Age of Apocalypse #1 Preview


  Marvel twisted their X-universe into the Age of Apocalypse in the 90’s. Charles Xavier never existed. Apocalypse ruled North America. Magneto was the leader of rebel heroes. Wolverine and Jean Grey were lovers.


  Rick Remender took his Uncanny X-Force into that dimension for The Dark Angel Saga. In the aftermath, Dave Lapham is taking survivors of that dimension’s mutant-human war to an even more twisted level. Age of Apocalypse #1 is a new ongoing by Lapham with artist Roberto De La Torre.

  Weapon X is leads the war to eliminate humanity. The X-Terminated may be the only hope.



“This new Age of Apocalypse book does the impossible – it revolutionizes an old concept without a reboot,” explains Senior Editor Nick Lowe. “If you’ve been reading Uncanny X-Force, you know where this is coming from and you’re already in. If you’re an Age of Apocalypse junkie, this builds on the alternate universe’s mythology is fascinating and troubling ways. And if you aren’t either and just want a ground-breaking, easy-entry book that will challenge everything you know about the X-Men, there hasn’t been a better jumping on point.”


 The new series debuts in March with covers by Humberto Ramos.


Top 5 Comics Picks for 2-8-12

Secret Avengers #22 cover Gabriel Hardman courtesy

Secret Avengers #22

Hawkeye takes command and recruits Captain Britain for his covert team. He’s going to need the extra muscle as the Avengers’ version of the Sentinels strike. Rick Remender revolutionized Uncanny X-Force so get ready for a wild ride with the bad boys and girls of Earth’s Mightiest Heroes.

Batgirl #6

Batgirl and Batman meet for the first time since her recovery. The deadly man manipulating Gretel makes her move. Barbara deals with the emotional wallop by a return from someone in her past.

Thief of Thieves #1

When the writers of The Walking Dead and Morning Glories unite for a book it’s a huge reason to rush to the comic store. Robert Kirkman and Nick Spencer tells the story of the ultimate thief who can steal anything except the life he lost. A master criminal tries to connect with the son and wife he lost while evading the FBI and an even bigger threat.

Kevin Keller #1 courtesy Archie Comics

Kevin Keller #1

Archie Comics didn’t just give the Riverdale Gang a gay sidekick – they made Kevin Keller openly gay young man who wants to serving in the military. This week the groundbreaking character gets his own series and hardcover graphic novel featuring the GLAAD Media Award outstanding comic story about Kevin’s first meeting with Archie and life before Riverdale.

 Wolverine and the X-Men #5

Kitty Pryde is pregnant. A billion alien Brood show up and I don’t think it’s for a baby shower! Is this the child that could bring Kitty and Colossus back together or has an alien enemy delivered a curse on my favorite X-woman?

What’s Next for the Black Panther

Black Panther #529 Courtesy Comic Book Resources/Marvel  Let me begin with what I’ve said a gazillion times on Facebook Thor movie updates: IDRIS ELBA can play anything but imagine him on the big screen in as BLACK PANTHER!

  What a finale for Black Panther: The Most Dangerous Man Alive #529 out this week! Black Panther versus the Kingpin with Lady Bullseye, Typhoid Mary, Luke Cage and Falcon guest starring!

  T’Challa took over numbering and Daredevil’s role as protector of Hell’s Kitchen but his time in New York is at an end.

Black Panther #35

    What will Marvel do with T’challa?  Will he reclaim his kingdom of Wakanda? Which side will T’Challa choose in Avengers Versus X-Men? T’Challa is a longtime Avenger, Captain America just recruited Storm for Earth’s Mightiest Heroes but she’s in Uncanny X-Men’s Extinction Team so he would be a man in great conflict in AVX.

  Let’s give Black Panther his own team in his own series based in Wakanda. Let’s get Idris Elba as T’Challa, Madds Mikkelsen as Klaw, and Paula Patton as Monica Lynne.


Michael Fassbender on Romance Versus Work

Michael Fassbender and James McAvoy from X-Men: First Class courtesy

  The man who played a young Magneto is certainly attracting diverse roles and media attention. Michael Fassbender is saying that his career is takes priority over relationships at the moment.

  “To be honest, relationships as a whole for me in this industry have been a difficult thing to maintain,” Bang Showbiz quotes him as saying.

