Thor & Kid Loki Burn


Journey Into Mystery #642 courtesy Marvel

  Asgard Inferno! Matt Fraction and Kieron Gillen are torching Thor and Kid Loki’s realm with Everything Burns. This crossover marks the final chapters of Fraction on The Mighty Thor and Gillen on Journey Into Mystery with the Aesir/Vanir War. Fraction tells how this war surpasses the previous war – one of the darkest moments of Asgard history.


Journey Into Mystery #642

  “Well, historically, it’s a big chunk of the Norse cycle that’s just been lost. The Marvel-Norse myth, however, has no duty to its source and has been pretty freely rewritten over the years. One of the biggest missing components to the Marvel-Norse stuff is, quite frankly, the women; for whatever reasons, whereas women are extraordinarily vital and important in the original cycles, they’ve been kind of shunted off to the sides over here. Of course there are exceptions, and important ones at that, but these merely prove the rule rather than right the wrong.

The Mighty Thor #19 courtesy Marvel

  Anyway I started wondering if I could tie the two together: the legendary lost Aesir/Vanir War, and a boys vs. girls story that would explain the Marvel-Norse patriarchy. And so here we are. This new flare-up, pardon the pun, is a proxy war waged by Surtur; a war hidden inside a war, bigger and bloodier than anything. Even Ragnarok is simply a cycle’s end and rebirth—but this is the end of everything, the very extinguishing of light and life in the universe.”

The Mighty Thor #19 courtesy Marvel

  Fraction says the Odinson’s biggest fear is losing all because he was wrong about Loki and warns “Thor’s greatest fear cripples him at the worst possible time.”

  “Loki’s prime fear remains what it always was: that he’s exactly what everyone else thinks he is. He’s a destroyer, a chaos-bringer,” adds Gillen. 

  The legendary Alan Davis and Carmine Di Giandomenico provided the art on this crossover ending the Fraction and Gillen runs on the Asgard icons. For more of their interview here’s the link.

  Fraction is moving on to Fantastic Four and FF. Gillen is taking on Iron Man. Jason Aaron unleashes Thor: God of Thunder in November. Kathryn Immonen makes Sif the new star of Journey Into Mystery.

By Editor

Deadpool Says “Call Me Maybe” To Uncanny Avengers

Uncanny Avengers #1 Deadpool variant cover courtesy Marvel

  Are you ready to party like it’s Marvel NOW?

  We’ve have met. And Wade is crazy. Deadpool says “Call Me Maybe” in this variant for Uncanny Avengers #1. It’s part of the incentive for retailers to host Marvel NOW! launch parties for the first book of the relaunch on October 10, 2012. Mark Brooks crafted this hilarious cover with Wade Wilson giving the reasons why he could be an Avenger. 

  Marvel gave stores the chance to be Stand With the X-Men or Stand With the Avengers on the night of the Avengers vs. X-Men #1 launch parties earlier this year.

 Along with the Deadpool variant participating retailers receive party kits with buttons, posters, flyers, and more.

 Thanks Comics Newsarama.

For here’s the link on the new Deadpool Marvel Now! team.

Uncanny Avengers is by Rick Remender and John Cassaday.

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The Wolverine Synopsis

Hugh Jackman as Wolverine courtesy

  The official synopsis for The Wolverine is out. Hugh Jackman is reprising his role as the fan favorite X-Man.

“Based on the celebrated comic book arc, ‘The Wolverine’ finds Logan, the eternal warrior and outsider, in Japan. There, samurai steel will clash with adamantium claw as Logan confronts a mysterious figure from his past in an epic battle that will leave him forever changed.”

  That arc is by legendary Chris Claremont and Frank Miller. Logan falls in love with the daugher of a Japanese crime lord and will face the Silver Samurai. Here’s a link to the cast announcements. The search continues for an actress to play the Viper.

