Grant Morrison Reveals MULTIVERSITY

Pax Americana image courtesy DC Comics and The Hollywood Reporter

  Grant Morrison has finally unveiled his upcoming project Multiversity. Morrison previewed the 8 part story at Morrisoncon this weekend in Las Vegas. DC Comics confirmed this story will define the Multiverse for The New 52 and introduce new concepts, heroes and villains according to The Source.

  “There’s something always appealing about a Russian Superman and a vampire Batman,” Morrison tells Heat Vision. “It’s a different way  of looking at the archetypes that we’re familiar with. And I wanted to a really massive story that would be my Lord of the Rings and it would be the best thing I’ve ever done. Whether it is, I don’t know. But I’ve certainly spent a long time on it.”

  “If you’re having a war across multiple parallel realities, one way they can contact each other is to publish comic books that others can read and know what’s going on,” says Morrison. “So in each parallel reality you’ll see one of them is reading the comic that you just read the month before and finding out what happened to the good guys, giving them a chance to defeat the bad guys in the next one. They are kind of passing on, in a chain, their own adventures.”

  Pax Americana was revealed at MorrisonCon. This issue will feature the Blue Beetle, The Question and Captain Atom. These heroes are part of the group of characters known as the Charlton heroes – the company bought by DC. The Pax story involves the assassination of a president and how the Charlton characters failed. Frank Quitely will be the artist on this issue.

  “We’re taking the characters and applying it back to Watchmen and seeing what we could get. Nobody has really used those Alan Moore tricks in 25 years so it seemed right to take that very tight, controlled, self-reflecting storytelling and seeing if we can do something new with it,” Morrison explains.

  Morrison is leaving monthly books – Batman Incorporated and Action Comics but this is Multiversity will not be his final superhero project.

“All I ever said is  I’m not doing the monthly comics once I finish up Batman and Superman. I’ll never leave superhero stuff because I really enjoy doing it.

For more of his interview here’s the The Hollywood Reporter Heat Vision link.

By Editor

Op/Ed: Welcome back Ted Kord!!!

Avengers for Halloween?


Lil Iron Man at Jet City Comic Show, photo by

  I was always a tall kid so I loved my Star Wars Darth Vader costume and wore it over and over as a kid for Halloween. How times have changed? At this weekend’s Jet City Comic Show I saw little Iron Men and Captains America!

  Earth’s Mightiest Heroes are now the inspiration for Halloween’s most heroic costumes. With the blockbuster success of The Avengers – expect a ton of Marvel heroes trick or treating in your neighborhood this season!

 Here are some links to make your little hero stand out this Halloween: Will you choose Captain America, Iron Man, Hulk or Thor? Spidey is an Avenger in the comics at this year’s Amazing Spider-Man reboot proved Spider-Man will always be a favorite!

  Be careful out there! Have a safe and happy Halloween!

By Editor

Batman’s New Detective Comics Team

Detective Comics #13 courtesy DC Comics

There’s a hit out on Bruce Wayne!

A new creative team and new story for Detective Comics #13 out this week. Writer John Layman (Chew) and artist Jason Fabok (Batman Annual #1) begin their run with classic foe The Penguin.

“Obviously, this is a happily surreal and exciting turn-of-events for my career,” Layman tells THE SOURCE . “Not only is this my first work within the DC Universe, but I get to work on one of DC’s undisputedly coolest and highest-profile characters. I’m going to take a look at the role of criminal organizations within Gotham City, hopefully from a perspective that does not get considered very often (if at all). From the symbiotic relationship a master criminal must have with Gotham in order to survive, to the lowly, often faceless criminal underling hoping to rise up the ranks. All that, plus Batman’s gonna play with a bunch of crazy new toys and kick all kinds of butt.”

Fabok impressed with this Batman/Mr. Freeze/Court of Owls story in Batman Annual #1.

