipped in sci-fi spy fantasy with heavy focus on the man under the suit. Steve’s fabric and his relationships drive our story and the action is the byproduct. Tonally it’s very serious. You want to make sure the characters go up against things that feel like real threats and [put] them into interesting situations. It’s a lot less of the connection with S.H.I.E.L.D. and the spy work and more big high adventure super hero stuff with sci-fi that I tend to lean into. It’s obviously a big challenge following a beloved run like Ed’s. I guess that’s what was also appealing because it was a challenge; it wasn’t safe. You’re working with new people.”

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

 Remender is also writing the flagship Marvel NOW! relaunch book Uncanny Avengers and says expect a crossover.

 “There will be a lot of new characters cross pollinating [between the two books]. The first 10 issues of each are going to be their own thing—you want to get that train out of the station and really solidify what the books are about and what’s going on in them. Then we’ll start to see characters from one pop up in the other and a little more cross pollination. I spent some time on the phone with Jason Aaron about how to incorporate some of his new THOR: GOD OF THUNDER ideas in UNCANNY AVENGERS as well, and I want to do the same with Jonathan Hickman and I know Kieron Gillen and I will talk, too. We’ll try and do our very best to make it cohesive and not like it’s a bold new direction where everyone is doing their own thing. We want it to feel like a bold new direction where everyone is doing their own thing and swapping toys out, trying to build something that feels cohesive because that’s such an important part of the shared universe experience.”

Remender tells IFanboy that part of the sci-fi focus will be bringing back Arnim Zola and sending Cap to Dimension Z?

  “One of the mandates I have to myself is, I don’t want to touch the World War II stuff. I think that that has been done, now, and it’s been done perfectly. To go back and to keep focusing on Cap in World War II at this point, again, would be following too closely to what Ed has already done.  What I’m doing is spending a lot of time in the Lower East Side of Manhattan in the 20s and 30s, showing Steve grow up. The first arc is 10 issues, and it’s called “Dimension Z.”

  I don’t want to give away too much, but a big portion of it is Cap dealing with Arnim Zola in Dimension Z. I’m trying to take Zola and do with him, what we did with Apocalypse over in Uncanny X-Force. Where we take what’s there, re-imagine it, build a new mythology and really expand Zola, and try and build Zola into a very, very big and important character.

  The other half of it is going to be a lot of flashbacks to a young Steve Rogers growing up in Depression-era Lower East Side, and getting to know his family and his friends, and how this 98-pound weakling became such a tenacious, strong person; focus on the fiber and the integrity of who he is, and really develop that for the first time.”

  Op/Ed: Brubaker’s run is beloved. The Winter Soldier is what got me buying Cap again. The writer taking on Cap probably has the biggest challenge in the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Remender is one of the most ambitious and fearless writers out there (Hello –Dark Angel Saga) so I’m excited to see where he’ll take Steve.

 For the entire interview here’s the link.

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Professor X’s Son Seizes X-Men Legacy

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

  Professor X had a dream of mutants and humans living and working together in harmony. It has not happened.

  Marvel revealed today that David Haller (Professor X’s son aka Legion) will take on his father’s role as leader of the mutants marching on towards making the dream a reality in a new X-Men Legacy series by Si Spurrier and Tan Eng Huat.

  As a longtime X-Men fan this is definitely not what I was expecting. Legion is a mentally unstable mutant with multiple powers for his multiple personalities – and maybe the worst hair in comic book history! David’s fractured mind has been the cause of epic stories (Age of Apocalypse, Age of X) and twisted realities.

  Si Spurrier revealed David’s plan to reshape the mutant world in his father’s vision.