  “It goes with the territory. I would be prepared to walk away from relationships because of my job. I wanted to give this everything and go for it 110%, so I guess my work has taken precedence over that.”

  Fassbender was romantically linked to Zoe Kravitz who played X-Men traitor Angel in X-Men: First Class. For more of this story here’s the RTE link.

AVX Thor Versus Phoenix


Avengers Versus X-Men #4 variant courtesy



Behold the God of Thunder against the Phoenix Force! Marvel revealed this variant cover to Avengers Versus X-Men #4 by Jerome Opena. I’ve posted my theories about Scarlet Witch or Hope facing the entity but this image gets a geek brain spinning! It looks like the entity will swallow Thor whole.

This awe-inspiring cover arrives in May.


Star Wars Television Series to Feature Time Bandits?

  Manipulating the past has been a theme in several Star Trek episodes and the Borg Queen’s strategy in Star Trek: First Contact.  Cable, Bishop and Rachel Summers have traveled into the past to change the future in the X-Men comics.  

  Is the new Star Wars: Underworld television series taking a cue from other franchises and doing a time warp of their own? As previously reported producer Rick McCallum says scripts are written but the project is shelved for now due to budgetary reasons.












  According to a new but untested Ain’t It Cool News source, Underworld will “involve bandits acquiring the capability of time travel, and using it to travel back in time to stop Darth Vader from ever existing.”

  Again this is just a rumor but it generates some interesting possibilities and ramifications for the entire series. I can imagine future rebel Jedi versus Qui-Gonn and Obi-Wan. Thanks to Spinoff Online for the story.



Kitty Pryde Pregnant Updated

Wolverine and the X-Men #5 preview art courtesy Marvel and Comic Book Resources Exclusive

It’s a double dose of Kitty Pryde’s maternal mystery this week. First Marvel gave us a preview of what looks like Kitty on the phone with Colossus.

Today Marvel gave Comic Book Resources more preview images by Nick Bradshaw of Wolverine and the X-Men #5. We don’t see Kitty in these images but Logan and Bobby refer to the fact that she’s been missing for days.

We see Beast is taking the students of the Jean Grey School inside a virtual reality tour of the mutant body for a biology lesson. This could be a follow-up to the “Things to Come” image in the back of the debut issue showing Dr. McCoy and company inside Kitty’s bloodstream.


Is Colossus the father and will this bring the romantically challenged couple together? They’ve survived death by legacy virus and eternity is a speeding bullet – but this is an X-pregancy. Stay tuned for the labor pains when #5 arrives February 8th.

By Editor

Jennifer Lawrence on Hunger Games Co-Star Chemistry

  X-Fans like me rejoiced this week with news that Director Matthew Vaughn and the principal cast of X-Men: First Class are signed on for a sequel to the prequel.

  Before Jennifer Lawrence reprises her role as the shapeshifting Mystique she will fight for her life in The Hunger Games based on the best-selling trilogy by Suzanne Collins. Lawrence plays Katniss a girl in a dystopian world in a tournament fighting to the death against other desperate teens. The books are riveting. The movie trailer captures the dangerous atmosphere of the series. I’m surprised a publisher hasn’t started work on a graphic novel adaptation of the trilogy.

  Josh Hutcherson (would made a great young Scott Summers) plays Peeta, one of the combatants in the death tournament who falls in love with Katniss. The two young stars talked with MTV News about their chemistry.

  “We did a chemistry read and kind of hit it off right away, I felt, for the second time, third time,” he joked, playing up the memories of their first meeting. “So that’s the first time we got to play the characters together.”

  “We had tons of chemistry,” Lawrence insisted with a laugh. “He was Peeta,” she added of her first impressions of Hutcherson as “the boy with the bread.” “I had heard the director, I had heard Gary [Ross] say, ‘He is the only one who is actually Peeta,’ and then [Josh] came in, and he was. He’s charming and nice and sweet, like a dog licking your face.”

  “A dog licking on your face?” Hutcherson asked, wondering if Lawrence was giving him a compliment or not.

  “It is! That’s what it’s like hanging out with you, it’s like, ‘Eeeeee!’ ” Lawrence said of her excitement being around the 19-year-old.

  For the entire interview here’s the MTV News link.