Sam Alexander may be the Marvel’s newest hero but he’s the target of the biggest icon of evil in the cosmos! The youngest member of the Nova Corps will encounter Thanos when Infinity brings the Mad Titan to Earth…while the Avengers are across the galaxy!
Zeb Wells and Paco Medina are taking over Sam’s missions with Nova #6 in July. Marvel shared a first Ed McGuinness’ cover of Nova #8 and Wells on how he picks up Sam’s adventures just as Infinity brings Thanos to Earth:
“Thanos is not so subtly trying to destroy the Earth,” says Wells, “Sam, as one of the few cosmic heroes still planet-side, figures he needs to step up to the plate.
“He reacts to Thanos the same way he reacts to all would-be conquerors: with derision and ridicule. Unfortunately Thanos isn’t going to take to that as well as some of the foes he’s met in the past.”
Wells said he will introduce new characters and some from the Richard Rider (the original Nova) era and that The Watcher is keeping an eye on Sam’s actions in the Marvel Universe.

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