Hulk Solo Movie After Avengers 2?

Marvel’s Avengers The Hulk courtesy Marvel Studios

  “HULK SMASH BOX OFFICE IN OWN MOVIE! NO NEED AVENGERS!”        Imagine that in a loud bellow from a green giant!

After two solo movies the Hulk got cinematic justice and stole the show in Marvel’s The Avengers. MTV pressed Marvel Films honcho Kevin Feige about  Hulk carrying his own movie again and specifically a potential movie based on Greg Pak’s Planet Hulk.

“‘Planet Hulk‘ is a cool story,” Feige responded and adds. “‘World War Hulk‘ is a cool story.” (This geek screams!)

“Do I think Hulk can carry a movie and be as entertaining as he was in ‘Avengers‘? I do believe that. I do believe he absolutely could. We certainly are not even going to attempt that until ‘Avengers 2,'” said Feige. “So there’s a lot of time to think about it.”

“Part of what’s fun about the way we played him in ‘Avengers‘ is the ensemble quality of it,” he continued of why Hulk resonated with so many fans this summer. “I think the pathos and humor, most importantly, that Mark and Joss brought to it showcased a different element of Hulk that’s there in the comics, and was always inherent in his character. But when he was so brooding in his other two films, he didn’t get to have that wry sense of humor that Mark did such an amazing job performing.”

Planet Hulk image courtesy

In Planet Hulk – Iron Man and Reed Richards are among the heroes who banish Hulk into space on an uninhabited rock but the Jade Giant lands on a world in which he becomes a Gladiator type hero. In World War Hulk – the goliath returns to Earth to exact vengeance on the heroes who banished him.

Mark Ruffalo reportedly has a 6 picture deal with Marvel and that inspired this geek’s dreams of a Hulk solo movie based on several storylines including Planet Hulk.

After the Hulk’s performance in The Avengers do you want to see a Hulk solo movie?

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Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine! First Official Photo

Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox

  Hugh Jackman has the acting muscle and definitely packed on the physical muscle to once again play the fan favorite X-Man!

  Agent M of shared via Twitter the first official photo of Hugh Jackman as Logan in The Wolverine. Based on the classic story by Chris Claremont and Frank Miller, the upcoming film will share Logan’s adventures in Japan in which he fights the Silver Samurai, Ninjas and the Yakuza. Logan will fall in love with Lady Mariko – the true love of his life.

  The Wolverine is filming in Australia and will claw into theaters in 2013.

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Storm’s Demotion in X-Men?

X-Men #36 courtesy Marvel

Storm will survive AvX to appear in at least 3 Marvel Now X-books: Uncanny X-Force, All-New X-Men and Wolverine and the X-Men, in which she will become a teacher at the Jean Grey School.

In the soon to be relaunched Uncanny X-Force by Sam Humphries Storm will be taking orders from Psylocke. That’s a role reversal from the current X-Men book by Brian Wood. I have loved the way Wood writes Storm. I would even say it’s the best portrayal of Ororo I’ve read in a long time.

This week’s X-Men #36 may be setting the stage for Ororo stepping down. Storm’s security team discovered an ancient genetic secret (the extinct ancestors of modern mutants) and when the material got in the hands of a crazed cult leader Storm sent Domino and Psylocke into action. Storm has been on her own agenda, has her own secret team of human scientists and kept secrets from Cyclops and Wolverine. Storm’s leadership has been called into question. Will she be taken down and a new member may be joining the unit but who can trust which side they’re really on?

If you want old school X-Men mixed with a dash of Torchwood then this is the book for you. I’m just disappointed Brian Wood is leaving the book but he is staying on Ultimate Comics X-Men.

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Origins of DC’s Biggest Heroes

Aquaman #0 courtesy DC Comics

DC Comics The New 52 one year anniversary of zero issues are stand-alone stories promising to reveal the origins of the greatest heroes in this new continunity.

DC is revealing the origins of its biggest icons in this week’s zero issues.

Geoff Johns made orange and green badass again! In Aquaman #0 we see Arthur Curry’s first meeting with the Atlanteans and how this moment propels his future. Aquaman and Justice League will soon crossover in the upcoming Throne of Atlantis epic.

In Batman: The Dark Knight #0 Gregg Hurwitz goes back to the detective case that started it all – Joe Chill and the murder of the Bruce Wayne’s parents.

  Flash #0 reveals the origin of the Scarlet Speedster. How Barry Allen’s tragedy put him on the path to becoming the fastest hero alive.

In Superman #0 new creative team Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort (Red Hood and the Outlaws) take over the series and take us back to Krypton when Jor-El learned his home world was doomed

Teen Titans #0 courtesy DC Comics

The young generation of DC heroes gets the zero treatment too and one of them has a big change to their origin in the New 52.

