New Avengers Era Ends

New Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

This week’s New Avengers #34 is the final issue of the Brian Michael Bendis era. 8 years ago Bendis took over Earth’s Mightiest Heroes and made me love the Avengers again!

Avengers Disassembled: Here’s where it all began again. He blew up Avengers mansion, blew away team members and made prodigal fans like me take notice and remember why we love Earth’s Mightiest Heroes. It was more than stunts for shock value. There was great drama and emotion as Steve and Tony mourned friends and coped with the truth that one of their own had become the greatest enemy. The team ended but the call would go out again for heroes to assemble!

 Enter Spider-Woman: Jessica Drew was lifted out of the comic book void and right into the middle of the action in Breakout in New Avengers #1. Bendis made us fall madly in love with the reborn heroine then pulled the rug out of from under us! Turns out this Jessica was really the Skrull Empress and mastermind of Secret Invasion. The real Jessica came back during that epic and started rebuilding her reputation and life. There were huge action packed events that were building blocks, plots within plots that led to bigger events. Jessica was at the center of them all.

New Avengers Annual #1 courtesy Marvel

  Luke Cage Is The MAN: Bendis must have loved the Power Man & Iron Fist series too because he put Cage on the front burner. Luke’s comeback started in the excellent Alias series when he became the love interest of Jessica Jones. In Breakout Luke answered Captain America’s call for help and soon Cap made Luke leader of the New Avengers.  The course of true love never runs smooth but Luke, Jessica and their baby became the tortured heart of the series for me.

  The Illumanati: A brilliant concept! Turns out there was a secret society of super heroes that had played key roles in major Marvel events through history. The covert alliance of Iron Man, Professor X, Namor, Doctor Strange, Black Bolt and Reed Richards would eventually shatter and ghosts of the past would come back to haunt them.

  Love to HATE Norman Osborn: One of Spidey’s greatest enemies became Marvel’s most powerful villain. The former Green Goblin’s rise to power began when he started running the Thunderbolts. In the aftermath of Secret Invasion Osborn seized power with control of the Avengers and SHIELD, which he renamed HAMMER. The Dark Reign began with a madman disguised as a hero (the Iron Patriot) with his own Dark Avengers and Dark X-Men. Osborn’s obsession for power led to an invasion of Asgard in SIEGE.and that was his downfall – and we were reminded just how bat—- crazy Norman really is!


New Avengers #1 courtesy Marvel

  Who’s An Avenger? Bendis said what a lot of fans had been saying for years – if the Avengers are the best and most powerful heroes then why aren’t Marvel’s biggest guns on the team! He did something about it! Wolverine, Luke Cage, Thing and Doctor Strange were assembled along with the tragic powerhouse, the Sentry. Daredevil, Iron Fist would later join the team. Hawkeye’s lost love Mockingbird even returned.

I could go on and on but I will end here with a huge thank you to Brian Michael Bendis for an incredible run and for making me love the Avengers again!

New Avengers #34 is out this week! Thank you and good luck with the X-Men!

By Editor

Marvel Now Videoblog


I was honored to be the special guest on my friendly neighborhood comic shop’s special edition videoblog dedicated to the new Marvel Now titles! The Zanadu Comics crew dubbed me Professor Marvel! Take a look and I’d love to know your favorite Marvel Now titles so far:

Thanks to Perry, Howard and Casey were having me as your special guest for and always great experience every new comic book Wednesday! Thanks to the Sam the man behind the cam! Disclosure: I will always love X-Men – it was my first book but I do read titles of the competition and I always welcome your indie picks!

By Editor

From ALIAS to ARROW Villain

courtesy The CW

David Anders will play a brand new villain on The CW’s Arrow according to Zap2It. Anders will play Cyrus Vanch – a career criminal released from prison who returns to his evil ways in Starling City.

You may have seen Anders on Once Upon a Time and The Vampire Diaries but I will always love him from the J.J. Abrams spy drama Alias. Anders played the sinister and smarmy Julian Sark. I was among a group of Alias addicts who got to meet the charming actor while promoting a charity event.

Anders is the latest actor from the sci-fi/fantasy genre to join the series. Ben Browder, John Barrowman, Tahmoh Penikett and Seth Gabel will be guest starring on the series. This week the DC vigilante Huntress (played by Jessica De Gouw) comes to Starling City.

By Editor


Geek Girl Con Back in 2013

  Make a date with Geek Girl Con! The Seattle Celebration of the Female Geek has set the date of October 19 and 20 of 2013 for next year’s big event at the Conference Center in Seattle.

 I had a blast this year! This Celebration of the Female Geek welcomes all to join the party! The event recognizes the contributions of women in all aspects of geek culture with amazing guests and insightful and fun panels. Here’s my review of this year’s event.

By Editor

Patrick Stewart & Ian McKellen Back for X-MEN Sequel!

The Cast of X-Men: First Class courtesy

 The Tweet that sent the X-world buzzing!

  Director Bryan Singer revealed Patrick Stewart and Ian McKellen will join the cast of X-Men: Days of Future Past.

“Thrilled to announce @ianmckellen118 & @SirPatStew are joining the cast of #XMEN #DaysofFuturePast #magneto #professorX More to come…”

 Stewart and McKellen played Professor Xavier and Magneto in the first X-Men trilogy. Singer recently replaced X-Men: First Class helmer Matthew Vaughn as director of the sequel that will be based on the classic story by Chris Claremont and John Byrne.

