The New Mutants and Kid Loki (in Journey Into Mystery)are currently magically mixed up in the Exiled crossover. Writers Dan Abnett and Andy Lanning will follow up with Fear the Future guest starring Doctor Strange and the Defenders in issue #44.
“Something’s up, and the Defenders intend to defend against it, like they do,” previews Abnett. “The New Mutants are right at the heart of it all. There are some pretty big surprises and reveals coming along.
“The Defenders are all serious and grown up; there’s some amusement to be had when they all hang out in the New Mutants’ house.

Fear will be followed by Fight the Future. revealed these covers for New Mutants #47 and #48 by John Tyler Christopher coming in August.

The writing duo confirm Cannonball, Karma and Blink will be making appearances in the upcoming story. Looking the cover – it looks like the Hellions are back (looking all techno zombie resurrected like they did in the Necrosha event!) For more of the Abnett and Lanning interview here’s the link.
Here’s an earlier post talking about the possibility of a New Mutants movie, my hope some of the characters appear in the next X-Men: First Class film and The Hunger Games star who’d be perfect for one of the kids.
By Editor