Brian Wood took over X-Men #30 with a new mission and mystery for Storm’s team. This issue felt so good because it took me back to the Chris Claremont and Paul Smith era. As much as I love the mutants and creative teams all the X-books can seem too big with too many characters tied to way to many plot threads.
Cyclops has made Storm leader of a security task force to defend mutants. Ororo leads a small team where everyone has a purpose, every mutant’s power fits into making them an effective unit and everyone gets screen time. Wood definitely demonstrates this team is under Storm’s authority.
Blank Generation begins with the discovery of what might be a new mutant race, a murder, two monsters and Storm defiantly keeping secrets from Scott. Wood sets a strong tone and pace. The art reminds me of Paul Smith but more nuanced. David Lopez draws the X-Women feminine yet strong without the typical cheese. This book reminded me of when there was just one book – and it felt nostalgic and exciting but with a dark tone.
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