A DC Universe without a Justice League? Don’t worry! In the aftermath of DARK NIGHTS METAL, four teams on four missions by superstar creative teams.

Look at this roster. What until see who’s joined forced after new enemies are unleashed on the DC Universe:
JUSTICE LEAGUE: NO JUSTICE #1 Superman, Wonder Woman, Batman and The Flash each lead a squadron made of heroes, rogues and villains after a dire warning from Brainiac. Writers Scott Snyder, James Tynion IV and Joshua Williamson and artist Francis Manapul launch this four-issue weekly miniseries setting up a new era for the League.
DESPICTABLE DEADPOOL #300 A milestone issue for the Merc with a Mouth! Captain America leads Marvel’s biggest heroes in the hunt for Wade Wilson. This is final issue for writer Gerry Duggan after more than five years. Artists Scott Koblish, Mike Hawthorne and Matteo Lolli return for Duggan’s swan song in this triple sized issue.
VENOM #1 Something evil awakens under New York and inside the Lethal Protector. Will the Symbiote turn on Eddie Brock in this new beginning from writer Donny Cates and artist Ryan Stegman.
HUNT FOR WOLVERINE: THE ADAMANTIUM AGENDA #1 The New Avengers reunite to join the search for Logan. Iron Man, Luke Cage, Jessica Jones and Spider-Man undercover a conspiracy involving covert government enemies, DNA and medical miracles. Tom Taylor and R.B. Silva team up for one of four teams/books tied to the return of the X-Man.
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