Are you ready to join The Movement? DC Comics shared a first look inside the first issue of this brand new series by Gail Simone (Batgirl, Secret Six) and Freddie Williams II (Captain Atom, Green Arrow.)
The Movement #1 courtesy DC Comics
“Set in Coral City, The Movement centers around a group of young people with extraordinary abilities, who take matters of justice into their own hands after the corrupt local police department is exposed. But how will the rest of the world react to these teens? And with so much power at their disposal, can they really be trusted to work towards a greater good?”
Robert Downey Jr. plays the Armored Avenger in a clash with the Mandarin in Iron Man 3 opening this Friday on the big screen.
In the comic books this week writer Kieron Gillen begins exploring The Secret Origin of Tony Stark. The acclaimed writer recently sent Tony into deep space in the Godkiller arc and now brings Avenger down to Earth and starts uncovering the Stark family history.
“There’s a really big idea at the core of it. When I had that idea, I was walking around the airport. I was thinking about Tony in space. Marvel had just emailed me and said that the 50th anniversary [of Iron Man] is coming up and maybe we can have a story that harks back to the beginning of Tony. I was immediately thinking “how on Earth could I possibly do this?” I have Tony Stark in deep space at this point! I stopped and laughed. I shook my head and took a couple of steps. I pitched this really big idea and Marvel looked it and said it make sense. And that’s what’s scary about it. It leads towards stuff that fundamentally changes Tony’s idea of self. That’s where it kind of came from,” Gillen told
Get ready for a blast from the future past! Spider-Man 2099 (Miguel O’Hara) enters the Marvel Now in Superior Spider-Man #17 this September Marvel revealed at C2E2 in Chicago this past weekend.
In the 1990’s Marvel launched an entire line of comics starring reimagined heroes (Ghost Rider, X-Men, Doom, Punisher) set in the future.
Spider-Man 2099 was created by Peter David and Rick Leonardi. Miguel was a brilliant scientist attempting to recreate the powers of the original Spidey in others. An accident caused O’Hara’s DNA to be rewritten with spider genetic code. This reimagined hero of Marvel’s future was the first Latino Spider-Man.
“It’s Spider-Man of the future!” Dan Slott tells, “How can you not love Miguel? He’s awesome. I, like everybody in the 1990’s, was reading the 2099 books, and SPIDER-MAN 2099 and GHOST RIDER 2099 were my favorites. For some time, I’ve wanted to do Continue reading Spider-Man 2009 Meets Superior!
Thor (Chris Hemsworth) faces Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) and the Dark Elves on the big screen in Thor: The Dark World this November. Jason Aaron and Ron Garney brings Malekith back to the comics in Thor: God of Thunder #13 in a new arc: The Accursed.
Iron Man #9 (out this Wednesday) begins The Secret Origin of Tony Stark. Writer Kieron Gillen says “this is by far the biggest thing I’ve done in the Marvel Universe.” This big period piece story will introduce the Stark Seven.
X-Men: Battle of the Atom will kick off in September with a special issue by Brian Michael Bendis and Frank Cho then run through the core titles (All-New X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, Wolverine and the X-Men and Brian Wood’s X-Men) then wrap in a final bookend by Jason Aaron and a “mystery artist.”
X-Men from the future including Kate Bishop, Deadpool, Lady Xorn, Ice Beast and more all designed by the legendary Arthur Adams arrive in the present. This Future Team’s mission is a direct response to the Beast bringing the original X-Men from the past in the present. These future X-Men will target the teens (now at the Jean Grey and Charles Xavier Schools) and the objective is to send them back by any means necessary.
“The story itself hinges on the All-New X-Men and whether or not they need to be sent back to their home time,” X-Men Senior Editor Nick Lowe tells “This causes the X-Men of the past, present and future to pick sides.”
courtesy Marvel
“Jason Aaron came to us with this [idea],” said Brian Michael Bendis, “Jason pitched big and he scored. Jason came to everyone with the bare essentials of this idea and everybody got really excited about it because it was all the things we liked about the X-Men. It spoke to the legacy of the entire franchise while at the same time focusing on the future.”
The X-Men 50th Anniversary event revealed: X-Men: Battle of the Atom introduces mutants from the future designed by Arthur Adams. Will Paul Cornell make Wolverine: Killable? A news packed Marvel X-Men panel at C2E2 in Chicago kicked off with more news about the dead X-Men and Avengers coming back in Uncanny Avengers.
