Hugh Jackman as The Wolverine courtesy Marvel and 20th Century Fox

  Famke Janssen will reprise her role as Jean Grey in The Wolverine. The actress has filmed her cameo role according to We’ve Got This Covered. Hugh Jackman returns as the fan favorite X-Man in this new solo film based on Logan’s adventures in Japan where he will fall in love with the Lady Mariko – daughter  of a crime lord.

  Jean Grey was his teammate and great unrequited love of his life in the X-Men movies. Wolverine was forced to kill her to stop the wrath of Dark Phoenix. No word on how Janssen’s cameo will play in the film.

  The X-Men: First Class sequel will be Days of Future Past based on the classic story – Days of Future Past and The Wolverine are by Chris Claremont. In that story Rachel Summers (daughter of Scott and Jean) sends Kitty Pryde back in time to prevent an assassination and the dark future in which mutants are killed or imprisoned.

  Could The Wolverine and Days of Future Past be setting the stage for a reunion or reboot of the X-Men (modern day) film franchise?

By Editor

TALON #1 Goes Back to Gotham City

Talon #1 courtesy DC Comics

  Talon – a new series spinning from the Court of Owls crossover in the Batman family of books. In last month’s Talon #0 we learn how Calvin Rose escaped the Court of Owls – for now. In this week’s Talon #1 Rose returns to Gotham City.

On The Source co-writers James Tynion IV and Scott Snyder and artist Guillem March reveal their creative process and share what to expect from this hero.

“We felt that with #0, we could give you a real sense of Calvin’s history and who he was before the inciting event of “Night of the Owls.” That battle with Batman really hurt the Court, and that’s what #1 is about – Calvin, for the first time in years, thinking it might be safe to stop running because of what he sees on the news about this battle in Gotham between the Batman and the Owls. So #0 gave us an opportunity to show you how harrowing it’s been for Calvin these past years, on the run, hunted because he did the right thing. Issue #1 is where it all comes to a head. So excited for what James Tynion IV has planned for you!” Snyder said.

“Launching with a zero was a really interesting proposition from the start, because we knew that the first two issues had to be places you could jump onboard the series, without doubling down on any of the same material. So the way I started thinking about it is that issue #0 introduces our leading man, Calvin Rose, and issue #1 introduces the story in the present day that will drive our series issue-to-issue. So when the next issue comes out, people who have read the zero issue will have a special understanding of Calvin and his history that helps frame the premise of the actual monthly series. It helps to read both, but if you missed the zero issue, you should be able to jump on board with issue #1 and be fine,” Tynion added.

“I love drawing dark and solitary characters, more than groups of colorful superheroes, so I love working in the Bat family. I’m also really excited by the fact this is a new character, so I’m somehow establishing his world, instead of sticking to what a previous artist has done with him. That’s a responsibility I enjoy a lot, March revealed.

Talon #1 courtesy DC Comics

Talon is the first book in The New 52 to star a brand new character. The Batman writer and co-writer talk about the challenge of adding a new hero to the DC Universe.

“There’s always pressure. Writing Batman is like a ton of pressure on you all the time. The only way to do it is block it out and just dive into the story – pretend you’re writing it for yourself and no one else is going to read it. Just assume if you love it, and have really invested in it, emotionally, intellectually, they’ll love it too,” said Snyder.

“Absolutely! Rather than reinterpreting and recreating a figure known and loved for decades, we have to hook the readers from the start and show them why Calvin Rose deserves a place in the pantheon of DC heroes. I remember a conversation that Scott and I would have over and over when we were in the early stages of the book, about looking forward with the character. It wasn’t about building him up so we can reach issue #12, because we have a big story that will take us right up through the first year. It was about building a character that could last well beyond what we have planned, and about building a series that still has big stories to tell when it gets to issue #26 and even issue #58. If we were going to create this new character, it had to be someone with the potential and the personality to stick around the DC Universe for years, otherwise it wouldn’t be worth creating him in the first place. If the readers dig the series and support it, I honestly believe that there are years and years of great stories for Calvin, and a real chance that he will be sticking around for quite some time, Tynion adds.

