An X-Men Fan’s Reaction to Uncanny Avengers #1

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

Shocking. Sickening.

“That moment” on the final page of Uncanny Avengers #1 (Don’t worry I’m not going to spoil it for you.)

It was like the final scenes in Rosemary’s Baby, Carrie and Halloween.

That act. It was a desecration, an insult to X-Men fans and Xavier’s dream.

It may become one of the most shocking moments in comic book history.

It’s necessary. I hated it. But I love (or hate myself for loving) the stories, alliances and moments that will follow it. It may have made me an even bigger X-Men fan because I want payback.

With Uncanny Avengers #1 the dangerous minds of Marvel Now have proven that nothing is sacred and anything can happen. It’s not a reboot. It’s gripping the past in hand and violently surging into new territory.

The Red Skull is no longer just a super villain.

In that final page Rick Remender, John Cassaday and Laura Martin created a force of pure evil, hate and malevolence.

And I want him dead. Claws, shield, hammer, cosmic blasts – whatever it takes!

Welcome to the Marvel Now. You may have hate what happens here. But wouldn’t you rather read a book that makes you feel?

By Editor

I’m working on a review of the entire issue – I just had to get that out of me.

New Action Comics Team! New Superman Costume?

Action Comics courtesy DC Comics

  The Man of Steel will have a new creative team and new look in 2013. DC Comics announced that Andy Diggle (The Losers, Green Arrow: Year One, Daredevil) and Tony Daniel (Batman, Detective Comics) will create Superman’s new adventures in Action Comics.

  “I’ve always had a positive experience working with DC Comics, and it’s amazing to be welcomed back into the fold in such fine style,” Diggle tells THE SOURCE. “Even in an industry dominated by superheroes, Superman is THE superhero – the original and best – and I’m flattered, daunted and inspired in equal measure at being given the opportunity to build on such an incredible and historic legacy. The word ‘iconic’ is bandied around a lot in comics, but Superman defines the term. I’m excited to be working with Tony Daniel, whose artistic and storytelling skills will be bringing the world(s) of Superman to stunning visual life. Together we’ll be carving out spectacular new adventures that respect the past while redefining the future of the Man of Steel.”

  Tony Daniel relaunched Detective Comics starring Batman and talks about moving from Gotham City’s dark hero to the Metropolis Man of Steel.

 “First, let me say that I am really excited to be working with Andy Diggle on ACTION COMICS,” continued Daniel. “Superman is a character I’ve wanted to work on for quite a while now and I’m now very fortunate to be given this tremendous opportunity to work with such an iconic character. I look forward to drawing each and every character in Superman’s universe. I anticipate this being a fun ride for me and hopefully for Superman fans as well. I can’t wait to get Andy’s first script and sharpening my pencils! Thank you everyone for your support of my work on BATMAN and DETECTIVE COMICS over the years. I already miss the Dark Knight, but I look forward to starting anew with the Man of Steel in ACTION COMICS. I hope to see you all in Metropolis!”

Justice League #12 courtesy DC Comics

 Superman and Wonder Woman recently began a romance in Justice League #12. Diggle talked with Comic Book Resources about his direction for the series including the Clark/Lois/Diana interaction.

  “I don’t know how much I can talk about how it will relate to other titles, but like I said, I very much want to balance the extremely epic, massive-scale action heroics with the human side of Kal-El and Clark Kent too. I would like to see him explored a little bit more. And I would like to see his relationship with Lois Lane explored a little bit more in the New 52.

  Obviously, the relationship with Wonder Woman is going to complicate that whole dynamic. That could all seem pretty predictable, but with the Wonder Woman wildcard there, it makes everything a little bit more interesting and dramatic.

  One of things that really appeals to me about coming into “Action Comics” now is the fact that, with the creation of the New 52, continuity has stopped exploding for the first time in years. It’s created a level playing field where you can actually go in and start building new stories from the ground up without having the continuity turmoil, which used to be the case for a long time. It’s actually very exciting to build something new, and everyone at DC is pulling in the same direction. Everyone is building this new continuity from the ground up and giving it a degree of internal cohesion and internal logic rather than piecing it together over decades, which is what we had before. That’s exactly what you want as a writer in a shared universe.”

