In the aftermath of Original Sin #3 the Marvel Universe is shaken to the core. (You can read our review (spoiler warning) here.) Now the original sins of heroes are out in the open. Heroes are shocked. Friendships and families will be shattered.
The Watcher saw all – so he knows every secret of the Marvel Universe. Those secrets are out including Thor learned has a sister, Captain America learned Dr. Strange mind wiped him – at Tony Stark’s orders. The revelations get even more shocking.
This week the fallout hits in Original Sins #1 starring Deathlok, Young Avengers, Inhumans and more heroes.
“Regardless of if you are a hero, a villain or an innocent bystander, the Watcher has seen all and knows all. There is so much that affects so many characters that aside from the murder mystery and the characters with their own titles, there was plenty for Original Sins to be about,” Executive Editor Tom Brevoort said in a Marvel liveblog.
Here are some of the characters and writers in the 5-part series:

Young Avengers vs. the Hood written by Ryan North.
Doctor Doom by James Robinson.
J. Jonah Jameson by Dan Slott.
Lockhaw of the Inhumans by Charles Soule.
Deathlok (Michael Collins) by Nathan Edmondson. A new ongoing will follow.
Original Sins #1 arrives Wednesday.
By Editor