  Talon #1 arrives this week.

By Editor

Batman and Justice League for Halloween?

I grew up in a small town with no little options for Halloween. I lucked out and found a Darth Vader costume and wore it year after year. I was a tall kid so I worked it! Last year I was Green Lantern – Ryan Reynolds, watch out!

DC Comics heroes are icons that will never go away! With the success of The Dark Knight Rises, the Superman reboot on the way and the possibility of a Justice League movie it’s never been a better time to suit up as a member of the Justice League for Halloween!

The newer Batman is always a dark neo-classic and there’s even a nearly $400.00 dollar Dark Knight outfit  that might attract the purrfect Catwoman at your holiday party!  You could go a little more gosh darn wholesome and for the retro Batman look of the Adam West series.

Enjoy your Halloween! Be safe!

By Editor

IRON MAN 3 Update

Iron Man 3 courtesy Marvel Studios

  Iron Man is getting a major upgrade on the big screen! Marvel announced Iron Man 3 will be released in 3D when it hits theaters May 3, 2013. Robert Downey Jr returns as Tony Stark in a new film directed by Shane Black and based in part on Iron Man Extremis by Warren Ellis and Adi Granov.

Here’s the official synopsis:

Marvel’s “Iron Man 3” pits brash-but-brilliant industrialist Tony Stark/Iron Man against an enemy whose reach knows no bounds. When Stark finds his personal world destroyed at his enemy’s hands, he embarks on a harrowing quest to find those responsible. This journey, at every turn, will test his mettle. With his back against the wall, Stark is left to survive by his own devices, relying on his ingenuity and instincts to protect those closest to him. As he fights his way back, Stark discovers the answer to the question that has secretly haunted him: does the man make the suit or does the suit make the man?

  In the comic book world Invincible Iron Man is coming to an end next week. Matt Fraction and Salvador Larroca are moving on after an amazing run. Kieron Gillen and Greg Land will launch a brand new Iron Man series next month.

By Editor


X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

  One of the biggest Marvel Now surprises is the announcement of a new X-Men Legacy starring Legion. Professor X’s son has been central to many storylines but as a supporting character but now he’s the leading man. In the aftermath of AvX it makes more sense that Legion assume a greater role in mutant affrairs except that Daniel Haller isn’t the most stable guy. Legion’s mental instability and drastic actions created the Age of Apocalypse and Age of X. Professor X’s son will struggle with his psychic demons while trying to save his father’s dream. November’s X-Men Legacy #1 really takes on a personal and literal meaning.


X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

  Writer Simon Spurrier (X-Club) and Editor Daniel Ketchum shared their vision for the series on

  “It’s kind of the black sheep of the X-Men family,”Spurrier says of the book and star, “is he going to step up and try to fill his father’s shoes? Is he going to go in a completely opposite direction? At the same time, how are the X-Men going to feel about this?”

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

 “How do you feel when you’ve grown up in the shadow of a great man?” Legion is someone who has largely defined himself by who his father was,” Spurrier said of Professor X’s son.”

 You could call Legion an enemy of the X-Men because of the evil personalities that took over David but Spurrier plans on giving him his own voice.

X-Men Legacy #1 courtesy Marvel

“It was wonderful to give Legion a voice & get into the nittygritty about what he is all about.”

   Legion will confront the X-Men in issue #4 and questions their decision to keep mutants closed away at a school.

  How will Legion react to meeting Cyclops – the man who murdered his father?

  “I haven’t written Cyclops yet, let’s just say that,” Spurrier replied.

  Since Legion grew up on a small island off Scotland Spurrier said he will give him a slight Scottish accent. Spurrier said he’s a fan of Chamber and Blindfold is a “brilliant and broken character” who will have a big part to play. Wolverine, Storm and Frenzy will appear in the series.

