Nightcrawler: Warlord! From the Vaults

  I’m posting to you from Eastern North Carolina for the holidays where I’ve had time to dig into my comic vaults – those comics I couldn’t take with me to Seattle 13 years ago – but thankfully I have a Mom who understands what’s important to a good geek son so she packed them away carefully. Here’s a flashback I want to share.

  I still miss Kurt Wagner. Nightcrawler will always be my favorite X-Man. Kurt was born looking like a fearsome demon but with a gentle soul. I was moved by how some writers played upon the tragic irony of Kurt’s life. A caring man of faith hated and feared because of genetics he couldn’t control.

Excalibur #16 courtesy of

 My favorite Nightcrawler stories were when he was portrayed as a swashbuckling adventurer. Excalibur #16 featured Kurt Wagner, Warlord. Kurt was in fun form in sword battles with monstrous warriors and seductive encounters scantily clad princesses. This was Chapter Five on The Cross-Time Caper which found Excalibur swirling through multiple dimensions trying to find a way home. In this world – the Excalibur lost their powers and became sword wielding heroes right out of John Carter, Warlord of Mars. The team all has their moments but this issue was a showcase for the dashing, swashbuckling Kurt – including an encounter with a blue skinned beauty. Chris Claremont and Alan Davis partnership on Excalibur still remains a favorite of mine filled with action, fantasy, humor and one of my favorite portrayals of Nightcrawler.

Stay tuned for more From the Vault posts next week! Merry Christmas.