Filming is under way in Australia. Thanks to

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Professor X Joins Avengers vs. X-Men

Avengers vs. X-Men #11 courtesy Marvel

  Professor Charles Xavier is a refined badass. He’s been patient. He’s tried to support and understood the actions of this prize student. It’s time for Professor X to get into the war. Time to go all psi-war on the Phoenix Force!

  Comics Newsarama has a first look at interior art for Avengers vs. X-Men #11 by Olivier Coipel. Professor X and Storm join forces with Captain America, the Avengers and Hope against the Phoenix Two: Cyclops and Emma Frost.

  Brian Michael Bendis will script this penultimate issue of the epic conflict. I felt Bendis really captured Professor X’s anguish and anger in last week’s New Avengers #29 and this week’s Avengers #29.

  With the announcement of a new X-Men Legacy relaunch starring the Professor’s son, Legion, could this mean Charles will make the ultimate sacrifice to stop the student who is more like a son? 

  What if Charles must destroy Scott? Here’s my theory of what might happen to Miss Emma Frost after AvX!

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Mystery Woman of All-New X-Men?

All-New X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

  All-New X-Men features the original five students of Professor X in the here and now.

 The cover of All-New X-Men #2 revealed this week features Storm, Wolverine, Kitty Pryde and Lockheed, furry Beast and Bobby – now at his full Omega level potential. It’s assumed that the girl with the short red hair was Rachel Summers, daughter of Scott and Jean from an alternate future.

 Writer Brian Michael Bendis revealed on his message board that this mystery woman is not Rachel.

     “The mystery woman is not Jessica Jones OR rachel summers. hmmm…”

Any thougths? Thanks for the careful eye Comics Newsarama.

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Arrow Goes Shirtless

courtesy The CW

  The CW released a new poster for Arrow showing Stephen Amell (Hung) shirtless and scarred. The poster featured the taglines Destiny Leaves Its Mark and show the tattoos and scars on Oliver Queen. In the series based on DC Comics hero Green Arrow, playboy Queen returns to Starling City after 5 years on island after being shipwrecked.

  John Barrowman (Doctor Who, Torchwood) is joining the cast in a recurring role. His character has not been identified yet. I’m hoping he’ll be a new take on Brick. Katie Cassidy plays Laurel Lance.

Arrow debuts October 10th.

By Editor

Avengers Sequel: Disney Sets the Date

Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

   Disney sets May 1, 2015 as the official release date for The Avengers sequel. Joss Whedon is back on board to write and direct. Iron Man 3, Captain America: The Winter Soldier, Thor: The Dark World and Guardians of the Galaxy are on the way and paving the way for the reunion of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

The date is set. All we need is a ring…or a few Infinity Gems?

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Jumping On X-Men


X-Men #34 courtesy Marvel

  A new guy at my local comic book shop asked what’s a good book as a jumping ON point for the X-Men. The clerk said asked this guy. I’m thrilled to see a potential new X-fan in an Avengers dominated age. I gave the guy a brief rundown of each current X-book and what you need to know but recommended this week’s X-Men #34. No disrespect to the other X creative teams but all the current titles are currently part of AvX or mid-arc.

  X-Men #34 starts a new arc spinning out of the last issue’s shocking conclusion. Brian Wood excellent first arc had a Torchwood (minus the sex) vibe as Storm’s “security team” tracked down monsters that turned out to be products of a twisted science and a genetic secret of mutant history.

  Subterraneans part one picks up right where were left with the small unit tracking stolen genetic material. The trail leads to a cult with a strange twist. I love the way Wood writes this team. Storm leads with confidence and authority. The Psylocke and Domino infiltration of the cult’s unusual compound is written with tension and humor.  

  I have to say I miss David Lopez. Wood/Lopez had a kind of magic that reminded me of the Chris Claremont/Paul Smith era but darker. Roland Boschi’s work is not as clean but still fits the tone of the story. This run has excellent characterization of a small team, a tightly plotted mystery and a dark tone. If you want a great X-book – not connected to crossover – then Brian Wood’s X-Men is a book you should be reading.

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