  Teen Titans #0 Lobdell reveals on the origin of its leader. See how young computer genius Tim Drake became Batman’s sidekick and Red Robin – leader of the teen heroes. Plus the origins of new characters Skitter and Bunker.

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Jet City Comic Show Reunion With Kitty Pryde and Colossus

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Jet City Comic Show is a back to basics one day of comics and costumes in Seattle.

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It was a reunion with my favorite X-Men couple (Seattle’s own Kitty Pryde and Colossus.) Since I last saw this costumed couple at Emerald City Comicon the cosplay couple has added some fine touches.

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Kitty is now sporting Lockheed the dragon and Peter is has an optic option to give him the complete organic steel look!


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Avengers vs X-Men Finale Preview!

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  Cyclops has become the most powerful force on Earth…possibly the universe. Avengers and X-Men are in mourning. Tony Stark has pushed every scientific mind to find a way to fight the Phoenix Force and come up empty.

  It all comes down to Scarlet Witch and Hope. These were the only heroes able to do some damage to the entity. The Phoenix was almost afraid of Wanda.

Avengers vs. X-Men #12 courtesy Marvel

  Jason Aaron and Adam Kubert are the creative team on the final showdown. I wanted to share Comic Book Resource’s first look inside Avengers vs. X-Men #12.

  The heroes look defeated. Hope and Scarlet Witch have their own issues to work out before taking on the Dark Phoenix Cyclops. Wanda will survive to join Uncanny Avengers. Scott will be part of All-New X-Men. Is this Hope’s fate?

courtesy Marvel

AvX #12 comes out Oct 3rd.

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Marvel’s Plan for The Avengers Surprise Villain

The first mid-credits extra scene in Marvel’s The Avengers revealed the evil mastermind behind Loki and his alien army. To non comic book readers it was ‘who’s that?” but to comic fans it was a moment of “oh —-!” (Fill in your own expletive of your choice there!)


Before I go on with this post – just in case you were off planet and haven’t seen The Avengers I should put up a…







The mad Titan THANOS was the big bad behind the scenes. The purple alien’s weapon the Infinity Gauntlet was scene in Odin’s vault in Thor. Marvel is prepping a Guardians of the Galaxy movie so it’s logically to assume the next phase of Marvel sequels is laying the groundwork for an Avengers/Thanos showdown. Marvel movie mastermind Kevin Feige tells MTV News there’s a reason Thanos turned to show his evil grin at the end of The Avengers.

Infinity Gauntlet #4 courtesy


“Clearly, there’s a purpose to us putting him in the end of that movie. We do have plans for him,” said Feige. “I wouldn’t say we ever feel the need to rush anything one way or the other. We succeeded in Phase One because we stuck to our guns and stuck to the plan. That plan took place over many, many years and it ultimately paid off. I see Phase Two unfolding in the same way of us taking our time, us doing what’s right for each individual movie, while folding in elements that will not only build up to the culmination of Phase Two, but even Phase Three.”


Thanos made his comeback in the pages of Avengers Assemble and is fascinating non-comic book readers making him a perfect enemy for a future movie.


“Suddenly, you have a million people who had never heard of an Infinity Gauntlet or a Mad Titan learning those terms,” says Feige. “I love that. I love when the experience goes beyond the movie theater and encourages people to look deeper into our universe.”

Thanos returns in Avengers Assemble #3 courtesy Marvel


Can you imagine Jim Starlin’s epic The Infinity Gauntlet (when Thanos wipes out half the universe as an act of love for Death) on the big screen!?


Of course that might mean the big screen debut of Adam Warlock, Captain Marvel and maybe (if the Fantastic Four movie rights go back to Marvel) a scene with Reed Richards and Tony Stark brainstorming some ingenious way to beat him and maybe the Silver Surfer!


Feige also said the role would likely be recast. My first impulse is Vin Diesel but I would also cast the Fast & Furious star as Drax in Guardians of the Galaxy.


Marvel’s The Avengers is out on blu-ray and dvd September 25th.


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DREDD 3D Is Here

courtesy Lionsgate

“You couldn’t respectfully call it a Judge Dredd movie if I’m taking my helmet off,” says actor Karl Urban, star of Dredd 3D.

“Thank You!” respond Judge Dredd fans!

Dredd 3D is blasting justice in movie theaters now.

“That’s the way the character was conceived by [‘Dredd’ creator John Wagner] back in 1975. I was a fan of this comic growing up, and when I learned that they were going to do a completely new reboot, I read the script, and as soon as I saw that we were treating it with respect that was it,” continues Urban in a new MTV feature.

I wanted to share this cool new featurette that includes commentary from Judge Dredd creator John Wagner, director Pete Travis and writer Alex Garland.

“He’s your greatest hero and biggest nightmare wrapped up in one,” says Wagner. Take a look at see why!

Dredd 3D is now in theaters.

Watch for upcoming comics to fix your Judge Dredd obsession! IDW is launching a new series and publishing new collections of Judge classics.

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