Rogue is moving on “sugah.”
X-Men Legacy #275 is the final issue of the series. X-Men became Legacy with issue #208 and picked up after Messiah Complex with Professor X’s road to recovery after being shot. Rogue, Gambit, Magneto and Danger were key supporting characters.
In X-Men Legacy #226 Rogue became the lead character of the series. Cyclops made Rogue mentor to a team of young mutants. Mike Carey was the writer during the transition and he continued to expertly write Rogue picking up from the storylines (Supernovas, Blinded By The Light) he established when the book was just X-Men.
Carey’s Rogue is one of the best runs on the character. Rogue learned to control her mutant power, quit crying over Gambit and became a strong team leader. Carey took the book into the Age of X, explored the inner demons of Legion and outer space to rescue Havok and Polaris. Carey left after a stellar run. Christos Gage took over as they team became part of the Jean Grey School and involved with Avengers vs. X-Men war.
This week Rogue moves on after Magneto’s offer (I was never a fan of the Rogue/Magneto romance) in the previous issue. X-Men Legacy will relaunch with a new number one, new creative team and Legion as the lead character. Rogue will be part of Rick Remender’s Uncanny Avengers. I have to salute Carey and Gage for building Rogue into the strong character she is in the Marvel Now. I loved Rogue as the star of her own book but I look forward to seeing as part of his dynamic new team concept. She’s free of Magneto and Gambit, more in control of her powers and ready to kick ass in the Marvel Now as an Avenger.
By Editor