Nightcrawler (my personal favorite X-Man) is not just back in the land of the living – he’s fun again. Jason Aaron’s Wolverine and the X-Men run built up Amazing X-Men and the return of Kurt Wagner.
Now writer Chris Claremont and artist Todd Nauck are bringing us Kurt’s new adventures in a solo series starring the Fuzzy Elf. Nightcrawler #3 is out this week as Kurt races across the globe trying to rescue loved ones from his past. The legendary writer takes great supporting characters from Kurt’s pages like Amanda Sefton and Margali Zdardos to spin a fast paced and fun new thriller.
When Kurt died in Second Coming epic he had been portrayed as a somber man of faith who was losing faith. The portrayal of Kurt fit the storylines back then (the extinction of the mutant race, was Hope the mutant messiah?) but it’s so good to have the swashbuckling, romantic and hopeful Kurt back.
This X-Man has a second chance a life and Claremont is writing him like a man reborn who’s not wasting a moment. Todd Nauck is a perfect artist for this new series that gives us the fun Nightcrawler from the Excalibur era. I’ve enjoyed the new series so much I’ve been wanting to dive back into the early Claremont and Alan Davis issues of the first Excalibur run.
As Kurt’s new adventures take him to old friends, new foes and familiar surroundings here are some favorites I’d like to see Claremont and Nauck revisit in upcoming issues of Nightcrawler.

Warwolves Imagine werewolves but encased in Silver Surfer like liquid metal. Bowzer, Ducks, Scarpie, Popsie were genetically engineered agents of Mojo sent to bring Rachel Summers back to Mojoworld. Warwolves are ruthless hunters but with a twist sense of humor and love television. The predators can actually wear a victim’s skin as a disguise, mimic voices and working together, can create dimensional portals.
The Warwolves were eventually defeated and captured by Excalibur (Kurt, Rachel, Kitty Pryde, Meggan and Captain Britain.) The strange predators became a popular attraction in the London zoo until their escape. The warwolves are still on the loose but their master (Mojo) recently appeared in an Uncanny Avengers Annual.
The Warwolves are twisted, creepy creations that fit the dark fantasy of Kurt’s world and would make fun adversaries – especially at the hands of their creator, Claremont. I’d love see a battle royale between Kurt and his bamfs vs. the Warwolves. In fact, I’d welcome an Excalibur reunion and journey to Mojoworld.
By Editor