What about Legion’s famous hairstyle?

As you can see from the interior art by Tan Eng Huat, Daniel’s classic hair is staying.

X-Men Legacy #1 arrives November 14.

For the entire liveblog here’s the link.

Uncanny X-Men Endings and Beginnings

Uncanny X-Men #20 courtesy Marvel

Kieron Gillen has been keeping secrets all along via three manipulative members of the diverse cast of Uncanny X-Men: Volume 2. Gillen delivers a satifying ending to the Uncanny X-Men series for a second time. The writer masterfully gives us six characters in 3 powerful revelations. Cyclops is imprisoned in a SHIELD facility when Kate Kildare, his superhero PR specialist, pays a visit. Gillen delivers an Ace he’s been holding since the series relaunched and it’s a helluva reveal. Kate’s real identity is a shocker and could lead to a whole new adventure for Scott and perhaps his greatest enemy.

Unit may be my favorite creation (he first appeared in S.W.O.R.D.) of Gillen’s run – I have already pleaded with the writer to use the android against Tony Stark in his upcoming Marvel Now relaunch of Iron Man. Unit and Danger’s final confrontation is beautiful and cruel. Those last panels of Unit are a perfectly chilling sendoff of the creature Gillen called aptly called a hybrid of C3PO and Hannibal Lecter.

Uncanny X-Men #9 interior art of UNIT courtesy Marvel

Gillen managed to make the most bizarre brother/sister dynamic in comics even more tragic and strange during this Extinction team era. Illyana confronts a brooding Colossus on the ravaged Phoenix farms in Siberia. Magik takes Peter to Limbo for one last act and revelation that leaves him free of the Cyttorak and vowing to kill her. Illyana’s last line is cold and demonstrates the little snowflake has long been burned away. Colossus will turn up again in Cable and X-Force but I would love to see where Gillen would have taken Peter next.

Uncanny X-Men preview art courtesy

Uncanny X-Men #20 could have packed in Storm, Psylocke, Magneto and Hope but their fates will be featured in other X-books. I was satisfied with the three big reveals. The only missing? Where was Emma Frost?

By Editor

The Dark Future Is Guttertown Massive

Guttertown Massive by KC Silver and Dimi Mac

Get the squid! The cover for Guttertown Massive seduces right away. A brutal beauty with bloody, bandaged fists is surrounded by a techno squid. Welcome to the twisted future created by K.C. Silver (aka Casey Silvia) and artist Dimi Mac. This urban sci-fi fantasy is pulsing with cyberpunk influences.

Imagine refugees from the twisted futures of  Mad Max, The Matrix and Johnny Nmenonic all fighting for fame and survival in a crowded industrial underworld. Davron and Reno are competitors in a war of beats. K.C. plants the seed for a bitter rivalry in a massive futuristic party scene in a dark, crowded world that the youth yearn to escape. Born in the gutter – these desperate artists hope to blast their way out on the fame of their beats.

After the creepy colored cover turn inside for the black and white world of the gutter. Dimi Mac packs the panels. The pages are bursting with dark energy. I think the crowded art reflects the overcrowded world these ravers are fighting to find their way out of. Find you way to Guttertown Massive and experience Beat fighting yourself. Expand your horizons and take a dose of this.

You can see and learn more about the world of Guttertown Massive Facebook and Tumblr pages. Get a copy in the Local Comics section at Zanadu Comics in Downtown Seattle.

By Editor

Go Purple For Spirit Day

  Hawkeye. Psylocke. Huntress. The Wonder Twins. Bunker. Heroes from DC and Marvel Universes work the purple!

Fellow comic book fans take inspiration from these stylish heroes to make a statement. Wear purple on October 19, 2012 for GLAAD Spirit Day to help speak out against bullying and show your support for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender youth. Follow the stories and support with #SpiritDay with GLAAD on Twitter.

Thanks for sharing this and showing you support on Spirit Day.

By Editor