Spider-Man and the X-Men courtesy Marvel, a exclusive first
Spider-Man and the X-Men courtesy Marvel, a exclusive first

With Death of Wolverine this month fans wondered about the fate of the Wolverine and the X-Men book.

Who will join the students and staff of the Jean Grey School?

Your friendly neighborhood webslinger will make Westchester part of his neighborhood.

Peter Parker will join the mutants in Spider-Man and the X-Men in December according to

The new book will be written by Elliot Kalan, lead writer of The Daily Show with artist Marco Failal and covers by Nick Bradshaw.

The official description reveals Spidey’s role at the school:

“Meet the Jean Grey Academy’s new guidance counselor: Spider-Man!
What’s a non-mutant doing at a school for mutants? What secret suspicion has fueled the formation of his special student class?
And because you demanded it! Sauron and Stegron the Dinosaur Man! The villain team 65 million years in the making!”

The Daily Show writer explains why Spidey is joining up and the conflict it will cause:

“You’ve hit the nail on the head about why the X-Men aren’t very happy with having Spider-Man involved with the school (along with his general troublemaking and wisecracking qualities — Spidey’s an acquired taste for many Marvel characters). He’s not a mutant, and though he may be a friend of the X-Men, he’s not a member of the family. There’s a lot of tension between mutants and an outsider whose true identity they can’t even know for sure. But before Wolverine died he made it clear he wants Spider-Man at the school, and he asked Spider-Man to go on a mission for him. Unfortunately, Logan also wanted the mission kept secret from the other X-Men, so all they see is Wolverine’s crazy pal inserting himself into their business,” Kalan told

Kalan revealed Spider-Man’s special class will include No-Girl, Rockslide, Glob Herman, Ernst, Hellion, Shark Girl, and Eye Boy.

Spider-Man and the X-Men #1 arrives in December.

By Editor

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