A new era, new arc and new creative team for the comic book that launched the career of the Dark Knight.
Francis Manapul and Brian Buccellato of The Flash have moved to Gotham City to take over Detective Comics. The team’s first arc kicks off this Wednesday in Detective Comics #30.
Buccellato was among the top talent DC brought to Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this weekend to reveal plans for Batman’s 75 Anniversary year.
In a one-on-one with Buccellato I ask the creator what fans can expect when Detective Comics #30 (his first issue with Manapul) hits this week.
Watch here and see more details below:
“Expect for somebody to die and for Bruce and Batman – they’re the same person – to be not very happy about that and want to solve that crime.”
Who is the Squid?
“He’s actually a very obscure villain. Francis was looking…I think he googled worst Batman villains ever or most obscure – I don’t remember it but it’s one that he stumbled upon that we’re reinventing for The New 52. ”
With a title like Detective Comics – they will obviously focus on Bruce Wayne – the ultimate detective in the DC Universe but how will their book stand out?
“Yeah it’s definitely gonna have a procedural aspect to it. I think it’s gonna also be a little more pulpy and grounded in the sort of story…it’s not gonna be as Michael Bay as the other Bat titles. And I don’t mean that to say – (Batman/Michael Bay explainer.)
How does it feel to takeover the iconic title that launched the Dark Knight in a milestone year?
“The stuff the all the other Bat writers and Scott (Snyder) I mean there’s so much good material out there. It’s a bit of a challenge to try and find out niche and out way into the world but I think we have a unique perspective and the way we’re telling out story separates us a little bit. You know we’re not gonna outdo the giants all from Frank Miller all the way down to the current team. We’re just gonna try to make it our own and not put the pressure to be something that we’re not. We’re Francis and Brian. We’re bringing what we do to Detective.
For Batman’s 75th Annniversary – I asked Buccellato his favorite Batman story that still influences him.
“I’m gonna give you the boring answer but Year One – you know Mazzachelli and Miller that’s it’s right there. It’s hard for me Hush is great and The Long Halloween but Batman Year One.
Detective Comics #32 courtesy DC Comics
In the DC The New 52 panel at Emerald City Comicon Buccellato said about the first arc:
Batman and Harvey Bullock are racing to solve a crime that’s personal to both of them. Along with the obscure Squid, the writer said he and Manapul are using another old villain named Sumo and a new biker gang their bringing to Gotham City.
Detective Comics #30 – Icarus part 1 arrives Wednesday.
Charles Soule is one of the busiest writers in comics and busiest guests at Emerald City Comicon this weekend. With Superman/Wonder Woman, Red Lanterns, Swamp Thing for DC and Thunderbolts, She-Hulk for Marvel Soule was on multiple panels answering fan questions.
Inhuman #1 is the big Marvel book on this fan’s brain. Soule teams up with artist Joe Madureira for a brand new title that stars classic characters like Black Bolt and Medusa while introducing all-new heroes and villains born as a result of the terrigen bomb detonation in Infinity.
Happy 75th Anniversary Batman. The Dark Knight made his debut in Detective Comics #27 on March 30, 1939. DC Comics proclaimed April Batman month and unveiled a new logo and plans for the 75th Anniversary celebration. Continue reading HAPPY 75TH BATMAN at ECCC
Fans love or hate Cyclops at this point after Schism and AvX. What the writer who intensified the Scott/Logan rivarly into a full-blown Schism?
It was one of my favorite moments from Marvel Pint O’ C.B. (Cebulski) at Emerald City Comicon in Seattle this weekend. X-Men: Schism and former Wolverine and the X-Men writer Jason Aaron was on the fan question driven panel.
One major highlight from the DC Comics Eternal Batman panel was the publisher’s top talent revealing their favorite moments in the Dark Knight’s history.
Scott Snyder, James Tynion, Tim Seeley, Ray Fawkes and artist Dustin Nguyen will launch Batman Eternal in April.
Here’s what the team behind the new weekly series say are their favorite moments:
A brand new teen superhero joins Justice League United. Equinox was revealed on CBC. Canadian writer Jeff Lemire will introduce the young Cree hero from Ontario into his upcoming series.
Teen Titans rise again but not it’s a whole new team in a new world.
DC Comics announced Teen Titans: Earth One by superstar creative team Jeff Lemire (Green Arrow, Justice League United, Futures End) and Terry and Rachel Dodson. This is the latest volume of the Earth One graphic novels following Superman and Batman.