  Diggle said to expect classic characters like Daily Planet Editor Perry White, Jimmy Olsen and Lex Luthor. The writer said he’s like to “more of the backstory of Krypton.”

  What about that suit in the promo art? Is sure looks more steel than the traditional blue.

  The new team begins with March’s Action Comics #18.

By Editor

Superior Spider-Man

Superior Spider-Man #1 courtesy Marvel

  Amazing Spider-Man swings for the final time with issue #700 but in 2013 your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man is feeling Superior! Marvel Comics is shaking up their roster of famous heroes and titles. The relaunch will mean a brand new and darker webslinger. Today’s news may give current fans chills over the fate of Peter Parker.

 Marvel announced Superior Spider-Man #1 will debut this January with current AMS writer Dan Slott and artist Ryan Stegman will spin the tales of a new Spidey. Slott reveals what makes a Superior Spider-Man on

“That’s a tricky thing. It could be their powers. It could be an overestimation of their self-worth. It could be that they’re calling themselves Superior Spider-Man. Or it truly could be that they have some qualities that Peter Parker lacks. How is that possible?”

 Peter Parker’s adventures are filled with some fan-favorites supporting characters. How will the new title and leading man interact with the Parker’s friends and allies?

“This is still very much the world of Spider-Man. There may be a new Spider-Man here, doing things in a new and different way, but you’re going to see the Spider-cast reacting to this. You’re going to see how this Spider-Man will deal with our Spider-Man’s villains. How will he react to this Spider-Man’s supporting cast? Whoever makes it out of AMAZING SPIDER-MAN #700 will find a different Spider-Man waiting for them when Superior Spider-Man starts.”

 Dan Slott teased a potential new Sinister Six and confirmed the return of the Vulture.

For many characters, and for many things in Spider-Man’s world, there are dark days ahead,” Slott revealed about Parker’s friends at Horizon Labs.


Amazing Spider-Man #700 courtesy Marvel

Does this mean Peter Parker will die in Amazing Spider-Man #700? Slott has reportedly said he will have to hide from the public after the milestone issue.

“Passions run high and fast. And I expect many message boards to be consumed with flames as all this stuff goes down. But at the same time, I feel that once #700 is over, and when SUPERIOR launches, I think a lot of people are going to walk into this and go, “what have they done?” But when they get to the end of SUPERIOR SPIDER-MAN #1, there will be a moment of, “oooh,” and then it’ll be safe for me to poke my head out and to walk the streets again.”

Ryan Stegman, Humberto Ramos and Giusseppe Camucoli will be the artist on the new series.

For the entire interview here’s the link.

By Editor

Uncanny Avengers #1 Warning

Uncanny Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

I’m a grown man but I admit I screamed when I turned to the final page of Uncanny Avengers #1! They seriously heard me at the front of the comic shop.

Don’t read any reviews. Do you very best to avoid any spoilers. Just read the book as soon as possible!

Rick Remender and John Cassaday are your twisted, brilliant welcome wagon to the Marvel Now!

By Editor

The New Young Avengers Revealed

Young Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

One of my favorite teams will relaunch with a new writer, artist and new members in the Marvel Now. Kieron Gillen and Jamie McKelvie assemble some of Marvel’s best teen heroes into a brand new Young Avengers in 2013.

Gillen and McKelvie succeed Allan Heinberg and Jim Cheung who guided the teens through two volumes and the Avengers: Children’s Crusade mega series.  Gillen reveals how he got the job on

“[Marvel Editor-in-Chief] Axel [Alonso] bullied me into it.

 I’m not even joking. When it was floated, I wasn’t sure. YOUNG AVENGERS was a book with such a unique and singular vision from [co-creators Allan] Heinberg and [Jim] Cheung, and at least a big part of the vision was simply not what I do. It’s a book which was kind of a love song to Marvel Comics’ continuity, playing games and celebrating equally. I dug the book, but I knew that’s just not what I would do. I would never base a story around that. It’s just not how I think.

Then Axel basically beat my head against the floor a few times and said “Seriously, give it a proper think.”

So I did, and I managed to find a way to make it work for me. It was such a personal book for Heinberg; I realized the heart of it had to be trying to make it just as personal for me. And since we’re different writers, we have to be personal in our own way. I realized a big part of that had to be gathering together the creators I most trusted, and try and build something entirely bespoke. Which lead to Jamie McKelvie and everyone else, and the pop-song-as-super hero-comic you see before you.”

