Captain America: The Winter Soldier courtesy Marvel
Variety reports Marvel is moving ahead with Captain America 3 and co-directors Joe and Anthony Russo will be back to helm the Star-Spangled Avenger’s third solo movie with Chris Evans back as Steve Rogers.
Captain America: The Winter Soldier opens in April. No official word from Marvel or the Russos. It’s likely the sequel would come after Avengers: Age of Ultron in 2015. Continue reading CAPTAIN AMERICA 3?
Captain America: The Winter Soldier Prelude courtesy Marvel
Marvel recruits fan-favorite writer Peter David (Incredible Hulk, All-New X-Factor) to help excite fans for the Star-Spangled Avenger’s next big screen adventure.
Batman and Robin Annual #1 Flash back to Dick Grayson’s year one as Batman’s partner in fighting crime. Bruce and Dick both played Batman to Damian’s Robin. What Bruce’s son left behind leads them to relive their first adventure together as Batman and Robin.
Guardians of the Galaxy #11 courtesy Marvel
Guardians of the Galaxy #11The Trial of Jean Grey crossover with All-New X-Men! When alien empires learn Jean is alive – they want to put her on trial for the crimes of the Phoenix. Can the Guardians help the original X-Men save her from execution? Two of Marvel’s newest teams in an outer space adventure by Brian Michael Bendis.
It’s the God of Thunder vs. Uriel this week in Uncanny Avengers #16.
Mutants are transported into the insane arms of the Apocalypse Twins and humans left on Earth are targeted for extinction. Scarlet Witch’s “final” act triggered the mutant “rapture.” It’s all part of the Apocalypse Twins’ bizarre plot to save their race and doom humanity. Continue reading Hammer Time in UNCANNY AVENGERS #16
Serenity: Leaves on the Wind #1 courtesy Dark Horse Comics
Serenity soars again.
One of my most anticipated comics coming in 2014 breathes new life into this outer space corners of the Whedonverse.
Joss Whedon created the short-lived but loved Firefly television series which was reborn as a feature film. Dark Horse Comics picks up the story of Mal Reynolds and his crew in Serenity: Leaves On the Wind.
Writer Zach Whedon and artists Georges Jeanty (Buffy, The Vampire Slayer) continue with Mal, a pregnant Zoe, River Tam and the rest of outlaws’ story after the events of the Serenity movie when they exposed the universe to the corrupt government’s crimes against their own people. Continue reading SERENITY: LEAVES ON THE WIND Begins
Avengers: The Children’s Crusade #9 courtesy Marvel
This week’s Friday Flashback is inspired by superstar artist Jim Cheung. As I packed for my first Wizard World Comic Con I was trying to decide which comics by the acclaimed artist I would bring to get autographed.
This one is definitely making the road trip to Portland, Oregon: Avengers: The Children’s Crusade was the final act of Cheung and writer Allan Heinberg’s gorgeous and powerful run with the Young Avengers.
Writer James Robinson takes Marvel’s oldest superhero team (at least chronologically) and make them exciting, fresh and fun in All-New Invaders #1.
Captain America, Bucky, Namor the Sub-Mariner and the original Human Torch fought Nazis and Hitler’s super soldiers in World War II. The heroes have dramatically changed except for Steve Rogers. The enemy is more powerful than the Third Reich but like Hitler – the Kree are looking for lost mythological treasures on Earth. Continue reading ALL-NEW INVADERS #1 Review