“Yeah, David does feel like a natural fit for the title, doesn’t he? We’ve got the son of Professor Charles Xavier slicing, smashing and exploding his name into the history books of mutantkind. I’m kind of in love with that LEGACY tag, because in the run-up to the announcement so many of the readers speculating blindly on the Internets—we’ve all done it—have been saying “it can’t possibly be X-MEN LEGACY, that word doesn’t work as a title any more, it doesn’t make sense, it’s gotta be something else, oh God please let it be Stiltman Legacy, no, no, let it be Squirrel Girl Legacy, or Devil Dinosaur Legacy, or yadda yadda,” Spurrier tells

 Actually, I would read the [expletive] out of all those titles, so ignore me.

 Anyway, I kinda like the idea that rather than launching something new with a whole new X-adjective attached—Ebullient X-Men! Gibbous X-Men! Arousing X-Men!—we’ve made it our business to make the LEGACY tag relevant. This time it really is all about how mutantkind in general, the X-Men in particular, and the name “Xavier” specifically, will be regarded in the light of the dawning future.”

  If you’re like me you’re probably asking of all the mutants to get their own series in the Marvel NOW! relaunch why David?

 “As far as I know the idea of basing the series round David has been in the works since the plotting of Avengers Vs. X-Men. David’s story grows organically from those events. In fact I’d go so far as to say it’s the tale that really needs to be told in the aftermath period. My brief was pretty simple: take a thoroughly screwed-up young character—who’s been handled so differently by so many narrative teams down the years that it’s tricky for anyone to say for sure exactly who he is or what his voice might be—and launch him into the Marvel Universe as a definitive, dynamic, tormented, likeable character cooler than an Inuit’s arse. “Show us who he is, Si. What he can do. What he wants to do but can’t yet. Think differently.”

  It’s a pretty wonderful remit, when you think about it. Here’s a character almost everyone’s heard of but nobody feels familiar with—yet. So, who’s David? David is one of the most powerful beings alive on the planet, who has spent the majority of his life unable to trust his own brain.

 That’s a cool starting point.”

  The mutants have always been divided: Xavier vs. Magneto, Cyclops vs. Wolverine. How will Legion fit?

  “Without giving too much away, nothing’s ever that easy with David. When we join him at the start of this story he’s very much alone, confused [and] lost. In many ways the controlling idea behind everything he does is about finding himself—but of course that manifests with all the explodo insane villain-blasting fun you’d expect, as well as the soul-searching and, ah, internal struggles particular to David.

  But—yeah. This book isn’t going to work like the other X-books. It—like David—is the black sheep of the family. It’s tricky to define. It worms its way between the cracks. It’s not a team book, although we’re going to see a lot of team stuff along the way. It’s not a straight-out fight book, although a [lot] of stuff explodes all the time. It’s not a horror book, although we’re going to see a lot of horror vibes. David isn’t really one of the X-Men at all when we first meet him, but we’ll certainly be seeing a great deal of those guys throughout the tale. 

  For much of the time David doesn’t actively “belong” to any of the political or resource-structures we’re used to associating with mutantkind. He may have a “side” he prefers—he does—but it’d be stretching things to say he “belongs” to it. It’s easier to think of him as the Joker in the pack, or the Independent Candidate. The only side he belongs to it his own. None of the above, right? There may come a time when he isn’t the only one occupying that niche, but you can bet your bottom dollar he won’t be working with anyone on any terms beside his own.”

  Spurrier did not comment on if other mutants will join David’s cause and book. For more of Spurrier’s interview here’s the link.

 Here’s the question? If Legion is taking over the mutant cause does that mean Professor X, Cyclops and Emma are not around after AvX to do it?

By Editor

Mike Allred on the new FF

FF #1 courtesy Marvel

  Matt Fraction revealed he’s taking the Fantastic Four on a family vacation into space with artist Mark Bagley. While Marvel’s First Family is away the Earth will be protected by the FF with artist Mike Allred. Fraction’s backup team includes Ant-Man and Medusa of the Inhumans. The Madman creator tells why he joined the FF.

  “When I was approached with a project starring one of my all-time favorite, and vastly under-rated, characters, Ant-Man, I leapt out of my shoes. Literally. Those shoes are ruined now. Ant-Man has been there from the beginning. One of the very first Marvel heroes, folks; I think the first or second behind the Fantastic Four. Most people don’t know that.