Young Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

This is Gillen’s third book involving younger heroes: Generation Hope and Journey Into Mystery starring Kid Loki. Gillen was asked about what it takes to be a young hero in the Marvel Now.

 “I previously wrote GENERATION HOPE, which was basically me taking a bunch of relatively realistically rendered teenagers and dropping them into a serious, 00’s-style super hero universe. It was about showing how the personality rubbed against the craziness of their lives. With YOUNG AVENGERS, I’m flipping that. In my own style, I’m doing what classic 60’s Marvel did, and using the super hero elements as a device to specifically illustrate the characters’ challenges and thrills. So when we first meet one character who’s much cooler than most of the cast, she’s in Earth-212, which is basically a dimension which is basically an infinite New York. Normal Earth is a bit downmarket for her—which is using the super heroic element to turn her into the equivalent to the person who moves from New York to your small town. They have a glamour you simply don’t. Or, at least, that’s how you feel.

  So, to answer your question, teenagers deciding to use their superpowers is really about human beings blossoming and trying to work out how best to behave, trying to see where their talents will work in. Puberty is basically a superpower experience. It changes you totally. What are you going to become? What are you going to do?

That, bascially.”

courtesy Marvel

Familiar members Kate Bishop aka Lady Hawkeye, Wiccan and Hulkling are joined by Miss America, Loki and Noh-Varr (formerly known as Marvel Boy and Protector.) Loki brings the team together in the upcoming Point One.

Gillen reveals where the teens are when the story begins.

 “When we actually join them, they’re not a super-team. They’re not even superheroing. Wiccan is still basically in the emotional place he was where everyone last saw him. He’s completely burnt out on super heroics. He’s worried he’s just going to get more of his friends killed or their lives destroyed. However, unbeknownst to him, his boyfriend Hulkling has started to be a super hero on the down low. Our story basically starts when Wiccan discovers this—which, through our super heroic prism, is basically akin to “you were cheating on me!”

 Hulkling says some choice words. Wiccan realises something—and then makes a mistake.

Our status quo quickly follows.

And they’re equally swiftly on their own.”

The big question: where are Patriot and Speed? Perhaps joining Hickman’s Avengers?

By Editor

For the entire interview here’s the link.

ComicsBlend on Zanadu VideoBlog!

I’m honored to be the special guest on the Zanadu Comics Videoblog this week! I joined Casey and Morgan on the panel with my weekly picks.

Thanks to Perry, Howard, Casey and Morgan for having me! I’m proud to represent Marvel fans, older fans and obviously bigger fans – remember the camera adds 10 pounds! You ask, “how many cams were on ya?”

and “ummmm” I wish I hadn’t said “ummmm” so much.

By Editor

Armie Hammer as Batman?

Justice League #1 DC Comics, Art by Jim Lee

Rumor or real?

Will Armie Hammer (The Social Network, The Lone Ranger) play Batman in a potential Justice League movie? reports that Hammer is a top contender to play the caped crusader in a film about the DC Comics super group.

Hammer was cast as Batman in George Miller’s Justice League of America project that never got off the ground. Hammer’s star was skyrocketed since then and he’s reportedly on the radar to wear the Batsuit.

If this turns out to be true it likely means no potential Dark Knight continuation with Joseph Gordon-Levitt as a new Batman or Nightwing.

This is speculation but Hammer is a good choice for Justice League but I just see him as Aquaman.

By Editor


New Guests for Emerald City Comicon

Emerald City Comicon announced new guests for next year’s event in Seattle.

Gambit #1 courtesy Marvel

Terry Moore – Huge thanks to my comic book reading club member Susan to turning me on to Moore’s Rachel Rising. The creator/writer/artist is also acclaimed for Echo and Strangers in Paradise.

Clay Mann is coming back next year. The former X-Men: Legacy artist is now drawing the Gambit solo series. I have a spectacular print of Rogue and Gambit embracing – as they should – sorry Magneto.

Aaron Lopresti (Justice League International, Green Arrow) is returning to Seattle.

Bob Layton – LEGEND! The classic Iron Man artist!

Emerald City Comicon is March 1-3, 2013 and this year they’re taking over the entire Washington State Convention Center.

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