The humor and horror of war is captured in the sketchbooks of the young man who would become one of DC Comics’ most renowned artists. Before Nick Cardy’s runs on Aquaman and Teen Titans he served his country in World War Two. Cardy carried a sketchbook to document his time in the great conflict from basic training to battlefields across Europe to Paris after V.E. Day. This unique one man’s perspective is beautifully packaged in Nick Cardy: The Artist At War from Titan Books.
Cardy’s entire sketchbook and his own commentary give an extraordinary insight into the camaraderie and isolation of these young men. One of my favorite sketches is of a young man called Pvt Perkins that captures the innocence about to be lost. As Cardy’s tour of his tour of duty takes us into the desolate battlefields and small towns overrun by tanks and soldiers.
Nick Cardy: The Artist At War is a moving collection of sketches, watercolors, photos and the voice of a powerful artist. From intimate portraits to brutal landscapes, this Silver Age comic book legend takes you on a moving journey through his time during the war. I recommend Nick Cardy’s collection for lovers of history and to see a different side of this great artist who made pop culture history.
By Editor