DC Comics The New 52 marks the one year anniversary of the relaunch with a new creative team on the publisher’s most iconic hero. DC Comics revealed that Scott Lobdell and Kenneth Rocafort (Red Hood & The Outlaws) take over Superman with issue zero this September. Lobdell shared this excitement for his upcoming run.
“Like every other writer in the world who has ever heard of SUPERMAN, I’ve spent a good part of my life wishing for the opportunity to write the ongoing adventures of the Man of Steel!
“Grant Morrison has left me a lot of new bright and shiny new toys on the table through ACTION COMICS — and you better believe I’m going to take every one of the around the block for a ride! Thank you, Grant, for the this brave new world, and thank you DC for trusting me with the super hero who started it all.
“I wrote a proposal for the series and I remember more than once thinking ‘No way they’ll let me do this — not in a million years!’ But then I’d look up at the Post-It® over my computer that says ‘Scott, Go Bold Or Go Home!’ and I just kept writing! For weeks after I turned it in I kept waiting for the phone call that said ‘Uh, yeah. Interesting. But never in a million years, Lobdell!’ Instead I got a text that said simply said ‘Congratulations.’
“So strap yourselves in, people, because we’re going up up upper and awayer than we’ve ever gone before!
“Yes, I am acutely aware that I have some very big shoes to fill. From Jerry and Joe right on through George and Dan and Kieth and all the other writers and artists over the run of the series. Not too nerve-wracking, right?!
“And, of course, I probably would not have made the leap to the world’s most recognizable hero if I didn’t do it with Kenneth Rocafort at my side. Anyone who has been following his artwork on RED HOOD AND THE OUTLAWS knows he has an imagination unlike many others! He can handle the heavy lifting that comes with world building on one page, and pull a tear out of you through an intense emotional moment on the next.”
After seeing how Rocafort portrayed Starfire I look forward to seeing how he draws Lois Lane!
By Editor