Asgard Inferno! Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen are torching Thor and Kid Loki’s realm with Everything Burns. This crossover marks the final chapters of Fraction on The Mighty Thor and Gillen on Journey Into Mystery with the Aesir/Vanir War. Fraction tells Marvel.com how this war surpasses the previous war – one of the darkest moments of Asgard history.

“Well, historically, it’s a big chunk of the Norse cycle that’s just been lost. The Marvel-Norse myth, however, has no duty to its source and has been pretty freely rewritten over the years. One of the biggest missing components to the Marvel-Norse stuff is, quite frankly, the women; for whatever reasons, whereas women are extraordinarily vital and important in the original cycles, they’ve been kind of shunted off to the sides over here. Of course there are exceptions, and important ones at that, but these merely prove the rule rather than right the wrong.

Anyway I started wondering if I could tie the two together: the legendary lost Aesir/Vanir War, and a boys vs. girls story that would explain the Marvel-Norse patriarchy. And so here we are. This new flare-up, pardon the pun, is a proxy war waged by Surtur; a war hidden inside a war, bigger and bloodier than anything. Even Ragnarok is simply a cycle’s end and rebirth—but this is the end of everything, the very extinguishing of light and life in the universe.”

Fraction says the Odinson’s biggest fear is losing all because he was wrong about Loki and warns “Thor’s greatest fear cripples him at the worst possible time.”
“Loki’s prime fear remains what it always was: that he’s exactly what everyone else thinks he is. He’s a destroyer, a chaos-bringer,” adds Gillen.
The legendary Alan Davis and Carmine Di Giandomenico provided the art on this crossover ending the Fraction and Gillen runs on the Asgard icons. For more of their interview here’s the Marvel.com link.
Fraction is moving on to Fantastic Four and FF. Gillen is taking on Iron Man. Jason Aaron unleashes Thor: God of Thunder in November. Kathryn Immonen makes Sif the new star of Journey Into Mystery.
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