  Then add claiming the Baxter Building with my fave Marvel lady, Medusa, big and sexy She-Hulk, and one of the cleverest creations in recent memory, Miss Thing—now I’m almost out of my skin. Fortunately that’s just a figure of speech. I’m still tucked nicely away into my skin.

  Seriously, I’m going nuts with excitement. I’m living the dream I dreamt when I was a kid, laying on the living room floor making comics with my big brother Lee.”

I have to agree with Allred’s excitement for Medusa – I love her too. Here’s the link to Matt Fraction revealing his take on the Fantastic relaunch.

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This Geek’s Top Panels for GeekGirlCon in Seattle

  The GEEK will be celebrated and SHE has earned it! GeekGirlCon will honor contributions of women to geek culture. The first event was a sold out smash and organizers have listened to fan input in planning this year’s event in Seattle this weekend.

  Here are there top panels I’m most excited about:

  Moffat’s Women: Companions, Travelers, Gender Roles and TARDISES in Doctor WhoRiver Song, Amy Pond, Donna Noble, Rose Tyler and Martha Jones (my personal favorite) are the women who make Doctor Who’s journeys so compelling. This panel discusses the female characters Executive Producer Steven Moffat created, both now and under Russell T. Davies. The panelist will take on: transgender issues implied by a Time Lord’s regenerative ability, the representation of LGBT characters (omnisexual Captain Jack Harkness!) and lifestyles and The Doctor’s Wife (aka the TARDIS.)

Batgirl #12 courtesy DC Comics

 Gail Simone and the Batgirl of San Diego: Batgirls, One Year Later –Gail Simone blazed a trail with dynamic writing and powerful characters in Birds of Prey and Secret Six plus she wrote Deadpool and The Simpsons. Last year Simone took Barbara Gordon out of her wheelchair and put her back on the streets of Gotham City in a reboot of Batgirl. At least year’s SDCC Simone donned a cape and cowl while asking pointed questions about the lack of female representation in comics. Gail Simone and “The Batgirl of San Diego” discuss the state of comics today and the future. Spotlight on Gail Simone is on Sunday in a discussion of her career, her views on social issues and women in comics.

  Jane Espenson and Husbands—A Comedy for the Marriage Equality Age Espenson has written for Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Battlestar Galactica and Warehouse 13. Husbands is her web show in the tradition of classic comedies. Producers and cast will discuss making the show and its future.

From Jedi Princess to Sith Witch: An Exploration of Female Characters in Star Wars – From Leia to Padme and all the witches, bounty hunters, smugglers and women who light up both sides of The Force in the sci-fi universe.

There are two days packed with more panels about gaming, blogging and more. Here’s my preview of GeekGirlCon 2012.

 GeekGirlCon 2012 is THIS WEEKEND at the Conference Center in Seattle. Click here to buy passes.

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The End of The Defenders

Defenders by Matt Fraction cover courtesy

  Matt Fraction is taking on the Fantastic Four and FF this November as part of the Marvel NOW! relaunch. Fraction revealed to USA Today that he will leave The Defenders and that series will come to an end with issue 12 in November.

  Fraction took the Defenders concept into a strange and fun new direction with Dr. Strange, Iron Fist, Red She-Hulk, Silver Surfer and Namor as his team. I hope Fraction will get the chance to write Dr. Strange again – he has one of the most unusual and realistic takes on the Master of the Mystic Arts.

 I recently wrote In Defense of the Defenders part 3 – Case Closed. I had no idea how soon it really would be closing time but this franchise seems to roar back to life every few years. Maybe next time we’ll see a reunion of Valkyrie and Hellcat in a new Defenders book!

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Fantastic Fraction: The Four and the “Other” Four?

Fantastic Four #1 courtesy Marvel

  After writing X-Men, Invincible Iron Man and The Mighty Thor, Matt Fraction is taking on Marvel’s First Family and their extended family. This November get ready for Fraction and Mark Bagley’s Fantastic Four #1 and Fraction and Mike Allred’s FF #1.

