Wonder Woman Casting Reaction by THE SUPERGIRLS Author

Wonder Woman #1 Courtesy DC Comics
Wonder Woman #1 Courtesy DC Comics

With news that Wonder Woman will be part of the Man of Steel sequel with Batman I reached out to the author who literally wrote the book on super heroines. Mike Madrid chronicled the history of women in comics in The Supergirls with a huge section devoted to the most famous woman in comics.


With such a long history, devoted fan following, iconic television series and numerous attempts at films and new television shows, the Amazon Princess finally hits the big screen. I asked Madrid about the casting choice.


“Like all Wonder Woman fans, I have my own idea of how I see the heroine. Continue reading Wonder Woman Casting Reaction by THE SUPERGIRLS Author


X-Men #183 courtesy Marvel
X-Men #183 courtesy Marvel

“X-Men Apocalypse 2016”

These words and number revealed by Bryan Singer on Twitter just set the geek world on fire!

The director is finishing up X-Men: Days of Future Past which unites the cast of the original trilogy and X-Men: First Class in a film based on the classic story by Chris Claremont. Singer was a one man tease machine via Twitter sharing news and pics from the upcoming sequel which arrives in May 2014.

Today’s tweet sure appears that Fox (which controls the X-Men film franchise) is moving ahead with a follow up just two years later starring one of the greatest enemies. Continue reading X-MEN APOCALYPSE 2016

BLACK WIDOW Solo Preview

Black Widow #2 courtesy Marvel
Black Widow #2 courtesy Marvel

One of my most anticipated All-New Marvel Now books is Black Widow by writer Nathan Edmonson and artist Phil Noto.


The new series explores the dark past of the fan-favorite Avenger and super spy. I want to share part of Edmondson’s new Marvel.com interview giving insight on the Natasha’s new solo series.


“About all I can tell you is that the shadows in her past are dark and deep and they are reaching out for her. We will learn some things about them eventually, but keep in mind she’s a master spy: her secrets stay in the dark. When the book opens, though, we’ll be plenty busy with her present and all the action that entails,” Edmondson teases. Continue reading BLACK WIDOW Solo Preview


Justice League #3 from DC Comics. Cover by Jim Lee
Justice League #3 from DC Comics. Cover by Jim Lee

The casting of Gal Gabot as Wonder Woman in the upcoming Superman vs. Batman sequel to Man of Steel inspired an explosion from fans over the internet. The Israeli actress from the Fast and Furious franchise steps into the role of the most famous woman in comic books in her big screen debut.


Here’s what I’m hoping for from the film now starring DC Comics Big Three:


She’s Diana – like Man of Steel and Batman Begins I want to see Gabot as the Amazon Warrior who evolves into or is ready to become Wonder Woman by the end of  the movie (and spin off into her own film!) Maybe we don’t even see Diana in the iconic costume until the end? Continue reading WONDER WOMAN in SUPERMAN BATMAN Inspires Geek Dreams

Amazing X-Men #2 Review

Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Amazing X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

Sometimes being an X-Man is Hell…literally!


Nightcrawler’s peace in Heaven turns into a nightmare when his father sends demon pirates to steal souls. Yes, Jason Aaron is daring to use one of the worst X-villains (but was awesome in X-Men: First Class) in a tale of war in the afterlife.


This week Amazing X-Men #2 continues the otherworldly adventures on two fronts. The writer’s seeds sewn in Wolverine and the X-Men (those darn bamfs!) pay off in a big way sending Logan and Northstar to Heaven and Storm, Iceman and Firestar to Hell. Continue reading Amazing X-Men #2 Review


Gal Cadot courtesy DC Comics
Gal Gadot courtesy DC Comics

The DC Comics Holy Trinity will appear in the sequel to Man of Steel. Warner Brothers announced Gal Gadot (Fast & Furious films) will play Wonder Woman The Israeli actress joins Henry Cavill as Superman/Clark Kent and Ben Affleck as Batman/Bruce Wayne in the untitled film.

“Wonder Woman is arguably one of the most powerful female characters of all time and a fan favorite in the DC Universe,” said director Zack Snyder. “Not only is Gal an amazing actress, but she also has that magical quality that makes her perfect for the role. We look forward to audiences discovering Gal in the first feature film incarnation of this beloved character.”


Continue reading WONDER WOMAN Cast for SUPERMAN VS. BATMAN Movie

Quentin Comeback in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN

Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel
Wolverine and the X-Men #2 courtesy Marvel

One of the most surprising comic book comebacks continues with a new volume of Wolverine and the X-Men in 2014. Writer Jason Latour and artist Mahmud Asrar are the creative team on the second volume launching in March as revealed by IGN.


Love him, hate him or love to hate him – Quentin Quire will become “one of the biggest players of the book.” Continue reading Quentin Comeback in WOLVERINE AND THE X-MEN