DC Comics The New 52 one year anniversary of zero issues are stand-alone stories promising to reveal the origins of the greatest heroes in this new continunity.
DC is revealing the origins of its biggest icons in this week’s zero issues.
Geoff Johns made orange and green badass again! In Aquaman #0 we see Arthur Curry’s first meeting with the Atlanteans and how this moment propels his future. Aquaman and Justice League will soon crossover in the upcoming Throne of Atlantis epic.
In Batman: The Dark Knight #0 Gregg Hurwitz goes back to the detective case that started it all – Joe Chill and the murder of the Bruce Wayne’s parents.
Flash #0 reveals the origin of the Scarlet Speedster. How Barry Allen’s tragedy put him on the path to becoming the fastest hero alive.
In Superman #0 new creative team Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort (Red Hood and the Outlaws) take over the series and take us back to Krypton when Jor-El learned his home world was doomed

The young generation of DC heroes gets the zero treatment too and one of them has a big change to their origin in the New 52.
Teen Titans #0 Lobdell reveals on the origin of its leader. See how young computer genius Tim Drake became Batman’s sidekick and Red Robin – leader of the teen heroes. Plus the origins of new characters Skitter and Bunker.
By Editor