Free Comic Book Day is almost here. This unofficial geek holiday is like Christmas and your local comic book shop and major publishers are Santa Claus and his elves.
The first Saturday in May is when you can pick up FREE comic books. Different stores have different rules. For example, you may be limited to only two or you may have to buy a comic to get a free one. Just because they’re free doesn’t mean they’re just extra unsold copies. These FCBD issues are new and often connected to each publisher’s big events of summer.
Marvel’s Free Comic Book Day issue will lead into Secret Wars, the major event heralding “the end of the Marvel Universe.” Avengers, New Avengers, Secret Wars writer Jonathan Hickman and artist Paul Renaud are the creative team on Secret Wars #0 – the prologue to the first chapter of Marvel’s universe changing event. This FCBD issue includes a preview of Attack on Avengers by the creator of Attack on Titan. Continue reading FREE COMIC BOOK DAY 2015 Preview