Favorite Avengers Moments By Bendis

Brian Michael Bendis is reflecting on his 8 years of writing The Avengers with Marvel.com before taking on the X-Men franchise. Bendis made me start buying and loving Earth’s Mightiest Heroes again. Fans say they have event fatigue (I’m guilty of saying that) but we sure kept devouring them over the past 8 years. Bendis was the mastermind (or key collaborator) of epic after epic from House of M to Secret Invasion to Siege. Bendis gives some insight into how these Marvel milestones went from brain to page.

House of M #1 courtesy Marvel

  Avengers became the center of the Marvel Universe and House of M was a huge game-changer in the Marvel Universe that turned an Avenger into a pariah and depowered millions of mutants.

  “When the book becomes the center of everything, there’s a lot of ways for that to go wrong. That wasn’t my goal to turn the AVENGERS into the center; my goal was to just make this the most awesome thing ever, filled with stuff I hadn’t seen in an Avengers book before. I knew that would be slightly controversial, but maybe not as controversial as I intended. The way the market responded to things, the book became a centerpiece for the Marvel Universe and the series of event [stories] that came about. If you remember, events were nothing. Disassembled was one of the first events. And then House of M came right after that. They literally came to me and said, “Listen, Joss [Whedon] isn’t writing ASTONISHING X-MEN this summer, he’s got to go do something else. If you want to do an Avengers/X-Men fun thing, that’d be great.

People can look at the first cover and see New Avengers/Astonishing X-Men and that’s what the book initially was. I had a thing left over that I was talking with [Jeph] Loeb about from Disassembled: if Wanda goes nuts, what does Magneto do about that? That seemed like a great Avengers/X-Men summer thing, because what’s the biggest problem for the Avengers and the X-Men? It’s Wanda. House of M burst out of that, and all of a sudden the Avengers are the centerpiece of all these big events, because by nature, the roster is pulling characters from different parts of the Marvel Universe. Back when the Avengers were just Avengers, and you could only see these characters in the Avengers, they were the Avengers. But the way I set it up, with Spider-Man, and Wolverine from the X-Men, and [Thor’s] an Asgardian—now you’ve got an arm out from every corner of the Marvel Universe pulled into this one book. And that makes it, by its own nature, the centerpiece and with that comes a lot of scary stuff,” says Bendis.

New Avengers #31 courtesy Marvel

The revelation that Skrulls had infiltrated every team and organization (for years) was huge and made me go back looking for the clues that had been there. Bendis recalls that “OH —-” moment in New Avengers when the knife went in Elektra and she turned green!

“The reveal of the Skrull stuff was a big one because I’d been planning that since the first issue. And when Elektra became a Skrull, if everyone went, “Who cares?” I’d be screwed. It was all I had. I was relieved that Leinil Yu had killed it, he did an amazing job, and we were able to go about with our Skrull storyline with such excitement from our readers for so long to the point that it became its own event, which wasn’t even the plan.”

The Bendis era is filled with action and dramatic moments. The author reveals the other pivotal scenes that mean a lot to him.

“My favorite moments are usually the quieter ones, like CIVIL WAR: THE CONFESSION and some of the tie-ins during Civil War. Discovering the funny repartee between Spider-Man and Luke Cage, that wasn’t in my initial plan. That just kind of happened, the characters kinda took over.Things like that, which may not be exciting to some people, but as a writer, it always makes me happy to do something I haven’t seen before. When I can put something in the Avengers pot that wasn’t there before. And at the end of the day, the whole time I was on AVENGERS, people were yelling at me because Spider-Man wasn’t an Avenger. Well he’s been an Avenger for eight years, so guess what? Wolverine too. Also, discovering new things about the characters because of their placement in AVENGERS,” Bendis said.

“Overall, my top favorite thing is that I can’t think of a day where I haven’t been thrilled with my collaborations. Every single issue on all of the Avengers books has been quite outstanding, as far as high-water marks in super hero comic book art in the last eight years. Even the first two years of NEW AVENGERS with David Finch and Steve McNiven; I still think that was Steve’s best stuff. Me and Jimmy Cheung did an amazing amount of issues together and people don’t even realize. I would steal him in between issues of YOUNG AVENGERS and I ended up getting a lot of comic books out of him. Mike Deodato has done more issues of Avengers with me than anybody over the course of all the books. I got to work with almost all of my heroes. I got to work with Alan Davis, Howard Chaykin, Neal Adams, Walt Simonson, and John Romita, Jr., all on the same book. There is no way I’m not going to look back on this and go “What?!”


New Avengers Annual #1 courtesy Marvel

For this geek – I love the return of Luke Cage, his relationship with Jessica Jones and his rise to leadership. The New Avengers Annual – the wedding of Luke and Jessica was beautiful. I love the moment when Luke brought to Avengers to his New York City neighborhood. Luke was lifted up to major hero status but stayed grounded and he kept Earth’s Mightiest Heroes grounded and relatable.

