It’s Wonder Woman week! The Year One team reveals new stories of Diana’s DC Rebirth past. Plus, look who’s back. It’s all in this week’s new comic book picks of the week:
Cable #1 X-Force founder. X-Man. Revolutionary. Time Warrior. The son of Cyclops is back on a new mission across history to stop a new enemy from the future in this new ResurrXion book by James Robinson and Carlos Pachecho.
Secret Empire #3 Each issue is packed with emotional punches and WTH?! moments! Black Widow is out for revenge but will she turn Marvel’s youngest heroes into her own assassins to take out Captain America? And what about last issue’s cliffhanger? What has Nick Spencer’s endgame been this whole time since the emergence of Hydra Steve Rogers?
Secret Empire Uprising #1 takes fans deeper into Black Widow’s mission and her squadron of Marvel’s brightest young heroes going doing a dark path to crush Hydra.
Wonder Woman Annual #1 What happened when Diana met Superman and Batman for the first time in DC Rebirth? In honor of her big screen solo adventure. a collection of stories from the Year One team of Greg Rucka and Nicola Scott.
Flash #23 The Fastest Man Alive at a crossroads with a rift between him and the woman he loves and his sidekick and return of an old enemy with the power to strike all those he loves. The prelude to Running Scared by Joshua Williamson takes off as Barry must race to future and Thawne.
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