“First, I want to express how thankful I am to have this opportunity. I am humbled that DC Comics would entrust me with one of their greatest titles,” continues Fabok. “To work on a Batman title has been the number one goal that I set for my career and I am honored to have this opportunity to make my dream become a reality. I’m really hoping to deliver a dark, epic Batman with hints of the art deco stylings of the old animated series and the more modern take seen in recent incarnations. I am hoping to let my influences gush out onto the page and create something that is familiar, classic and yet my own. As for working with John Layman, I couldn’t be more excited. John is a great visual storyteller and he packs every page with meaningful panels that bring the story forward and add incredible depth. Together we hope to deliver a quality Batman tale, filled with mystery, twists, turns, shockers and most of all, fun!”

   Detective Comics #13 with Layman and Fabok arrives this week.

By Editor


A story that’s been years in the making arrives this week! Daredevil: End of Days by writers Brian Michael Bendis and David Mack with Klaus Janson and Bill Sienkiewicz on art. This is the final fate of The Man Without Fear as told by reporter Ben Urich’s last story.


Daredevil End of Days courtesy

“This takes place in the not-too-distant future and we get to see what the Marvel Universe may look like. In the vein of Daredevil, it’s a more realistic future. In the very first issue, some very large things happen, including Daredevil’s very public murder, which sends Ben Urich on his final assignment, once again telling the story of Matt Murdock,” said Bendis

“This is the Daredevil all-star team, but in order to get everybody together, we needed to dance between the raindrops. We think it’s worth the wait. It’s beautiful,” Bendis explained.

“We wanted to get a lot of people associated with Daredevil through the years together on one book and use it as the culmination of our passion for this character. We see almost every character who has been associated with Daredevil through the years as well,” Klaus Janson added.


Daredevil End of Days #1 courtesy

Although set in the near future the creators reflect on the retro cinematic feel of the project.

“The idea of doing a ‘Mean Streets’ version of Daredevil, with all the characters we love and loath, ups the excitement factor for me as a fan,” said Bill Sienkiewwicz

“This is like 70’s film. Even though it exists in the near future, it has an old style New York City grit to it,” David Mack added.

Mark Waid’s current tone is more heroic and upbeat so this project may be a shocker to new readers.

“Our book will be dark and violent and shocking to people who followed our runs on Daredevil. To people reading Daredevil now, it will be doubly so. This is not Mark Waid, who is doing a phenomenal job. I was trying to shock readers of our stuff!” explained Bendis of the tone.


Daredevil End of Days courtesy

Bendis and Mack delve into Matt Murdock’s past and supporting cast.

“Just about every major girlfriend and every rogue of Daredevil plays some role in the story,” says Mack.

“You’ll see how all of Matt’s interactions with women affected them 10 years down the line,” adds Bendis.

Daredevil End of Days courtesy

“One of the more intriguing characteristics of this project is the little glimpses of the Marvel Universe in the future. They’re not in your face, but they’re around the corner. I find that as important a part of the story as the main plot. My curiosity is always piqued,” says Janson.

“You get the story from Ben Urich’s point of view, so you get the story from his point of view as far as what characters he encounters. One of my favorite pieces Klaus and Bill have done thus far is of Nick Fury,” adds Bendis.

“Daredevil has been a comic that has always enable a lot of experimentation by very different artists. There’s something really interesting about the character that allows for a lot of interpretation. With this project we’re trying to let all the different styles shine in service of the story,” says Mack


Daredevil End of Days courtesy

“In life, Daredevil had questions he could never answer, itches he could never scratch. Some characters get to a point where they’re ok, but Daredevil is not like that. He’ll never get over what happened to his parents, he’ll never save enough people. His battles with forces of nature like Kingpin, Bullseye and Elektra force him to become a force of nature. To give it 10 years and see the fallout of that is very interesting to write about. Also, we’re not getting it from Daredevil’s perspective, we’re getting it from perspective of somebody who may be willing to dig deeper than Matt even would have,” says Bendis

For more quotes from the creative team here’s the link. Daredevil End of Days #1 of 8 arrives this week.

