The origin of the most twisted DARK NIGHTS METAL Batman from the Dark Multiverse is almost here.

Here are the new comic book picks of the week:
THE BATMAN WHO LAUGHS A squad of evil Batmen from the Dark Multiverse unleashed on the DC Universe. The Batman Who Laughs and his bizarre Robins may be the most twisted, powerful new enemy. James Tynion IV, Riley Rossmo unveil his origin in this Dark Nights Metal one-shot.
DOCTOR STRANGE #381 Loki, Sorcerer Supreme? How did the trickster get the cloak and spells? Will Loki be the hero or is the God of Lies just seizing ultimate power. Where’s Stephen Strange? Donny Cates and Gabriel Hernandez Walta cast a new Marvel Legacy spell for the Master of the Mystic Arts
SECRET WARRIORS #8 Versus Mister Sinister. The X-Men villain is targetting Inhumans for his bizarre experiments to evolve humanity. Can Quake, Ms. Marvel and the team defeat the scientist without Karnak who set out on own his agenda? Matthew Rosenberg and Javier Garron launch the Marvel Legacy arc for the Inhumans on Earth.
NINJA-K #1 Colin King is the most ruthless operative of MI-6’s top secret division. Learn the secrets of The Ninja Programme going back to Ninja-A in World War I. Christos Gage and Tomas Giorello declassify the past and set Valiant’s dangerous hero on a new adventure.
By Editor