OBI-WAN KENOBI Looking Back and Ahead

A long time ago in a cinema far, far away.

1977. Turnage Theater. Washington, NC.

A mom and dad took their son to see his first movie in a cinema on the big screen. STAR WARS.

The child was never the same. Toys followed including a Droid Factory. Action figures dueled. Comics were discovered. Seeing sequels was inevitable. Wondering what’s next and what came before.

2022 this boy is now a mature man with a nostalgic boyish love for the story that keeps evolving from the first cinema experience to streaming on my television screen at home.

I anxiously, nervously, excitedly away OBI-WAN KENOBI on Disney+. Ewan McGregor returns as the Jedi Master in a new limited series in an adventure revealing the lost years between the trilogy of my youth, the prequel trilogy of the saga that came years later and a rematch with the cinema villain that I feared but dressed up as one Halloween long ago.

Before I tell you, what this means to me – let me tell you what I know and hope for in this new chapter:

Set in the time after STAR WARS: REVENGE OF THE SITH and before STAR WARS: A NEW HOPE, this is the Jedi Knight after his greatest failure and a devastating duel. Once heroes of the Old Republic, the Jedi are hunted by the relentless forces of the Galactic Empire. Obi-Wan is on Tattoine watching over one of the children of Anakin and Padme Skywalker. Luke is being raised by his Uncle Owen and Aunt Beru. This fallen hero is watching over one of the twins who could bring a new hope to galaxy. This Knight is now prey for relentless hunters who want to crush any trace of hope on behalf of their Sith master.  

Ewan McGregor – I’d watch him just reading the phone book in a movie. Ewan is back along with a creative team to give Obi-Wan some heroic redemption as he faces a trio if Imperial Inquisitors and a reunion with his apprentice turned Dark Lord of the Sith.

I am intrigued in how McGregor will play Obi-Wan as the character grows closer to the iconic mentor figure played by Alec Guinness, the mysterious old “wizard” who rescued an almost grown-up Luke and set him on a journey. The journey that let to a Death Star duel that made everyone scream “No!” like Luke.

Vader – Hayden Christiansen is reprising his role as Anakin Skywalker/Darth Vader and what appears to be a light saber rematch. After the Luke/Vader final moment in RETURN OF THE JEDI, I thought that was it. Then came the confrontation and operation that saw Anakin transformed in REVENGE OF THE SITH. I thought that was it. ROGUE ONE A STAR WARS STORY fired up that familiar fear and being left in awe at the power and presence of Vader.  This prequel will give more of the legendary rivalry of friends turned enemies that led to that fateful light saber fight in A NEW HOPE. If you thought Luke Skywalker’s scream was filled with shock and sadness – it was even more jarring for the this guy in the cinema.  

The return of Deborah Chow. Chow directed my favorite episode in the first season of THE MANDALORIAN so I’m thrilled that she is helming all six episodes of this series. I can’t wait for the fight scenes.

I feel such excitement, sense of nostalgia and connection to the story of Obi-Wan and Anakin from A NEW HOPE. I always connected with that Luke. A boy on farm looking to the horizon, wanting to see what’s about there, knowing you are meant to be somewhere else, something else but leaving where you now seem impossible…until you see a sign and meet a mentor. I never had a vision of a Princess via a droid but I did find my way off the farm. I brought my droid toys with me.

Obi-Wan Kenobi is a mythical figure but always one you could relate with. The one played by Guinness was the father figure/mentor/spiritual guide ushering in a new hope after a life of sacrifice, solitude and devotion to a child. The one played by McGregor was the dashing hero devoted to his apprentice and cause devastated by forces of evil and forced into a fight against a friend. Now we pick up the journey of a fallen Knight, his reunion with Vader and the hidden years of a saga that gave us a Skywalker.

Enjoy and May the Force Be With You.  

OBI-WAN KENOBI begins with the first two episodes on Disney+ May 27th.

By Editor  

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