Uncanny X-Men #141 courtesy

  In Days of Future Past the surviving X-Men of the future send Kitty Pryde (Rasputin) into the body of her past self to rally the X-Men of that era to prevent an assassination. The murder leads to an apocalyptic future in which Sentinels rule North America and have killed or imprisoned all mutants and superheroes.

  This storyline leaves open the opportunity for Hugh Jackman (and other members of the original trilogy cast) to join the cast since a much older Wolverine leads the underground resistance movement in the dark future. 

  This is UNCANNY, ASTONISHING news! I would love to see Ian McKellen and Michael Fassbender in scenes together as the once and future Master of Magnetism!

  In earlier tweet Singer officially welcomed back James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jennifer Lawrence and Nicholas Hoult to the film. 

By Editor 



Help Hawkeye & Matt Fraction Help Hurricane Sandy Victims


Hawkeye #2 courtesy

  You should be buying Matt Fraction and David Aja’s new Hawkeye series because it’s just that good! If you need another reason here’s one: Hawkeye #7 will be a the first of a two-part Hurricane Sandy Relief story in which the Avenging Archer and his sidekick Kate Bishop (of the Young Avengers) help disaster victims in Brooklyn and New Jersey in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. The Hawkeye writer revealed the upcoming storyline to MTV Geek.

  “So many regular people did so much good, it felt like Hawkeye is an appropriate place to do a Sandy story,” said Fraction.

  The writer will donate his royalties for scripting Hawkeye #7 to the American Red Cross. The more copies you buy, the more money Fraction will donate.

  The always clever Fraction admits this is a big risk but so worth it “…it occured to me that if this is too successful that this could be the most painful check that I ever write…but c’mon, make it hurt!”

 Here’s a first look at the cover of Hawkeye #7 courtesy MTV Geek.

Hawkeye #7 courtesy Marvel, an MTV Geek exclusive

   Hawkeye is one of the best books Marvel is publishing. I’m a huge fan of Matt Fraction – one of the greatest creators to meet at a comicon. He has always been generous with this time talking to fans. After incredible runs on Uncanny X-Men, The Mighty Thor and Invincible Iron Man Fraction just took over Fantastic Four. I look forward to adding an autographed Hawkeye #7 to my collection.

 Hawkeye #7 arrives January 16, 2013. Guest artists Steve Lieber and Jesse Hamm will join Fraction for the story.

  If you would like to donate to the American Red Cross please visit

By Editor

Henry Cavill On “Epically Cool” Superman


courtesy Warner Brothers

  Henry Cavill (Immortals, The Tudors) plays Superman in Man of Steel next year. Zach Snyder directed. Christopher Nolan produced. Fans wait in anticipation.

  How will the styles Snyder (300, Watchmen) and Nolan (The Dark Knight Trilogy) bring to the project impact the DC Comics icon. The British actor  talks about the new version of Superman with Details:

  “I don’t mean anything against the movies and TV shows that have come before, because they were of their time, but this is epically cool. People in the past have criticized the character for being a bit chocolate-box, a bit vanilla, and this is not that—at all. The lore is there that we’re drawing from, but to create something from that which is reflective of life today—that’s the trick.”

  A new Man of Steel trailer will appear before The Hobbit. Man of Steel opens the Summer in 2013.

By Editor

Meet the Fantastic New FF

FF #1 courtesy Marvel

Matt Fraction is taking the Fantastic Four on a family vacation through time and space with artist Mark Bagley. While Marvel’s First Family is away the Earth will be protected by the new FF by Fraction with artist Mike Allred. FF #1 is out this week. The Madman creator tells why he joined the FF.

“When I was approached with a project starring one of my all-time favorite, and vastly under-rated, characters, Ant-Man, I leapt out of my shoes. Literally. Those shoes are ruined now. Ant-Man has been there from the beginning. One of the very first Marvel heroes, folks; I think the first or second behind the Fantastic Four. Most people don’t know that.

  Then add claiming the Baxter Building with my fave Marvel lady, Medusa, big and sexy She-Hulk, and one of the cleverest creations in recent memory, Miss Thing—now I’m almost out of my skin. Fortunately that’s just a figure of speech. I’m still tucked nicely away into my skin.

  Seriously, I’m going nuts with excitement. I’m living the dream I dreamt when I was a kid, laying on the living room floor making comics with my big brother Lee.”

FF #1 courtesy Marvel

Reed and Scott are bonded by their roles as fathers, scientists and connection to Doctor Doom. If you read Fantastic Four #1 you know the real reason for the trip and Reed’s big secret. Maybe Scott can help Reed solve the mystery that could mean the end of Marvel’s First Family?

Warning: Spoilers Ahead!

FF #1 courtesy Marvel

This Ant-Man was destroyed by the Scarlet Witch in Avengers Disassembled then brought back to life to see his daughter killed in Avengers: The Children’s Crusade. Fraction previously teased how Lang will carry out a plan of revenge against Doctor Doom for Cassie’s demise.


FF #1 courtesy Marvel

Medusa shares a bond with Susan Storm Richards. Both women are devoted wives to husbands with tremendous responsibilities and are mothers (technically Medusa isn’t a mom but as Queen of the Inhumans she must offer tough love and compassion to her extended family.) After Jean Grey I think Medusa is my favorite Marvel redhead (sorry MJ.)

She-Hulk and She-Thing are the final two of the new FF!

Thanks to for these new images by the Astonishing Allred! Here’s the link to Matt Fraction revealing his take on the new Fantastic (Four & Four.

By Editor