A new series spinning out of the Night of Owls crossover in the Batman family of books. In last month’s Talon #0 we learn how Calvin Rose was the only Talon (brainwashed assassin) to escape the grip of the Court of Owls. In this month’s Talon #1 Rose returns to Gotham City.
On The Source co-writers James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder and artist Guillem March will reveal their creative process and share what to expect from this brand new hero.
“We felt that with #0, we could give you a real sense of Calvin’s history and who he was before the inciting event of “Night of the Owls.” That battle with Batman really hurt the Court, and that’s what #1 is about – Calvin, for the first time in years, thinking it might be safe to stop running because of what he sees on the news about this battle in Gotham between the Batman and the Owls. So #0 gave us an opportunity to show you how harrowing it’s been for Calvin these past years, on the run, hunted because he did the right thing. Issue #1 is where it all comes to a head. So excited for what James Tynion IV has planned for you!” Snyder said.
“Launching with a zero was a really interesting proposition from the start, because we knew that the first two issues had to be places you could jump onboard the series, without doubling down on any of the same material. So the way I started thinking about it is that issue #0 introduces our leading man, Calvin Rose, and issue #1 introduces the story in the present day that will drive our series issue-to-issue. So when the next issue comes out, people who have read the zero issue will have a special understanding of Calvin and his history that helps frame the premise of the actual monthly series. It helps to read both, but if you missed the zero issue, you should be able to jump on board with issue #1 and be fine,” Tynion added.
“I love drawing dark and solitary characters, more than groups of colorful superheroes, so I love working in the Bat family. I’m also really excited by the fact this is a new character, so I’m somehow establishing his world, instead of sticking to what a previous artist has done with him. That’s a responsibility I enjoy a lot, March revealed.

Talon is the first book in The New 52 to star a brand new character. The Batman writer and co-writer talk about the challenge of adding a new hero to the DC Universe.
“There’s always pressure. Writing Batman is like a ton of pressure on you all the time. The only way to do it is block it out and just dive into the story – pretend you’re writing it for yourself and no one else is going to read it. Just assume if you love it, and have really invested in it, emotionally, intellectually, they’ll love it too,” said Snyder.
“Absolutely! Rather than reinterpreting and recreating a figure known and loved for decades, we have to hook the readers from the start and show them why Calvin Rose deserves a place in the pantheon of DC heroes. I remember a conversation that Scott and I would have over and over when we were in the early stages of the book, about looking forward with the character. It wasn’t about building him up so we can reach issue #12, because we have a big story that will take us right up through the first year. It was about building a character that could last well beyond what we have planned, and about building a series that still has big stories to tell when it gets to issue #26 and even issue #58. If we were going to create this new character, it had to be someone with the potential and the personality to stick around the DC Universe for years, otherwise it wouldn’t be worth creating him in the first place. If the readers dig the series and support it, I honestly believe that there are years and years of great stories for Calvin, and a real chance that he will be sticking around for quite some time, Tynion adds.
Talon #1 arrives October 24
I love the Court of Owls epic and the concept of the Talons. I highly recommend Talon #0 and can’t wait to learn more of the Calvin Rose story.
By Editor