By Editor


Survive the Marvel NOW!

courtesy Marvel

Dennis Hopeless. Kev Walker. Survive. December 2012.

The blood stained image is the latest teaser for a new Marvel NOW title.

I admit it- I’m stumped!

By Editor

Gillen Teases Second Marvel NOW Book

Iron Man #2 courtesy Marvel

Kieron Gillen and Greg Land will leave Uncanny X-Men for a brand new Iron Man series. Gillen is saying goodbye to Journey Into Mystery too. In a new Comics Newsarama interview Gillen teased he will be writing a second title in the Marvel Now relaunch.

  “Hmm. What can I say about my other Marvel NOW! book. On a work-happiness level, I’ve enjoyed writing two ongoing books at Marvel with contrasting stances. One is the book where I find a way to make a pre-existing Marvel powerhouse operate as well as I’m able to make it. The other is the one where I try to make a book from the ground up, and create something relatively unprecedented. Uncanny X-Men was the former, and Journey Into Mystery was the latter.

Clearly, Iron Man is the former, and the unannounced book is the latter.

So at the least, in terms of how it fits in my head, the new book is related to Journey Into Mystery. However, I’ll be pushing whole different areas. It’s not a high fantasy book, for example. While I want to push some technical stuff, rather than trying to reclaim and renovate ’90s caption excess and hyper-compression (normally via the particular choice of ironic narrator), this is trying to push in a whole other bunch of ways. I’m working hand in glove with an artist. I wanted to do something that felt as aesthetically coherent as [Mark] Waid and collaborators have managed to make Daredevil.”

So what will Gillen’s second new series be?

Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

I’ve said on this site before how much I love UNIT. The alien android villain is a brilliant creation with terrifying potential. I think UNIT could be the Ultron for the X-Men and a foil for Tony Stark.

I was a fan of his Generation Next so could Gillen take on a new teen team? Runaways?

What characters would you want to see Gillen write?

By Editor

X-Factor #243 Polaris Exposed

X-Factor #243 courtesy Marvel

Lorna Dane is one of the great tragic heroines of the Marvel Universe. Peter David reveals the truth about the biggest mystery of her life in Day 3 of Breaking Points in this week’s X-Factor #243.

Polaris is the daughter of Magneto. Her mother’s death has haunted Lorna until now. The search for the truth unleashes Lorna’s magnetic fury against her own teammates. Peter David is on fire writing this soap opera packed with drama and great characterization. This issue is tense as Polaris is pushed and pushes back in her obsession to learn the truth about her parents.

Polaris has a history of shock and loss: the airplane crash that killed her mother and the man she thought was her dad, the revelation that the evil Magneto was her real father, being possessed by the mutant Malice, the loss of her mutant powers twice and being dumped by Alex Summers at the altar.

Uncanny X-Men #50 courtesy Marvel

In a series of mind games and magnetic manipulation – M and Longshot finally reveal the truth. It’s worse than Lorna thought!

I LOVE this cover. Polaris was co-created by Jim Steranko. This David Yardin cover beautifully captures the Steranko vibe and how Lorna has been torn and twisted between Havok and Magneto.

The ending of Breaking Points Day Three leaves Lorna and Alex at a major turning point. Havok is joining Uncanny Avengers. I’d like to see Polaris survive and thrive in the Marvel NOW. Back in the early days Lorna chose Alex over Bobby Drake. With the original Iceman coming into the present in All-New X-Men maybe Polaris will have a second chance? I’d love to see Lorna heal the pain, start fresh and become a strong heroine and mutant champion.

By Editor

Long Lost X-Men

The First X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Legendary Neal Adams and Christos Gage are telling a tale of The First X-Men. Logan and his ally (yes, ally!) Victor Creed are hunting for fellow mutants thinking there is strength in numbers. Logan and Creed attempted to recruit Charles Xavier in the premiere issue.

In this week’s The First X-Men #2 Logan, Creed and their new recruits track down a Master of Magnetism. The older mutant is on his own mission of vengeance in Argentina hunting Nazi war criminals. This Magneto is not exactly Michael Fassbender but he will remind you of how the character was portrayed in X-Men: First Class. Logan’s invitation does not go as planned.

Adams was an artist in the early days of X-Men. He dives into the conspiracies and key government figures of that era to shape the big threat of this mini-series and is still affecting mutantkind today.

In this lost X-Men tale Adams and Gage have introduces us to new/old mutants Holly Bright aka Holo, Bombast Aghast and a Yeti. The team shows early on how Logan can be a tough drill instructor and encouraging teacher.

This tale of lost mutants reminded me of some other great stories of “new” mutants created in stories of the X-Men’s past. There have been some great characters created for these stories…but they’re doomed.

