Thor meets Thor – for the first time – sort of. GENERATIONS: THE THUNDER unites The Mighty Thor and The Unworthy Thor but Jason Aaron gives a revelation in this issue that will leave fans  – Thunderstruck!

Generations The Thunder courtesy Marvel

This GENERATIONS issue is a must because the final three pages set the stage for MARVEL LEGACY #1. Writer Jason Aaron ties two cosmic forces from two major Marvel franchises.

What could this revelation mean for the future of the Marvel Universe? Continue reading GENERATIONS: THE THUNDER Previews MARVEL LEGACY Shocker

MARVEL’S DEFENDERS Big Burning Questions

THE DEFENDERS is now streaming on Netflix. Daredevil, Jessica Jones, Luke Cage and Iron Fist came together in an epic showdown with The Hand.

The team-up series delivered thrilling action, perfect humor, heartbreak and raw emotion as the street-level heroes of the Marvel Cinematic Universe paid painful prices for victory.

The Defenders courtesy Marvel

THE DEFENDERS took comics canon and expanded their own mythology. The finale – oh that finale – leaves fans with big burning questions about what could happen next for Jess, Matt, Luke, Danny – not to mention Misty and Colleen. Continue reading MARVEL’S DEFENDERS Big Burning Questions


Batman vs Hawkman? Superman vs Doctor Manhattan?

“The End is Near” as the highly anticipated DOOMSDAY CLOCK begins.

It’s just one of the big new books coming from  DC Comics this November along with the return of Hawkman, Batman’s new sidekick and “Bats Out of Hell” strike the Justice League as DARK NIGHTS METAL continues.

Hawkman Found #1 courtesy DC Comics

Here are our DC Comics November books to watch: Continue reading DOOMSDAY CLOCK, HAWKMAN and BATS From HELL in DC COMICS November 2017

DARK NIGHTS METAL Bats, Birds & Most Shocking Moments

Like a sword drawn to strike, DARK NIGHTS METAL #1 unleashes big character comebacks, massive action, shocking revelations and twisted mysteries tied to the Dark Knight’s past and future.

Did you see that jaw-dropping return? Which one?!

Dark Nights Metal #1 courtesy DC Comics

BATMAN The New 52 team Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo are reunited. The dark magic is back and this time the duo have the entire DC Universe as their arena. That’s still not enough for this epic story unleashing a Dark Multiverse and going back to their Batman run.

We know an army of evil Batmen will attack.

Dark Matter will follow METAL with new books.

Here are the biggest shocks and awes and what it could mean for the future of the DC Universe: Continue reading DARK NIGHTS METAL Bats, Birds & Most Shocking Moments