Fearless Defenders is coming to an end. The all-female team book by Cullen Bunn and Will Sliney was missing from the Marvel January previews. Bunn, Sliney and Executive Editor Tom Brevoort confirmed the book will be cancelled after issue 12.
Denise Crosby as Lt. Tasha Yar in Star Trek: The Next Generation. Image courtesy Denise Crosby
Denise Crosby was a special guest at GeekGirlCon 2013 in Seattle this weekend. The actress best known as Lt. Tasha Yar of Star Trek: The Next Generation greeted fans, signed autographs and most importantly shared invaluable insights of her experience as an actress.
Sunday’s panel was hilarious, insightful and inspiring. Crosby explained why she left the series after one season. I often call Tasha the “James Dean” of Star Trek because she was on the show for one season but made such an incredible impact. This being a science fiction series, Crosby was able to reprise her role in one of the most beloved episodes, Yesterday’s Enterprise. Continue reading Denise Crosby at GeekGirlCon 2013
Dark Horse Comics will remake the universe and it will be lot scarier!
Aliens, Predators, and Engineers come together in 2014 when the Aliens, Predators, and Alien Vs. Predator comics are rebooted, along with the first Prometheus comic series, and joined together in a single continuity. Continue reading Aliens, Predators and Prometheus Shared Comic Universe
Marvel movie fans know to stick around for a post-credit scene or two. When the hammer comes down again in Thor: The Dark World we could be treated to two scenes like in The Avengers according to ScreenCrush after seeing an early press screening.
Here’s what’s coming from Valiant in January 2014:
Written by GREG PAK
Valiant’s immortal champion builds a bridge to…4001 A.D.!
THE FUTURE HAS ARRIVED. Two thousand years from today, the planet has been transformed by science, technology…and war. The centuries have not been kind to the Earth’s own undying warrior – but a battle that could change everything is just beginning right here in 21st century. Rising star Diego Bernard joins New York Times best-selling writer Greg Pak to make history with a brand new vision of the Valiant Universe that is to come and define a brand new era for heroes – past, present and future. Continue reading Valiant January Previews
X-Force vs. X-Force! The New Year kicks off with a bang as the two teams go to war. Marvel announced Vendetta at New York Comic Con and now we know new details of the fight between Cable’s crew and Psylocke’s squad battling all through January.
The bad blood and old scores will be settled in Vendetta coming to UNCANNY X-FORCE and CABLE & X-FORCE from the creative teams of Sam Humphries and Harvey Tolibao and Dennis Hopeless and Angel Unzueta. Continue reading X-FORCE vs. X-FORCE in VENDETTA
This Friday Flashback is in celebration of two big events:
1. An all-new Captain Marvel #1 by Kelly Sue DeConnick and David Lopez coming in 2014 announced at New York Comic Con.
2. Kelly Sue DeConnick is a special guest at GeekGirlCon ’13 in Seattle. The writer who successfully charted a new course for Carol Danvers and became the first female writer on an Avengers book is a perfect guest for this celebration of women in geek culture. Continue reading Friday Flashback Salute to Captain Marvel