X-Men: Deadly Genesis Ed Brubaker created four fascinating lost mutants in this tale of Professor Xavier’s darkest secret. The Professor sent his All-New, All-Different X-Men (Storm, Nightcrawler, Thunderbird, Wolverine, Banshee, Colossus) to save his original students from the living island Krakoa. But there was another team. The Professor’s biggest secret comes back to haunt him, leaves an X-Man dead and severs the teacher’s relationship with Cyclops. Kid Vulcan, Sway, Petra and Darwin were four fascinating mutants with great backstories and cool powers. Xavier sent these young kids into action unprepared and they paid the ultimate price. Vulcan and Darwin were revived and all hell broke loose.

X-Men: The Hidden Years #1 courtesy Marvel

X-Men: The Hidden Years The Children of the Atom almost vanished from comic book history! In the 1970’s the series went into reprints only. John Byrne created some amazing new tales set in those lost years. The original X-Men even encountered Storm when she was just Ororo.

The First X-Men will join the pantheon of “lost” tales of the past and leave us with “new” characters from the past that might survive and thrive in the here and now.

By Editor


Mike Choi and More New Creators For Emerald City Comicon

My Black Bolt by Mike Choi, ComicsBlend

  One of my all-time favorites is coming to back to Emerald City Comicon. Back in 2008 my sketch request was Nightcrawler and I had a ton of X-Force issues autographed. At the 2012 Fan Expo Vancouver I got an awesome Black Bolt sketch from Mike.

  Emerald City Comicon announced that Tim Sale and Michael Avon Oeming are returning to the 2013 event. Dave Johnson, Ethan Van Scriver, Ray Fawkes and Dan Panoshian join the growing line-up or guests. Sir Patrick Stewart and Billy Dee Williams (Freakin’ Lando! I exclaimed when I first saw this) are also coming to Seattle for Emerald City Comicon March 1-3, 2013 and tickets are on sale now.

By Editor

Striking Lightning in the Marvel NOW

courtesy Marvel

Daniel Way. Steve Dillon. Lightning. December 2012. A new series in the crosshairs!

The second wave of Marvel NOW! is unleashed! Does this mean a brand new Thunderbolts?

Back in the day the original Thunderbolts series launched with the tagline “Justice, Like Lighting.”

The current T-bolts just became Dark Avengers under Jeff Parker.

In an earlier interview Way told Comics Newsarama he would be writing a team book.

What do you think?

By Editor

My Favorite Avengers Rosters!

Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

As we learn more and more about Jonathan Hickman’s upcoming Avengers roster I was inspired to share my favorite teams:

Young Avengers In the aftermath of Avengers Disassembled these teens tried to fill the void of the missing heroes. We learned how these kids were connected to Marvel icons, secrets were revealed and they challenged their adult heroes. Patriot, Iron Lad, Hulking, Wiccan, Stature, Hawkeye, Vision, and Speed became a dymanic team devoted to friendship and carrying on the Avengers legacy. Action, emotion, relationships – Allen Heinberg and Jim Cheung delivered in every issue from the first series to Avengers: Children’s Crusade – one of the most beautifully written and drawn series ever!

New Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

New Avengers Captain America, Iron Man, Wolverine, Spider-Man, Luke Cage, Spider-Woman answered the call in breakout when Marvel’s biggest prison was busted. Brian Michael Bendis made the team Mightier by adding popular favorites Spidey and Logan. Spider-Woman, The Sentry, Echo, Iron Fist and Daredevil were more surprise choices. One epic led to another! Loved all the action, conspiracies and fights but I think I loved the Luke and Jessica romance, the tragedy of Robert and Lindy and the redemption of Jessica Drew most of all.


Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Heroes Return In the wake of Heroes Reborn Marvel assembled legends Kurt Busiek and George Perez to return Earth’s Mightiest Heroes to greatness. The lineup was Captain America, Iron Man, Thor, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Hawkeye, Giant-Man, Wonder Man, Wasp, Vision and Warbird (Carol Danvers but in Ms. Marvel uniform.) Firestar, Silverclaw, Triathalon and Justice (Vance Astro) were the new members. A pitch perfect creative team at the top of their game threw the team up against Morgan Le Fay, Squadron Supreme and the ultimate enemy: Ultron!

Avengers #181 courtesy Marvel

Avengers (Korvac+ era) This is a sentimental vote because this was the first comic book subscription I had as a kid. Can you imagine a young geek buying the issue where Michael Korvac blasted the entire team? The massive team was shortened (in part by government liaison Henry Gyrich) to Captain America, Iron Man, Scarlet Witch, Vision, Wasp, Yellowjacket, Quicksilver, Beast, Ms. Marvel, Wonder Man and Jocasta. Jim Shooter, David Micheline, Roger Stern, George Perez and John Byrne were among the creators during this mighty era.

What was your favorite roster?

By Editor