  The Marvel NOW! relaunch sees Reed, Susan, Ben and Johnny taking the kids on a cosmic vacation in Fantastic Four while a select team of heroes stands in for them back on Earth in FF. Fraction tells why he’s chosen the Richards bunch.

  “The family unit of it all; adventure dad, adventure mom, that whole thing, when you’re a kid, is great. And The Thing. Greatest comics character of all time, or super greatest?  Now I’m struck that in 102 issues, Stan and Jack pretty much built a universe. That’s a tall order, creatively, an impossibly high bar. 

  I want to tackle that kind of challenge, to take on a book whose mandate, whose creative soul, means to invent wildly and with reckless abandon.”

FF #1 courtesy Marvel

  Fraction follows an epic run by Jonathan Hickman. What is the tone of the new title?

 “The Incredibles.” That “The Incredibles” was kind of the perfect modern Fantastic Four story and wasn’t a Fantastic Four story is, like, a provocation of creative war, y’know? Again, talk about impossibly high bars, but there you go. Can there be a Fantastic Four that’s wildly new, wildly inventive, and that appeals to everybody that might encounter it, regardless of their age or how many comics they’ve read? Let’s find out.”

For more of Fraction’s interview here’s the link.

My Geek Wish: Reed Richards vs. Dr. Nemesis in a mental clash of the scientific titans! I loved how Fraction wrote the X-Club on his Uncanny X-Men run. It would be great fun to see Reed put the arrogant genius in his place!

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Deadpool, Agent of SHIELD?

Deadpool #1 courtesy Marvel

  Comedians/comic writers Brian Posehn and Gerry Duggan (with Tony Moore on art) will send the Merc with a Mouth on an insane mission in a brand new Deadpool #1. The new Marvel NOW! creative team sends Wade Wilson against zombified dead Presidents as an agent of SHIELD. The writers tell IGN how they met and why Deadpool.

  “We met at a comic shop, actually. Around ten years ago now, around the back issue bin. Obviously we were both lifelong Marvel fans up to that point. Deadpool has always occupied that space of action and comedy that doesn’t exist elsewhere in comics. I think that’s why he resonated with us,” Duggan says.

 “Yeah, he was kind of the obvious choice for us. We both can be serious too, and we’ve talked about writing a more serious book down the line, but it felt like the way to get the foot in the door was to do the thing that we’re both good at. And Deadpool is really the only game in town where you can do both things that we enjoy doing – tell an action story but also have the main character be a smart-ass,” Posehn adds.

The duo says Rick Remender introduced them to Editor in Chief Axel Alonso leading to the Deadpool relaunch.

 Back to that crazy concept of Deadpool versus Undead Presidents…

 “It starts with a man who has decided that America has a lot of problems that can only be fixed by bringing back our former leaders, our great American Presidents. But that’s not how it works out. Once they’re back, they have a completely different idea of what they need to do and what the country needs. It’s a distasteful job having to send our presidents back, but Deadpool is up for the job and is suited for it. They’re not equal in terms of their planning, but in their own way they have returned corrupted. We think it’s going to be a very fun first story that leads to other funny stories,” Duggan tells

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New James Bond Skyfall Poster


   James Bond shares the new poster for Skyfall with his two leading ladies (Severine, Eve) and the villain (Silva.) Daniel Craig, Berenice Marlohe, Javier Bardem and  Naomie Harris are featued in the poster for UK theatres. Each character will receive their own poster too. Bardem’s creepy blonde character has been in my head since seeing the trailer. He reminds me so much of Red Grant (played by the brilliant Robert Shaw) in From Russia, With Love. Who is Silva? I suspect he may be one of the deep cover MI6 agents exposed by M’s misteps as seen in the trailer. I have this idea in my head that perhaps Silva has gone blonde to model himself after Bond?

Thanks to

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