X The Apocalypse Twins will use the death seeds to resurrect The Sentry, Daken, Banshee and Grim Reaper as the Horsemen of Death. Rick Remender teased a big Thor vs. Sentry battle, Wolverine vs. Daken, Rogue vs. Grim Reaper and Havok vs. Banshee.
X Red Skull (now with Xavier’s brain) will turn up in X-Men Legacy (now starring Legion, the Professor’s son.)
XWolverine and the X-Men #29 will be set 50 years in the future. Ramon Perez is leaving the book as artist.
X Brian Wood teased there’s one more member of his all-female team that will be introduced in the final page of X-Men #1.
Marvel revealed big changes coming for Superior Spider-Man at C2E2 in Chicago. Here are some highlights.
July will be Superior Spider-Man month with a new costume of the wallcrawler debuting in issue 14 by Humberto Ramos.
Miguel O’Hara (Spider-Man 2099) will appear in the series.
Venom (Flash Thompson) will fight Superior Spider-Man.
The Panel Reminded fans: Superior Spider-Man Team-Up by Chris Yost and David Lopez and Superior Foes of Spider-Man by Nick Spencer and Steve Lieber hit in July. (Team-Up will replace Avenging Spider-Man.)
Superior Carnage by Kevin Shinick and Stephen Segovia begins in July.
Scarlet Spider #19 will guest star Wolverine with Kaine and X-Man fighting ninjas.
Dan Slott praised Joshua Fialkov for his work on Alpha: Big Time starring Peter Parker’s one time sidekick introduced last year:
“Fialkov is a miracle worker. I did everything in my power to make Alpha the most unlikeable character EVER… and Josh has me LOVING him. They’re doing an awesome job on the ALPHA: BIG TIME book!”
Valkyrie (leader of Fearless Defenders) will guest star in Superior Spider-Man #8 with a new costume designed by cover artist Mark Brooks.
A fan asked about the status of the Sinister Six:
“Chris Yost has a long term plan for the members of the Sinister 6” Editor Ellie Pyle.
Editor Tom Brevoort announced there will be a follow up to the Spider-Men book but no date set yet.
Infinity begins this Summer! Jonathan Hickman’s Avengers and New Avengers have been building to the epic return of Thanos. Marvel’s top writers and editors shared news, art and teases of what’s coming in the Marvel Now to Infinity panel at C2E2 in Chicago. Here are some of the highlights:
Uncanny Avengers #10 in July by Rick Remender and Daniel Acuna. Remender confirmed the “return” of Sentry, Daken, Grim Reaper and Banshee, who will be the Horsemen of Death.
“The Apocalypse Twins take the corpses of these dead heroes and infuse them with Death Seeds, resurrecting them and turn them into Deaths–servants of Apocalypse,” said Remender, “This is going to mean nothing good for the super heroes but we want nothing good to happen to them.”
The panel turned to Secret Avengers featuring a team including SHIELD Agent Phil Coulson by Nick Spencer.
“We’re taking the concept of this off the grid team of Avengers in a kind of grey area,” says Editor Lauren Sankovich, “We’re putting them through the action ringer and the emotional ringer.”
“This book was a dream come true for me,” says Spencer, “There’s a lot of shady stuff going on in this new world and our heroes are struggling with how to deal with it. The fallout’s going to be pretty catastrophic for the entire team… so lots of drama coming soon.”
Spencer was recruited by Jonathan Hickman to co-write Avengers in the march to Infinity.
Kieron Gillen announced Young Avengers #6 is a one-off issue with artist Kate Brown, a UK artist that will focus on Prodigy saying “Prodigy is basically working in the equivalent of a dead end job and he’s wasting his talent,” and later the team will go on a cosmic backpacking trip.
Avengers Arena #14 courtesy Marvel
The cover of Avengers Arena #14 showing X-23 in an homage to a classic Frank Miller Wolverine cover. The first season concludes in a story beginning in #14. The story is called “Boss Level.” It’s all about who lives, who dies and who wins.
Jason Aaron and Simone Bianchi are exploring the origin of the villain of Infinity in Thanos Rising.
Issue #4 hits in July and “It’s as sick and twisted and dark as you’d hope in the depths of your heart that it would be,” said Editor Ellie Pyle.
Thanos rises again in Hickman’s big event Infinity.
The Infinity Free Comic Book Day (out next Saturday) issue features a new 10 page story by Jonathan Hickman and Jim Cheung.
Infinity will be 6 issues total from August to November. There will be Prelude to Infinity stories in Avengers in August. #14 and #15 by Jonathan Hickman, Nick Spencer and Stefano Caselli. Continue reading From Marvel Now to Infinity