Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics
Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor #1 courtesy Titan Comics

With Doctor Who: The Eleventh Doctor writer Al Ewing (Loki: Agent of Asgard, Mighty Avengers) gives us new comic book adventures starring the previous Time Lord played by Matt Smith.

It’s one of expanding Doctor Who series from Titan Comics starring the Ninth, Tenth, Eleventh and Twelfth Doctors.

New companion Alice was a sad library assistant in London feeling empty and gray after a family tragedy when the Eleventh Doctor burst into her life with a colorful, strange entrance. Instead of falling into Wonderland, the wonder and spirit of the Eleventh Doctor series falls into her world and before our eyes.

Writers Al Ewing and Rob Williams reignited the playful yet emotional tone of the show. I asked Ewing about capturing the energy of Matt Smith’s Eleventh. Continue reading AL EWING On DOCTOR WHO: THE ELEVENTH DOCTOR


The Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron courtesy Marvel
The Vision in Avengers: Age of Ultron courtesy Marvel

Behold The Vision.

Marvel revealed a full look at Paul Bettany as the iconic android in a new Avengers: Age of Ultron poster.

Bettany voiced Tony Stark’s J.A.R.V.I.S. in four earlier Marvel films and materializes on screen as The Vision.

In comics, Ultron creates the red-faced android to infiltrate and destroy the heroes from within but he turns on his creator and became a fan-favorite member of the team.

Now as we’ve seen, Marvel Studios does not always follow comics canon. For example, Tony Stark creates Ultron in the film instead of Hank Pym. Continue reading Behold PAUL BETTANY as THE VISION in AVENGERS: AGE OF ULTRON Poster

AGENT CARTER Evil Easter Eggs

courtesy Marvel
courtesy Marvel

Hayley Atwell is back as Peggy Carter in Marvel’s Agent Carter. The new television series picks up Peggy’s story in 1946 after losing Steve Rogers. Peggy is in New York City working for the S.S.R. while going on a secret missions for Howard Stark (Dominic Cooper) with his butler, Edwin Jarvis.

The action-packed premiere was filled with classic Marvel comics villains and homages so who’s who and what’s what?

In the tradition that started with Avengers for Virgins…here’s a breakdown of the Easter eggs in Agent Carter. Continue reading AGENT CARTER Evil Easter Eggs


Ms. Marvel #5 courtesy Marvel
Ms. Marvel #5 courtesy Marvel

A comic book take on Ladies’ Night celebrating four female creators, fans and women who just want to learn more about comics.


Zanadu Comics declared October 15th is Ladies’ Night at their store with an after-hours event for women.
“Most women have never set foot inside a comic store. Their reasons are many and varied, but most of them revolve around the idea that comics are a guy thing. We all know that’s not true. Comics are for everybody. So in hopes of dispelling the myth that comics are for boys, we are having this women only event,” Team Zanadu told us. Continue reading ZANADU COMICS Presents LADIES’ NIGHT


Batman #29 Emerald City Comicon variant courtesy DC Comics
Batman #29 Emerald City Comicon variant courtesy DC Comics

Emerald City Comicon 2014 is just one week away. The celebration in Seattle grew like the Hulk and for the first time – is completely sold out. Karen Gillan, Karl Urban, Stephen Amell, Ron Perlman, Richard Dean Anderson and Nichelle Nichols are just some of the stars fans can meet in panels, photo and autograph opportunities. Jim Lee, Peter David, Klaus Janson and Arthur Adams are some of the comic book icons attending.


If you’re one of the fans coming to see the stellar roster of celebrities and top comic book creators here are some helpful hints to maximize your experience. By special request here’s a guide to Comicons for Virgins! Continue reading EMERALD CITY COMICON Guide

Matt Smith DOCTOR WHO Finale Details

Doctor Who Christmas Special poster courtesy BBC America
Doctor Who Christmas Special poster courtesy BBC America

The final Matt Smith Doctor Who episode will be The Time of the Doctor. The Christmas episode sees Smith’s Eleventh Doctor regenerate into a new form (played by Peter Capaldi.)


The finale follows The Name of the Doctor and the recent 50th Anniversary special The Day of the Doctor. Here’s the official synopsis courtesy BBC:


“Orbiting a quiet backwater planet, the massed forces of the universe’s deadliest species gather, Continue reading Matt Smith DOCTOR WHO Finale Details

Which Villains Should Be in Marvel Phase Two?

Infinity Gauntlet #4 courtesy
Infinity Gauntlet #4 courtesy

Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase Two blasts off this May with Iron Man 3. The Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One arrives April 2nd. The Six-Movie Collector Set assembles Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor and Marvel’s The Avengers.

Which villains are ready to attack Earth’s Mightiest Heroes?

Tony faces the Mandarin in Iron Man 3.

Steve Rogers will fight his best friend turned brainwashed cyborg in Captain America: The Winter Soldier. Frank Grillo will play Crossbones in the sequel.

The Odinson fights Malekith (Christopher Eccleston) and Kurse in Thor: The Dark World.

Thanos made a sinister smirking cameo at the end of The Avengers so he’s sure to turn in Avengers 2.

What other Avengers villains deserve a shot at big screen villainy? Continue reading Which Villains Should Be in Marvel Phase Two?

Avengers Assembled! Marvel Cinematic Universe Phase One


Marvel's The Avengers courtesy Marvel
Marvel’s The Avengers courtesy Marvel

It’s almost here! Earth’s Mightiest Heroes in one massive collection for you home. The Marvel Cinematic Universe: Phase One arrives April 2nd. The 10-Disc, 6 Limited Edition Six-Movie Collector Set (Blu-Ray) gives you Iron Man, Iron Man 2, The Incredible Hulk, Captain America: The First Avenger, Thor and Marvel’s The Avengers.

Still new to the blockbuster superheroes of Marvel? Check out my Avengers For Virgins – this was by request of my non-comic book reading friends who loved superhero action movies!

Phase Two begins this May with Iron Man 3 and Thor: The Dark World this November and Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Guardians of the Galaxy next year then Avengers 2!

By Editor