I love Wolverine and the X-Men #32. Jason Aaron and Nick Bradshaw always deliver action and humor packed stories. Chapter Two of The Hellfire Saga keeps the intrigue going and turns up the strange as we learn more the Hellfire Club’s endgame, the origin of the new villain, The Philistine and you may finally feel sorry for Quentin Quire. The arrogant hell-raising omega level mutant suffers at the hands of his new masters in his bid to save Idie.
One of the things I really want to declare is my love for how Jason Aaron uses the Bamfs! These little mini-Nightcrawlers have been haunting the Jean Grey School and stealing Logan’s whiskey since the premiere issue. I love how Wolverine uses to little gremlins’ vices against them in the search for his lost students and to deliver some painful payback to the Hellfire Club. I could go on and on about how much I love Aaron’s writing of the popular X-Men you love (Logan, Kitty, Bobby) but I wanted to praise him for the little moments and the background characters like Doop, Toad and the Bamfs that make Wolverine and the X-Men the strangest and most consistently enjoyable X-book.
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