By Editor

ComicsBlend One Year!



photo by

Today is the one year anniversary of! I want to thank all the friends, fans and followers who have supported and shared my dream. I’ve met legendary comic book creators, some of the biggest writers and artists working today and some major movie stars this year but it’s all about fellow fans.

I owe my success to you for embracing my blog. I love that connection at a con or in the shop when you meet a fellow fan who shares you passion.

A big thanks to my Mom and Dad for buying my first comic book and for always believing in me.

Thank to you for your support and shares. I hope you will keep enjoying


Doctor Who Says Goodbye to Amy Pond & Rory

courtesy SFX and BBC

Goodbye Amy & Rory. The married companions left Doctor Who in The Angels Take Manhattan. Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill will be missed. All the previous episodes of this season have been hinting and building to the moment but it was still a bittersweet shock.

This episode was Steven Moffat at the top of his game – twisted, creepy, chilling, moving and uncompromising – we all knew it wasn’t going to be all sewn up with a completely happy ending. Matt Smith and Alex Kingston were perfection. Thank you Karen Gillan and Arthur Darvill for giving us Amy and Rory.

By Editor

Revenge & X-Men Crossover?

New X-Men #131 cover courtesy

Tonight the new season of REVENGE begins on ABC so I thought it was a perfect time to revisit this crazy idea I had:

They’re rich, powerful, blonde, manipulative and can deliver razor-sharp one liners like Hand assassin throwing daggers.

Emma Frost is the reformed White Queen of the Hellfire Club and now co-leader of the X-Men.

Nolan Ross (played by Gabriel Mann) is the witty, scheming, brilliant high-tech billionaire with too much time, money and tech on the hit ABC show Revenge.

If ever too characters from similar worlds but different mediums should cross over it’s these two. As I watch Revenge I can’t help but think if Emma had a long-lost twin it might be Nolan. I could even picture Conrad Grayson sipping cocktails in the old school Hellfire Club – an exclusive cabal of ultra rich power brokers who have clashed with the X-Men.

This is what happens when a geek has too much time his hands – spinning two of my favorite vices into a twisted idea. Disney does own both companies behind these properties and I can see Frost on holiday in the Hamptons crossing paths with Ross, Emily Thorne – and can you imagine Emma taking out Victoria Grayson!

After all – most comic books are soaps in spandex – so why not let the characters fo Revenge feel a touch of Frost.

By Editor



Doctor Who Shows Captain Picard The Future

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who: Assimilation2 #5 courtesy IDW Publishing

Warning: This review contains spoilers!

The unholy alliance of the Borg and Cybermen has shattered. The Federation’s greatest enemies are asking the Enterprise for help?

Can Doctor Who convince Captain Jean-Luc Picard to make the right decision that will save the Federation and entires universes?

Star Trek: The Next Generation/Doctor Who Assimilation 2 #5 is a break in the action of the crossover but still every bit as enjoyable of previous chapters. You could call this a “show my yours and I’ll show you mine” chapter.

Guinan convinces Captain Picard to reveal his experience with the Borg taking us back to the classic “Best of Both Worlds” episodes giving the Time Lord context of why Picard refuses to aid the Borg. The Doctor presses on trying to convince the Captain of the greater evil.

The Doctor fails. It’s up to Amy Pond and it’s a great moment that you could just picture Karen Gillan saying on television.  Soon Captain Picard is saying the classic line “it’s bigger on the inside. How it this possible?”

A trip in the Tardis shows Picard the future of the Federation and leads to a course correction.

I commend the writers for capturing the essences of each character from each franchise. Rory, Deanna Troi and Dr. Crusher share moments that make this crossover work. The Borg and Cybermen are battling each other. This issue was a battle of wills between Captain Picard and Doctor Who. The stage is set for an incredible alien encounter for the Doctor and an epic battle with universes at stake.

By Editor