Next DOCTOR WHO Revealed

courtesy BBC and Facebook/DoctorWho
courtesy BBC and Facebook/DoctorWho

The BBC revealed the 12th Doctor Who:

Peter Capaldi was unveiled in a live worldwide special on the BBC.


The actor has been a lifelong fan. Capaldi confessed he was working in Prague and missed “the call” that he’d got the job. Capaldi was seen in the David Tennant episode The Fires of Pompeii episode. The special revealed Capaldi wrote a fan letter when he was 15.


Ironically Capaldi is playing a W.H.O. Doctor in World War Z in theaters now.


Matt Smith is leaving the role after three seasons which saw a huge surge in popularity and ratings for the show. Smith will appear in a 50th Anniversary Special with Tenth Doctor David Tennant this November and his final appearance will be in the Christmas episode.


The Eleventh Doctor will regenerate into this new body with a new actor in the holiday episode.


When I see Capaldi I immediately think of Jon Pertwee and Roger Delgado. Pertwee was the Third Doctor and Delgao was his nemesis The Master.  The actor looks like a genetic blending of those legendary actors who play the good and evil Time Lords. How perfect if it turns out the Twelfth Doctor wears a cape!


Capaldi represents a change and throwback to the Time Lord mythos. After three seasons of a younger quirky man of action (Smith was 27 when he signed on) and romantic leading man, Capaldi would be a return to the mentor/father figure style of Doctor like the First Doctor William Hartnell and Third Pertwee.


Jenna Louise Colman will return Season 8 as Clara, the Doctor’s companion.


By Editor


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