Oscar Isaac is “The First One” as Fox’s X-Men film franchise evolves.
The actor has signed to play the titular villain of X-Men: Apocalypse according to Variety. The rising star (Inside LLewyn Davis, Drive, A Most Violent Year) has a role in Star Wars VII: The Force Awakens.
Apocalypse was seen in the post-credits sequence of X-Men: Days of Future Past.
In comics Apocalypse’s real name is En Sabah Nur meaning “The First One” and considered the first mutant born in ancient Egypt. En Sabah Nur was raised by a tribe called Sandstormers who lived by the credo survival of the fittest,
believing only those strong enough to survive hardship and conflict are fit to life. Apocalypse would test mutants vs. mutants in a long-term strategy for the mutants war with humans for control of the planet.
Apocalypse is an immortal mutant who goes into hibernation with many powers into molecular manipulation and immense strength. The son of Cyclops (Nathan Summers aka Cable) was raised in a future world ruled by Apocalypse who went back in time to prevent the rise of the dark lord.
In the Age of Apocaypse storyline – the death of a young Professor X led to a twisted alternate world ruled by En Sabah Nur in which Magneto led the X-Men. Cyclops, Beast and Havok were never recruited by the Professor and became villains.
There’s no official word on story except it will be set in the 1980’s, Jennifer Lawrence, Michael Fassbender, James McAvoy and the First Class cast will return and will introduce younger version of Jean Grey, Cyclops and Storm with new actors in the role. Bryan Singer will direct.
X-Men: Apocalypse arrives May 27, 2016.
By Editor